
Primary School


Class 2 Mr Hobson

In class two, we are a team! Our learning is active, engaging and dynamic! We appreciate everyone’s contribution to our class and we create a colourful, stimulating and challenging environment!  We want all children feeling safe and able to develop the confidence and independence to become lifelong learners. We make sure that we have fun along our journey! 

During the year, we cover the following topics which, where possible, entwine multiple subjects and offer cross-curricular learning. We kick off the year ‘exploring’ Explorers and Journeys before moving onto Scotland and the Great Fire of London in Spring. By the time summer comes around, we will be enjoying learning about the seaside and the land down under – Australia!  

In literacy, the children learn how to create their own information texts, non-chronological reports, explanations, instructions, letters and diaries, as well as stories and poems by using high-quality texts and visual stimulus. There’s a lot of grammar to discover including classifying words, using a range of sentences and exploring more sophisticated punctuation like inverted commas. 

Books and reading are the golden thread in everything that we do in Y2, we have fun exploring a wide range of specially selected books through art, talking, writing and role play. We incorporate “Read Write Inc.” phonics, spelling and literacy activities into our learning each week. 

In maths, we use a range of activities to include problem-solving and investigations with lots of opportunity for practical, hands-on work. We also incorporate reasoning activities to allow children to gain a deeper understanding and greater knowledge of the different areas. Every day, the children complete ‘5 questions’ – mental maths which revisit all areas of maths so that concepts really ‘stick’! 

We have the awesome opportunity to enjoy some Forest school time in year 2. The class is split into groups and each get turns to enjoy our amazing grounds and learn outdoors! We aim to develop confidence, creativity and both teamwork and independence!  

Year 2 is a fabulous year for working hard, having fun and achieving great things!


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