
Primary School


Class 2

Friday's Gallery

admin on: Class 2

Check out this week's fabulous gallery with all your lovely work and activities. Can you spot all the amazing transition work you sent to Mrs Matthews? She was most impressed by the standard of your work and she is very much looking forward to teaching you in September. Well done on another great week at home. Keep reading the newsletters and Jotter updates for some exciting plans for the last week of term...

Take care, stay safe.

Mrs B xx

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Remote Learning Friday 26th June 2020

admin on: Class 2

Happy Friday everyone! Wow! It’s been a hot one this week, I hope you’ve managed to stay safe in the sun with plenty of ice lollies?

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Go Noodle (Have a go at 'Roar' if you can!) or Andy’s Wild Workouts

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.

Creative Friday


LO: Place value

  • 203 + 10 = ?
  • Partition 10 in 3 different ways.
  • 34 – 14 = ?
  • 110 ÷ 10 =
  • What number is 7 more than 56?
  • Make £1.80 with 5 coins

Have a look at these interactive place value cards:

Make the number 124 by clicking on the + or – keys like so:

How would you partition 124? Click on each card to see it partition the number:

From this, we can create the number sentence:

100 + 20 + 4 = 124

Now try with 427. Use the place value cards to help you. Now write the number sentence to go with it. Repeat with 888.

Now try these, remember to write the addition number sentence:

  • 567
  • 786
  • 238
  • 472
  • 189
  • 608
  • 320
  • 999



Today I would like you to draw your own picture of Uluru. You can draw this however you like – felt tips, paints, coloured pencils or even collage.  While you are drawing it, think of some words that could describe the rock. Put your words on separate pieces of paper. Some examples might be:






Then think of some sentences to describe Uluru – use all your research and knowledge to help you. You can keep these quite simple, some examples could be:

Rising out of the ground.

A giant on the landscape.

Again, write these on separate pieces of paper. Once you have a good number of words and sentences, spread them out in front of you and pair them up. So it might be:


Breath-taking. A giant on the landscape.

Rugged. Rising out of the ground.


Keep going with your word and sentence matching. Play around with the overall order of your work. Once you have completed this, you will have created a descriptive poem to add to your illustration! I look forward to reading yours!


 Creative Friday

Have a go at this crossword about Australian animals (if you click on the picture a PDF will open up):


Today looks like it might be quite rainy, so here's a inside creative idea...Make a paper plate Sydney Harbour Bridge.

To make each the bridge you will need:

  • paper plate
  • two paper cups
  • scissors
  • black marker
  • toothpick
  • Australian flag sticker
  • tape

 You can find the instructions on how to make it here.

Have a fantastic day and send me all your photos by lunchtime to ensure you appear in this week’s gallery.

Mrs B x





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Remote Learning Thursday 25th June 2020

admin on: Class 2

A very sunny good morning to you all!

Well wasn’t it hot yesterday! It is meant to be just as hot today if not even hotter so stay safe! At the weekend, we went for a walk with some incredible views in Marsden. While on the walk, I saw this and had to share it with you …


Don’t you just love the hair on these characters?!

Here's the suggested timetable:

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20mins (remember to record your reading in your reading record)

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing guiding a PE lesson at 9am (

Don’t forget GoNoodle:



Break – Spend some time in the shade and make a picture using natural materials.




Today, we are going to look at world habitats. Do you remember how plants and animals rely on the environment around them to provide them with everything they need? This means they have to live somewhere that has the right conditions to help them stay alive and well. Because different places around the world have different conditions, the plants and animals that live there are different too.

Here is a PowerPoint about different habits from around the world.

You are going to do some research about habitats. Researching means finding out more information about something you are interested in.

Here is a sheet to help you write down your research.


What lovely weather we are having at the moment! As we approach summer and the warmer weather, we need to be careful! Here is a PowerPoint about how to keep safe in the weather.

Can you make some posters that we could share with everyone about how to keep safe in this very hot sun?


In PE we are going to carry on with Paralympic sports!

Today, I would like you to have a go at boccia. Here is a video which explains what boccia is:

Have a go at this at home, you could use any balls you like or if you don’t have any, you could always use a ball of socks like in our SockPutt. How will you keep score? Let us know who wins!


Can you hear that sound? It is the sound of million and millions of people going wild for your music! Make a piece of music today to match the weather, here is one that makes me think of summer:

Have lovey day in the sun but remember to stay safe!

Miss H xx

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Remote Learning Wednesday 24th June 2020

admin on: Class 2

Good morning Class 2! I hope that you are OK today.  A huge thank you to Mrs Matthews for taking over the blog yesterday as part of our transition work. I hope you enjoyed doing the work and I have been telling her all about you and how fantastic you are!

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Joe Wicks is back showing a PE lesson at 9am or Go Noodle – another recommendation from me is ‘Popping Bubbles’ – but it’s difficult to get the song out of your head – you have been warned!

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.



LO: Round 2-digit numbers to nearest 10.

  • 120 + 32 = ?
  • Partition 7 in 3 different ways.
  • 78 - 27 = ?
  • 70 ÷ 10 =
  • What number is 8 more than 37?
  • Make £1.50 with 3 coins


On Monday, you were placing numbers on a number line. It helped to think about which ten number your numbers were closer to. You were really ‘rounding to the nearest 10’.

Have a look at this 0–10 number line. Point to 3: Is this closer to 0 or 10?

How about 8? Is this closer to 0 or 10? How about 4? Is this closer to 0 or 10? How about 5? Is this closer to 0 or 10? This is a trick one - although 5 is in the middle, mathematicians have decided (so that we all do the same thing) that we will round 5 up to the 10 above.

Look at this 30–40 number line. Mark 33 on the line. Is this closer to 30 or 40? What is 33 rounded to the nearest 10? Repeat for 38, 32, then 35 (remember the rule!)

Now generate a 2-digit number by rolling a 1–9 dice twice or use number cards or you can use this number wheel:

Then, round your number to the nearest 10! Repeat.


First of all, have a go at this alphabetical order challenge:

Online game

How did your research on Uluru go on Monday? It really is the most fascinating place. If you didn’t get chance to have a look into this mysterious landmark, then here is some more information for you to read today. There is a Powerpoint presentation – perhaps this includes some of your own facts?

Here is a sheet with some questions to answer - adults, the answers are at the end of the PDF!


LO: What are the stories about Jesus healing and caring for people?

What are the stories about Jesus healing and caring for people? Have a look at this clip:

healing the blindman

Reflect upon the changes that Jesus bought to the man’s life. Think of some ways in which Christians and other people can show care for the sick today, especially during the pandemic. What might you do to make someone feel better?

I hope you have a wonderful day! Keep smiling!

Mrs B x

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Home learning Tuesday 23rd June

admin on: Class 2

Good morning class 2!

It's Mrs Matthews here! I'm so excited to be adding my very first blog to you all! For the next 4 Tuesdays it will be me blogging!! I'm hoping it will give me a great opportunity to begin to get to know you all. I'm looking forwards to an exciting, fun and active year with you all next year!

Here are today's activities; have fun and be as creative as you can!


I'd really like to get to know you all. Please can you create a bright, colourful poster that tells me all about you. The design of your poster is entirely up to you, but it needs to tell me as much as possible about you. You could perhaps create an image of yourself on your poster (or add a photo) and add information such as who is in your family, your pets, your interests and hobbies, favourite places to visit etc. 

Try and make sure it's really neat and tidy and use your very best handwriting and colouring!!


Please can you take your time and create a picture of you and your family. You could you crayons, felt pens, pastels or paints; whatever you like! If you like you could send me a photo of your family to add to your picture and we could create a lovely display in class 3 for when you all begin in Autumn!


8 questions

  1. 34 + 25
  2. 72 - 31
  3. 6 x 3
  4. 7 x 5
  5. How many 10's in 234?
  6. How many 100's in 546
  7. How many ones in 654
  8. Half of 44

Problem to solve;

Mrs Barker went to the supermarket at 4 o'clock. If she got home 2 hours later, what time did she get back?


Who likes making things? I definitely do! Please could you make yourself a clock face. Class 3 made one at the beginning of 'lockdown' and it has really helped them with telling the time! 

School Project Clock/ how to make clock / DIY/ Clock Model for ...

Create your very own design!

You will need;

Card for the hands


Paper plate (or card) for the face

Split pin or blue tac

Felt pens

Take your time and make it as accurate as you can and make it lovely and colourful!

Then, most importantly, use your clock to practise making the time! See if you can begin with o'clock, half past, quarter to and past and if you can, try 5 past, 10 past etc. Have fun!


Find a cosy corner or make a reading den in the garden and share a book with Mum or Dad. Take turns to read to each other! Remember to try and read with exciting expression and ask them to ask you questions about the book after you've read. Could you find the answers in the book? Can Mum or Dad answer questions on the book they have read to you too?!!


Have a great day and please send me some photos of your activities. I'd love to hear from you all!

I'll be back in touch next Tuesday!

See you soon,

Mrs Matthews

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