
Primary School


Class 2

Transition Tuesday 14th July

admin on: Class 2

Good morning Year 2!

I can't believe we are now in our final week of the year; where has the time gone? You'll all be back in school and in class 3 in no time at all! I'm really looking forwards to you joining me; I have lots of exciting activities planned!

Thank you so very much for all your fabulous photos over the last few weeks; they have been wonderful to see every week. Check the blog later today for a 'Mrs Matthews Gallery'!!

Here are just a few activities for you today....


Today I'd really like you to say a very big thank you to whoever has been helping you with all your 'lockdown learning'! It might be Mum, Dad or someone else. It might be Grandparents or perhaps an older sister or brother. See if you can design a very special card for that special person! Write a special message inside too. Don't tell them though; make sure it's a surprise!!! You might want to treat them today too; perhaps a shoulder massage, lots of cuddles or helping to make them a surprise treat!


6 questions;

  1. 54 + 24
  2. 76 - 43
  3. 5 x 3
  4. 1/2 of 24
  5. If it is 3 o'clock, what time will it be in 2 hours?
  6. 23 + 22 + 21


I'd really like you to have fun practising your times tables in an active way this morning! Here's the instructions....

a. Every time you go upstairs count in 2's

b. Every time you go downstairs count in 5's

c. Try star jumps as you are counting in 10's

d. Count in 3's as you tidy your bedroom (if it's a little tricky, write them down first)

e. Help Mum or Dad set the table and try counting in 4's (write them down first if it's tricky!!)


Make a cosy little den in the house or outside if it's warm (fingers crossed) and share a book or two- Mum or Dad could read one to you and you could then read yours! Don't forget to ask each other questions about the books you have read!!

Have a wonderful day and remember to check the blog later today for our photo gallery!!

See you in September!!

Love from,

Mrs Matthews 



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Remote Learning Monday 13th July 2020

admin on: Class 2

Happy Monday everyone! So this is the final week of remote learning - this is week 17, who would have thought back in March that this was how the year would have unfolded? It really wasn't how I'd planned the year to go but I really have loved blogging every week and seeing the amazing things you've created, learned, achieved and shown great pride in. It hasn't been easy and I'm sure you'll have had days or even weeks of confusion and uncertainty. One thing that is certain, is that we are still a team, Netherthong is here for you and can't wait to welcome you back! 

So this week's 'veg news', I am pleased to announce that we have the beginnings of some chillies and tomatoes! 

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Joe Wicks is on today or try ‘I'm still standing’ on Go Noodle 

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.



LO: Place Value

So today we're going all the way back to September 2019, and our first maths lesson together! Back then we had '5 questions', and here they are:

1) 8 + 6 =

2) 12 – 7 =

3) Write 5 in words.

4) 4 x 2 =

5) Name the shape: 

I hope that you are thinking 'wow, I've come so far since then!'.

You'll need some playing cards today. Spread out a small pile of cards (if you remember we used Uno cards in class!). Try to guess how many there are, but you won’t have time to count them…you will need to estimate how many are there. About 10? About 20, 50 or 100? Discuss how if we guess an exact number like 57, it is unlikely to be correct, but our estimate might be accurate if we guess something like about 50. Count them and see how close your guess was.

Now, using different items such as Lego, pasta, pegs, paperclips etc - grab a handful, spread them out onto table and have a quick guess at how many you think there are. Don't take too long to look or else you'll end up counting them! Record your estimate and then count the items (check out how you count them - in 1s, 2s, 5s?). You could play this with your adult, let them have a guess too and then see which one of you is the closest to the real amount. How accurate are your guesses?


We're going back to September 2019 again in English today. Our first book that we read together was all about this man...

Do you remember who it is? Of course, it's Ernest Shackleton and his ship 'The Endurance'. Have a chat with your adult about what you can remember about him and his expedition. Can you point out on the map, where he planned to go?

Back in September I asked you to make a list of things he would need for his adventure, can you think about the things that were essential to take on his trip? We also created our own motto to help us on our way. Shackleton used  ‘By Endurance We Conquer.’ but we came up with some equally brilliant ones too. Today, I'd like you to think of a new motto - one that would be inspirational at the beginning of an adventure or endurance - you could think back over the last 17 weeks of your own Covid adventure. If you could go back and whisper something in your ear, what would it be?


Today is our last look at Australia. I hope you have enjoyed this topic, I certainly have and it's made me keen to visit the country when we can. Today is about comparing different cultures and lifestyles in Australia. Read through the presentation with your adult. Now have a go at this activity:

Have a great day and keep adding to our memories wall. Don't forget it's transition Tuesday tomorrow and Mrs Matthews will be taking over the blog.

See you SOON!

Mrs B x

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Friday's Gallery

admin on: Class 2

Another week has gone by and the weekend is upon us. Thank you for all your emails and for joining in on our virtual sports day. I know the weather wasn't ideal but you made the best of it and it looks as though you had fun! Next week is the last week of the summer term so I have some 'throw back' lessons to share with you to make you realise just how far you travelled this year! In the meantime, here are some pictures from this week (apologies if not all of them are here, our computer system is doing some very strange things indeed!)...and I can't wait for Thursday!!!

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Remote Learning Friday 10th July 2020

admin on: Class 2

Happy Friday everyone! Another week has gone by, only one more left in the summer term. How did you sports day go yesterday? I think I can describe mine as ‘soggy’, but still fun!

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Go Noodle or cosmic yoga

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.

Creative Friday


LO: Column subtraction

  • 237 + 152 = ?
  • Partition 32 in 3 different ways.
  • 88 - 28 = ?
  • 60 ÷ 5 =
  • What number is 13 more than 54?
  • What’s the time?

I’ve been super impressed with your column subtraction this week. You are remembering to line up your numbers in the correct place value, start from the right hand side and put your answers in the equal sign at the bottom.

Today I’d like you to use this method but with word problems. Let’s do one together…

  1. Peter has 45 conkers and he loses 24 conkers. How many conkers does Peter have now?

 Set your work out correctly…

 Now try the rest on this sheet!


Have a look at Purple Mash again today, I’ve set the next chapters of Sam’s Wet Day for you guys as a ‘To Do’. Well done to everyone that completed last week’s first chapter and for letting me know that you really enjoyed them. I’m hoping we can have Serial Mash as part of our Purple Mash package in September!

I’ve loved seeing your 'lost poster's, you really have great imaginations!

Today I’d like you to review The Lost Thing film using this template:

Film Review Template

Creative Friday

As it was sports day yesterday, Miss Hemingway would like to hi-jack this afternoon to finish her Olympics work, so here goes….

Hello there my little chums! 

This week is the last event in our Olympic and Paralympic adventure! You have all done so fabulously and given each event your all so thank you for that! 

Today we are going to look at the heptathlon. On 4th August, Jessica Ennnis-Hill won Gold in London 2012 on 'Super Saturday'. It was called 'Super Saturday' because Mo Farrah, Greg Rutherford and Jessica Ennis-Hill all won a gold medal within 44 minutes of each other. Additionally, we achieved 12 gold medals on that day! 

The heptathlon is an event which included 7 different events. Normally, athletes compete over two days in this sport. The sports that are included in a heptathlon are:

Day 1

  • 100m Hurdles
  • Discus
  • High jump
  • Javelin
  • 200m Run

Day 2

  • Long jump
  • Shot put
  • 800m Run

We have already done part of the heptathlon over this half term and yesterday for our sports day. Over the next two days, have a go at doing the events for the heptathlon in the correct order. With the high jump, you can adapt this by finding something to jump over which can be made higher after each jump or find different sized objects which get taller the more jumps you do! Why not make a soft landing by making a mountain of cushions! Let is know how you get on!

And that is it! We have completed our version on the Olympic and Paralympics! You all deserve a gold medal so here it is …


Here is a version you can print off and cut out to wear with pride, you deserve it!

Gold Medal

Don’t forget to keep contributing to the memories padlet:

Special Memories

Have a fantastic day and send me all your photos by lunchtime to ensure you appear in this week’s gallery.

Mrs B and Miss H xx





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Our Virtual Sports Day Thursday 9th July 2020

admin on: Class 2

Good morning to you year 2, I hope you are all well!

Keep your fingers very, very tightly crossed for some sunshine today for our 'Virtual Sports Day'!

Here is the summary of the activities we'd like the children to do and some extra information. We have also added a sheet you can use for your results. Please email us with any queries you have about any of the events. The most important point is that you have a great time. The weather sadly won't be as good as next week but unfortunately next week is exceptionally busy already and we'd like the results for Sports Day by the end of this week if possible. Hope you have a fabulous time!

Please feel free to create your own version, but these are the results that you to send in.

Sports Day Results sheet.docx

Sports Day bulletin.docx

Here are the links to the above files if they are of use.

Enjoy yourselves and do please let us know your results. We will see which team wins in our class and then we'll be able to see which team wins overall! Good luck!

Miss H and Mrs B xx

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