
Primary School


Class 6  Mrs Clayton

Year 6 is about being role models, showing the other children and staff how responsible we are and preparing for high school. We will be working hard to prepare for our SATs, but we will also look at the wider curriculum in detail. The children will begin in Autumn by looking at war across the ages and seeing how war has changed in the last 1000 years. In Spring, we will be focussing on our geography topic of Jamaica, looking at the human and physical geographical features. Finally, the Summer term will see us looking at a range of ancient civilisations – some we are familiar with; others not so much! We will be thinking about what caused these civilisations to thrive and how they ended.

The most important thing for me as their teacher is that they enjoy Year 6 and I prepare them sufficiently for high school.  

One final thought: the year will be gone before we know it, so let’s not focus on what is around the corner all the time. Let’s enjoy the moment!


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