
Primary School


Class 2

Homework 2nd October 2020

admin on: Class 2

It's been another great week in Y2 with lots of measuring in maths and list sentences in literacy. We've also made a great job of our paper boats in D&T:

We had a looked at 'fact families' in maths, so we recognise that once we know one thing, we actually know four things!...

Homework this week is Mathletics (counting in 2, 5, 10 again and sequencing numbers), Spelling Shed:


I've added a little task on TEAMs to ensure you get used to using this platform. Thank you to those of you who logged on this week and completed the ship description - there were some amazing ones. If you have trouble getting on, please let me know. Keep up with the reading, I can really see a difference in the children that are reading regularly at home - always write a comment in the diary as I just love to read them and it really does matter to your child. Blue books have a 'dots and dashes' or 'beans and sausages' activity in there, children need look for the sounds in the words and either dot or dash them - sounds complicated, but the children are experts on this and know what to do!

Finally, we've talked a lot about 'independence' in class and being able to just have a go at tasks and activities without the need for an adult to be sat next to them. Lots of children, understandably, have lost a little of their self-motivation and so if you could chat about these things at home, it would really help us out. 

Have a wonderful weekend, stay safe and see you on Monday!

Mrs B x

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Planting science experiment

admin on: Class 2

Thursday 1st October 2020

Today, we started our science experiment where we are comparing how seeds and bulbs grow in four different conditions. These are sunlight and water, sunlight but no water, no sunlight and water, and no sunlight and no water. We have planted our bulbs and seeds and will see how they progress over the next three weeks. 



Miss H x

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Homework Friday 25th September 2020

admin on: Class 2

Happy Friday everyone!

It's been another busy week in Class 2. Thank you for your support with homework, and apologies for the Summer Challenge - Mr Hobson forgot to pop these on his blog before the summer. I think we can forgive him with everything that was going on at the time! I'll think of something nice for children to do over the next holidays.

Children have brought home their reading books tonight - we're really focusing on reading in the classroom, so please read with your child and write in their reading record. Reading books need to be in school everyday. 

I'm hoping that you got your letter about TEAMS. Please have a try at logging into this either through the app or on a web browser. I've set a little 'assignment' on there for children to have a go at. As usual there is Mathletics (1 less, 10 less) and Spelling Shed (kn words) to complete, plus some more common exception words - please tick if your child can read them and get them to write them on the line.Blue homework books need to be handed back in on Wednesday or before.

I hope you like the worry dolls the children made in class today, I was super proud of their independence and crafty skills this afternoon. We did some excellent tidying up too!


Enjoy the weekend, stay safe!

Mrs B x

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Homework Friday 18th September 2020

admin on: Class 2

Happy Friday everyone! Firstly a huge thank you to the adults and children for being so organised and coming into school on Tuesday and Thursday in PE kits! The children really enjoyed the new dance session on Thursday. Today we were so excited because we had our first virtual whole school assembly! We gave out merits in each class and the children could see every class and listen to who had been awarded. We were all so thrilled that the technology worked!

This week, we've also managed to get into the woodland area to do some outdoor maths looking at partitioning numbers...

We used sticks and leaves to represent the tens and ones. 

Following on from this, the Mathletics homework for this week looks at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s as well as partitioning. Your child has brought home their homework tonight, which has their Mathletics password at the front. You'll also find their PurpleMash code and Spelling Shed details (Edshed, as it's now know).

I've set a few spellings on Spelling Shed - numbers, please practise these this week for a small test next Friday. Lastly, in the homework book there are two sheets of Year 1 common exception words (red words). Please sit with your children and see if they can independently read each word - if they can just give them a tick. Then they need to write each word on the line. You might need to do a few words at a time, rather than all at once. Ideally, all children need to be able to spell these words.

Thank you so much for your support with homework. Next week I will have some lovely volunteers in school and we will be able to start sending scheme reading books home again.

A reminder that the summer challenge sheets are due on Monday 21st September. Winners to be announced next week!

Have a wonderful weekend and see you on Monday!

Mrs Barker

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Happy Friday!

admin on: Class 2

Wow! What a week it's been. I'd like to say a huge thank you to all of Class 2 and your lovely adults for being patient with our new systems and listening to instructions. It's never easy coming back after the long summer holidays, but this year has been especially challenging. It takes a long time to get our hands washed and go to the toilet but each day we are getting better and better at it!

This week has been all about settling in. The children have quickly got used to our new routines and we even managed a bit of work here and there! We've done lots of talking and listening to each but just having the chance to be back at school, playing with friends has made us all smile.

Here's is the Class 2 curriculum letter, telling you all about this half term. There is a lot of information on there, so please take your time to read it. As you will see, our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure you child comes to school ready in their PE kit. Homework will normally go out on a Friday and I aim to start next week, I'm just awaiting log in details for Mathletics. I will also send reading books home next week. We normally have lots of volunteers in school to help with changing books but things are a little different at the moment - so PLEASE be kind if we can't change books as regularly as we have in the past. Please continue to share books that you have at home for now or look on line at sites like Oxford Reading Tree, for lots of free online books.

As I mentioned, I'm not setting any homework this week - just keep talking to your child/children about any worries (ask them about the worry stick they made today) and do some counting in 1's, 2's, 5's and 10's all the way to 100 and back again - if possible! You can do this activity anywhere and as often as possible.

Have a lovely weekend and see you back at school on Monday!

Mrs B x

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