
Primary School


Class 4        Mrs Matthews

About us:

 Welcome to Class 4!

I am very much looking forwards to spending another fun and exciting year with your wonderful children.

Our ultimate aim is that the children feel happy and relaxed as they learn in a fun, exciting and inspiring environment. We maintain a nurturing, kind and caring classroom and always encourage the children to be as equally kind to each other.

As the children all learn in different ways, we aim to work outdoors as well as in and will incorporate active and practical tasks as well as written ones. We are so lucky here at Netherthong having two wonderful forest areas to work in, as well as a gorgeous village; we will certainly be making the most of them!

Topics we will be exploring this year include ‘Wild’ and ‘Adventure’ in Autumn, ‘Invicta’ and ‘Splash’ in the Spring and ‘Mummies’ and ‘Power’ in the Summer. Each half term our curriculum letter will provide you with lots of details of the exciting activities to expect. ‘Egyptians’ and ‘Roman’ are very popular topics in history, but the highlight of the year is always the Residential Visit to Cliffe House. This year we will be going at the beginning of May; the children will absolutely love every minute. Miss Hewitt and myself are equally as excited!

This year we are also very much looking forwards to taking the children down to Holmfirth Pool and Fitness for weekly swimming lessons. Our aim is that every one of the children are able to feel happy, safe and confident in the water as they learn to swim or develop their skills further.

As we are very keen to ensure the children are given as much opportunity as possible, we are always very keen to welcome parents and volunteers into the classroom to offer additional support. Please do let us know if you can spare any time at all (even an hour) each week to listen to children read or help them practice times tables or areas they may be struggling on, please do let us know. We would always welcome you with open arms!!

If there is anything at all you need to ask or just need time to talk, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email and I’ll always get back to you straight away.


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