
Primary School


Class 2

Remote Learning Thursday 11th June 2020

admin on: Class 2

A BIG hello and good morning to you all!

I hope you are all well! At the weekend, I went on a socially distance walk with my mum and dad, the first time in over 11 weeks! Going for long walks on the moors is one of my favourite things to do as the views are stunning and it allows you to escape from everything else that is going on in life. It was so good to spend some time with both of them and go for a walk which is something that we enjoy doing a lot! We went for one of my dad’s famous ‘moor tours’. He always says he know where he is going, but most of the time he makes the route up as we go along!


What walks have you been on? Any recommendations for me?

Here's the suggested timetable:

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20mins (remember to record your reading in your reading record)

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing guiding a PE lesson at 9am (

Don’t forget GoNoodle:



Break – Try to capture what your life is like at the moment in one picture? Can you send it in so we can see?




This half term, we are going to be looking at living things and their habitats. We are going to focus on our local habitat. Can you remember the 7 life processes from last week? I will give you a hint, Mrs Gren.

Well done, here are the 7 life processes:

To stay alive and healthy, you and all other living things need certain conditions that let them carry out the 7 life processes. These are:

  • Food and water
  • Space to move, grow and have young
  • Air and oxygen
  • Shelter and safety

A habitat is a place where animals and plants live, where they can find everything they need to stay alive. It can be as big as an ocean or as small as a rock.

Think about these questions about the habitat that you live in:

  • Where do you live?
  • What living things live and grow there?
  • How does your habitat keep you safe and sheltered?
  • How does your habitat provide food and water?
  • How does your habitat provide space for you to move and grow?

Humans are unique because we can make big changes to our habitats to make sure we have everything we need.  How do humans change their habitats?

  • We build roads and vehicles so we can travel everywhere we need safely and quickly.
  • We pipe fresh, clean water into our homes to use for drinking, cooking and washing.
  • We grow plants for food, and farm animals for meat and dairy products. We even have pets to keep us company!
  • We build houses with heating to protect us from cold weather, or with air conditioning to protect us from the heat.

Here is a PowerPoint about British habitats.

Your main activity for today is to look at your local habitat and draw a map of it. Draw the trees and plants, and any animal homes that you find. What type of habitat is it? Draw and label any animals that you see.


Here is a PowerPoint all about fire safety.

Recently, there has been a lot of fires being set on purpose and by accident on the moors. This is down to people using disposable BBQs and others playing with matches and lighters. Not only does this damage the environment and the animals and plants that live there, but also it could be harmful to the people involved in extinguishing them. Personally, I find this very upsetting as I live very close to the beautiful Marsden moors. Today, I would like you to create a poster to help protect our environment from fires.


Another PE session, another Olympic event!

Today, we are going to look at long jump. You start be setting out a large space with a marker where you will jump from, make sure you leave enough room for you to travel after you have taken off. Depending on the space available, you can either jump from your marker standing still or if you have more room, you can take a run up to your marker before jumping. Make sure when you jump, your feet are behind the line if you are standing still, or your foot in behind the marker if you are taking a run up. Here is a video from the previous Olympics in 2016 of the long jump. How could you measure the distance you jumped? Can anyone else in your house beat your distance? Good luck!


I really enjoyed listening to your compositions last week and I had a really good dance on Friday night to the different pieces of music! Because of the success, I have set this for you again this week. Good luck!

Have a wonderful day and remember to keep smiling!

Miss H x

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Remote Learning Wednesday 10th June 2020

admin on: Class 2

Good morning Class 2! It’s Wednesday again – hump day. The year 1 children are settling in nicely and today we welcome back some of our year 6 children. The news yesterday that we won’t be expecting more children into school is really sad, but I promise you we'll keep working together from home and I'll be thinking about transition activities soon.

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing a PE lesson at 9am or Go Noodle 

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.



LO: Magic chains

  • 26 + 32 = ?
  • 38 – 8 = 33 - ?
  • 8 x 5 =
  • Double 18
  • Write 75 in words.
  • Name the 2D shape: 


Here’s a puzzle for today…

  • Think of a 2-digit number less than 70.
  • Add 30.
  • Subtract 20.
  • Add 10.
  • Subtract 20.
  • Add 3.
  • Write down this final answer.

Write down the number you think of and each answer as you go. Do this a few times, you can use this sheet to help you if you like. Do you notice anything?

Hopefully, you noticed that I asked you to add 30 and 10, but subtract 20 and 20, before adding 3. So you added 40, then subtracted 40, which means that you just had to add 3 to tell them their answer.  Try the magic chain on someone else – you can trick them by getting the answer quicker than them, just by adding 3 to the original number.


First of all, I'd like you to brush up on your 'nouns' using this interactive game.

Today I’d like you to write either one or two more paragraphs under headings, using the same techniques as yesterday.  Then you will need to finish off with an ending paragraph to finish off your information text nicely – this doesn’t have to be long, just a sentence of two. Here’s an example:

So as you have discovered, the koala is a fascinating marsupial of Australia. Its cute looks make it attractive to people but we need to ensure that this endangered animal and its habitat is protected now and into the future.


LO: Who were Jesus’ followers and what did they do?

Last week you learned that Jesus had been baptised by his cousin John, and had been blessed by the Holy Spirit and then God the Father had said this is my Son and I am pleased with you, and I love you. Soon after that, Jesus chose 12 friends to help him with his work.

Discuss with your adult: What makes a special friend. Why do you like them? How are they kind? How are they loyal? How do you have fun with them? How do they help you? How are you a good friend to others?

Jesus had 12 special friends, who travelled with him.  The men Jesus chose were all different, yet they were his friends.

Have a look at this short clip.

Discuss the clip. What is a disciple? What were they going to learn and do?

Activity idea:  Cut out a paper chain of dolls, there are some instructions here:

If you had to choose 12 special friends (or how many you have in your paper chain), who would you chose and what qualities would they have? Name each of your people in your chain and write about what makes them special.

I hope you have a wonderful day! Keep sending me your photos.

Mrs B x

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Remote Learning Tuesday 9th June 2020

admin on: Class 2

Good morning Class 2! Thank you for all your emails over the last few days. You’re doing great with all the work and so are your adults, so I’d like to say a huge well done to you all! Can I say a big hello to Ella - Ella is going into hospital on Friday and it would be lovely if she had some nice messages from her friends. Please can you comment on this blog today and wish her all the best?

Today is Tuesday, so you have both myself and Miss H on the blog today. We hope you have a lovely day. 

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing a PE lesson at 9am or Go Noodle 

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.




LO: Solve logic puzzles

  • 37 + ? = 50
  • 36 – 6 = 32 - ?
  • Double 17
  • 8 x 10 =
  • Write 50 in words.
  • Name the 2D shape:
  • Have a look at the ‘Sandcastles’ problem below. 

Read it carefully together with your adult. How long was Lisa on holiday for? Who was she on holiday with? How old is Lisa?

So we don’t know from the information given, but if we don’t know these things, what do we know? Now what do we need to find out?

Do you have any ideas about how we might make a start? Why not pick a number to try for day 1 and see how we get on…Record that number for example ‘20’…

So day 1 she makes 20, day 2 she makes 16, day 3 she makes 12…. Keep going.

So, how many sandcastles is this altogether?

Hmmm, is that’s too many/ few?  What do we need to do to the starting number…? Your challenge is to find the number that Lisa DID make on day 1, and the other days of course, to give a total of 80 sandcastles over the 5 days. The type of maths you are using is called ‘trial and error’. Like I always say – you learn from your mistakes and you might not get it right first time but keep trying!


Can you remember what a noun is? Can you remember what a proper noun is? How about an adjective? There’s also something called a comparative adjective – these describe words by comparing them! Two examples would be ‘bigger’ or ‘smaller’. Have a go at this game…

sorting words

How did you get on with your introduction yesterday? Well today I’d like you to write the next two paragraphs. Look at your research and decide what you’d like to write about first. You need to think of an appropriate heading. You also need to use full sentences – not notes like you did in your research. Here’s an example of my notes and how to put them into interesting sentences:

Koalas – sleep 18 hours – don’t drink a lot – eat 1kg eucalyptus leaves…


The sloth is one lazy animal but the koala is hot on its heels! Sleeping up to 18 hours each day, the koala has little time to do anything else. One other thing they do is eat. The little koala can eat a staggering amount of its favourite food – eucalyptus leaves (up to 1kg each day). Although they eat a lot of leaves, they don’t drink a lot of water – instead they get all the moisture they need through the leaves.

Have a go and see how you get on. Keep reading your work back – is it ‘hooking’ your reading in?

Remember to write just two paragraphs today – but make them really good!


I thought as something a little different this last half term. Each week, we are going to learn a song from a different era. We will be starting with the 1970s! Here is the song Dancing Queen by Abba. Try learning this and performing it to people at home! Also, do a little research into music in the 1970s. Here are some questions to help you get started:

  • Which artists were popular?
  • What genre of music was most popular?
  • What instruments were used most during this decade?

Make notes and let me know how you get on! Here is a link to a YouTube video of the song and here are the lyrics. 


Our next event in our mini Olympics is the cycling. Now, there are many different events within cycling both on the track and on the road. I would like you to take part in a road event by cycling a distance and recording the distance you travelled. Can you take a picture of the people you went on a bike ride with? Here is a video of some cycling on the track from the most recent Olympics:

We hope you all have a marvelous day and keep in touch as we love seeing what you are up to! 

See you tomorrow, 

Mrs B and Miss H xx

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Remote Learning Monday 8th June 2020

admin on: Class 2

Happy Monday everyone! So today we welcome some of the Year 1 children back. I’m in the capable hands of Mr Hobson and I will be teaching my little bubble all the things on his blog. However, I thought it would be nice if you guys could send me your ideas about things we could do in class. Perhaps there’s a really nice activity you’ve done at home that you think the Year 1 children will enjoy? If you can think of anything, please email it in or comment on the blog.

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing a PE lesson at 9am or Go Noodle 

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.



LO: Solve logic and shape puzzles.


  • 32 + 4 = 28 + ?
  • 30 – 8 =
  • Double 16
  • 6 x 10 =
  • Write 27 in words.
  • Name the 2D shape: 

Have a look at this little trick today:

Calendar Capers

You might have to read the instructions a few times and have a few tries! Here’s a link to a calendar if you need to download one here.


Here are this week’s spellings:















As usual you will find them on Spelling Shed and the transcript for Spelling Planet is here to download.

So you all created amazing mind maps from your research on your Australian animal last week. Now I would like to put our facts into an information text. You need to write in full sentences and use headings!

Today I would like you to think about just your title and the introduction. This is the part where you are trying to ‘hook’ your reader into your writing, so that they really want to read all the way through your piece. Often it’s a good idea to include a rhetorical question (one that doesn’t need an answer, but is thought-provoking). You also don’t want to give too much away, so don’t use all your facts straight away. You may wish to include your opinion in the introduction – this can be quite persuasive and again ‘hook’ your reader in. Here’s mine, as an example:

All About Koalas

Many people see the koala as a symbol of Australia. They are often thought of as cute and cuddly. Sometime they are referred to as ‘bears’ when in fact they aren’t bears at all. Would you like to know more about these fascinating creatures? Then read on…


LO: To be able to use a compass and explore what north, south, east and west are.

I have loved all your emails about Australia. Today we are going to practise our map reading skills. We can use a map of Australia to help us improve our mapping skills. Have a look at this presentation with your adult – there are lots of questions to discuss. After, choose one of the activities from here to complete (or all of them if you should wish!).

Stay safe!

Mrs B xx



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admin on: Class 2

Well done to all the Reception children who have really done well in the first week. I'm so proud of everyone at home, continuing to keep up the great work. I know it's not easy and I really appreciate all your emails and your wonderful photos that help to keep us connected. Here's what happened in your week...

Have an amazing weekend! And stay safe.

Mrs B xx

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