
Primary School


Class 2

19.1.24 Week in Review

admin on: Class 2

Good afternoon everyone,This week, in year two we have been learning lots around our topic of 'Scotland'. During our reading lessons, the class have worked amazingly hard on reading, understanding and performing the poem - 'To a Mouse' by Robert Burns. Katie Morag has been the main feature of our English learning this week and the class have put together some lovely diary entries from the point of view of Katie. They have managed to make their writing sound like it was written by Katie and they are so full of emotion you can feel the Katie Morag anger coming out of them! In maths, we have covered learning on odd and even number, rounding up and down and 3D shapes. I was very impressed with the classes skills when rounding and how speedy and accurate they were with their working out! 

In other areas, some of the group have been learning about Scottish sculptor Andy Scott and his famous Kelpies whilst outdoor learning has resumed for the other group. In music, we have started to learn a new song called the 'Grandma Rap' and during geography, the class were excellent at recapping and revisiting the continents and oceans of the world.

Have a great weekend everyone! 

Mr. H. 

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Happy New Year!

admin on: Class 2

Good afternoon everyone,

Happy New Year and welcome back! It is great to see everyone back and hear what you all got up to over the break.

In school, we have started learning about our new topic 'Scotland'! 

During our English lessons we have put together recounts about the Christmas break and then started to read various Katie Morag stories. The class was amazing at sequencing the story 'Katie Delivers the Mail' and are part way through writing a letter of thanks to Katie's Grannie for helping out in the story.

Shape and data have been our maths focus. The class used rulers to carefully create tables, block graphs and pictograms this week as well as brushing up on their 3D shape knowledge.

All in all, the children have been a pleasure to catch up with and they have worked extremely hard this week.

Have a lovely weekend and I'll see you all on Monday.


Mr. H.

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15/12/23 Week in Review!

admin on: Class 2

Good afternoon everyone,

This week in class two has been filled with fun and excitement about the coming festivities. As the advent calendar ticks closer to  Christmas Eve, the anticipation can almost be tasted!

In English this week, we have completed some learning linked to Aaron Becker's Journey and looked at a short film about Mog's Christmas Calamity by Judith Kerr. The class made amazing predictions about what was coming up in the story and loved watching the short clip.

During maths, the class have been learning about time and have been practically using mini clocks to tell the time to each quarter of an hour.

We have been practising lots of the songs and lines from our performance and look forward to sharing it with you next week.

Thanks and have a good weekend! 

Mr. H.

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24/11/23 Week in Review!

admin on: Class 2

This week in class two, we have really started our 'Journey'!

During our English lessons, we have spent some time exploring the book 'Journey' By Aaron Becker. This book has no words and relies on the images to tell the story. It is a beautiful book and the class have been amazing at coming up with their very own text to match the pictures.

In our reading sessions, we have been looking at the Arctic Circle and the people that live there. We now know about some different cultures, such as the Inuit and the Sami people.

In DT, we have been planning how we are going to make our hand puppets and have been considering what makes a product suitable for a certain audience. 

On Wednesday afternoon, the class enjoyed learning a little bit of French. We focused on words linked to school and recapped on our greetings and number words.

During Geography, we all enjoyed our weekly quiz which always becomes competitive towards the end when the points are being tallied up. We also finished off a bit of learning about the climate and weather in the Arctic and now can articulate that the summer in the Arctic Circle are still cold but far warmer than it would be in the winter.

Thanks everyone, have a great weekend!

Mr. H.

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17.11.23 Week in Review

admin on: Class 2

Good afternoon everyone,

I'm going to start off with music this week. The class have been listening to some of the movements from Camile Saint-Saens Carnival of the Animals and picking out the sounds of individual instruments. They have been thinking about the timbre, dynamics, tempo and pitch whilst listening and trying to match the music to an animal or habitat. 

During our English lessons, we have had fun with inverted commas. We have been writing made-up conversations whilst using the correct punctuation.

We have had a very productive week in maths, learning some useful shortcuts for adding numbers that are close to multiples of ten. The class have used 100 squares to make a jump if tens followed jumps of ones. It makes adding larger numbers much easier!

In DT, we have thought about how to make our puppets safe for children to play with. We spoke about material choices, fixings and design. We had a go at trying our initial ideas out on a design template to see if our first ideas could be made into a real puppet.

Well done all, and have a nice weekend everyone! 


Mr. H.

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