
Primary School


Class 2

Remote Learning Thursday 14th May 2020

admin on: Class 2

Well a good morning to you all on this marvellous Thursday!

At home, we have been looking through old photos and reminiscing about what life used to be like. This is something I always like to do as I am fascinated with the history behind different photographs. Recently, before the virus, we even got out an old projector with different little slides that you have to push into the projector to move them on. Here are some of the photos that we came across of me …



Why not have a look back through some of your old photographs. You can send me some if you like and I will create a guess who collage!

Here's the suggested timetable for today:

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20mins (remember to record your reading in your reading record)

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing guiding a PE lesson at 9am (

Don’t forget GoNoodle:



Break – Why not have a game of musical bumps? Remember to be careful and try to 'bump' on a cushion or something soft!




Today, we are going to be looking at exploring the environment as a factor of survival for animals, including humans. Can you remember the three things that all animals, including humans, need to survive? That is right, they need oxygen, water and food! Think about where you live and why you live there.

Animals live in lots of different habitats and their bodies have adapted to suit the environment they live in. Polar bears, for example, have thick coats to keep them warm in the cold polar regions.

Sharks and other fish live underwater because they do not have lungs to breathe in oxygen like land animals do. Instead, they have gills to take in oxygen from the water. They also have bodies that are smooth so that they can move easily in water.

Your first task is to decide which environment is best for these animals and state your reasons why? You could draw the table in your home school book or here is a printable copy.

Now, I would like you to research your favourite animal and answer the following questions:

  • Where does this animal get its water from?
  • What does this animal eat?
  • Where does this animal live? Why?
  • What else does this animal need to survive?

Then you can draw a picture of the animal in its habitat. You can present your work however you like; an example is here if you are not sure how to start:


We are going to create a class Kindness tree!

Mrs Barker introduced us to something called ‘Padlet’ which is like a virtual piece of paper that we can all get to and write on! If you click on the link below, you will be sent to a new window. Hopefully, you will see that I have started us off by adding my own quote to make you smile! If you double click on the piece of paper or click the ‘plus’ button, you can begin typing. In the title part, I’d like you to put your name, then we can see who has contributed. You need to write your message to everyone then press the enter button. You can add images or doodles that you can draw by pressing on the ellipsis (…). I am looking forward to your posts to make me and others smile! Here is a link to our Padlet:

Kindness Tree - Padlet


Right, on to tennis for the day!

Find a line to work from and place a hoop or something circular 5 paces away from the line. Hit the ball so it bounces in to the hoop, how many shots can you get in to the hoop?

Spread hoops or various objects around an open space at various distances, make sure the objects can be hit with a ball! Stand along one side of the open space and using alternate forearm and backhand try to hit the different objects or hoops. How many hoops or objects can you hit? Try challenging someone in house to beat your score for both challenges?

If you don’t have the facilities to do tennis at home, you could always use your hand as a racquet.


On Purplemash, we are going to carry on looking at coding.

I thought that over the next two weeks, we will consolidate your knowledge of coding! I have set three 2Dos for you to complete on PurpleMash. There are videos at the start of each challenge which explains each task. If you click the hint button, it will show you how to code each object. Any problem, just let me know. Good luck!

Tick Tock Clock Challenge

Printing on the Screen

Haunted House Scene

Stay safe and keep smiling!

Miss H

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Remote Learning Wednesday 13th May 2020

admin on: Class 2

Good morning Class 2! Well we did it! I managed to run for a whole two hours – the longest I’ve ever run and the farthest too at 11.3km. I’m so proud of everyone who got involved either by racing themselves or sponsoring the event! As I published this blog, the total raised is £1385, which is amazing and I’m sure Cancer Research will be so pleased. Just to let you know, we are holding a ‘Uniform Day’ this Friday. If you could wear your uniform (hopefully it still fits!) and send us a picture, we’ll try to put together a class picture!

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing a PE lesson at 9am or Go Noodle 

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.



LO: Tell the time to five minutes including ¼ to and ¼ past the hour.

  • 29 + 89 =
  • 88 – 50 =
  • 61 + 9 + 3 =
  • 30 ÷ 5 =
  • Write twenty-six in digits.
  • Partition 783 into 100s, 10s and 1s

Talk to your adult about time. Can you remember how many seconds there are in a minute? How many minutes in an hour? How many hours in a day? Take a look at this video to remind you about telling the time on the hour half an hour, ¼ past and ¼ to the hour – you don’t need to watch the whole video as it does become quite annoying but it gives you an idea!

Then have a go at this game:

Telling the time

Can you now complete this sheet?


Here’s today’s Litz Blitz…

  • What type of word is underlined: I love receiving your emails!
  • Write in the missing punctuation: what time is it
  • Which word means to subtract:     addition        minus       share
  •  Fill in the missing word: Would you like some carrots ______ peas?
  • Make the contraction for:  I will

I was so impressed with your Mousehole story, here is it in full…

What a great job you all did! I'm so proud of everyone who contributed - look what we can achieve when we work as a team! If you'd like a copy to print out, you can download it here.

Now after a reading a good book, it’s always nice to review it and let others know about it, then they can read it too! I’d like you to have a good go at a book review today – tell me what you thought of The Mousehole Cat, what were your favourite parts? Here is a template for you to use.


How do Muslims pray? How do people prepare to pray? Have a look at this clip. Did you hear the call to prayer? What do they think it means? How would they feel if they were a Muslim and heard this? How might this help Muslims have a sense of belonging? Some Muslims choose to have it broadcast on the radio into their homes, creating a wider sense of belonging.

Prayer mats are very significant – here is a template to design your own.

I hope you have a wonderful day! Keep sending me your photos.

Mrs B x





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Remote Learning Tuesday 12th May 2020

admin on: Class 2

Good morning Class 2! Well today is the day! Netherthong Race for Life! I’m in school and I’m going to be busy working this morning, but I know that I’ll be thinking about this afternoon. Thank you to everyone who has sponsored this event so far and good luck to everyone who has designed their own Race for Life – just knowing that you are with me in spirit will help me to carry on this afternoon.

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing a PE lesson at 9am or Go Noodle 

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.




LO: Find fractions of amounts

  • 85 + 37 =
  • 27 – ? = 9
  • £1 – 68p =
  • 60 ÷ 5 =
  • Write fifty-five in digits.
  • Partition 356 into 100s, 10s and 1s.

Look at this number sentence: ¼ of 12 = ? To find ¼ of a number, we can halve and halve again to split the number into 4 equal parts. Look at 1/3 of 12; what does this mean? This time we need to split 12 into 3 equal groups…

Now have a go at these…


Here’s today’s Litz Blitz…

1) What type of word is underlined:

We raised lots of money for Cancer Research

2) Write in the 3 missing capital:

today is tuesday, and tomorrow is wednesday.

3) Which word means to do something well:

accomplish      accompany       accommodate

4) Fill in the missing word:

Simon went  _________ the road.

5) Make the contraction for they are

Have a go at this sentence game today…

It should really help you to think about how we can ‘build’ sentences and make them more interesting.

Then I’d like you to go back to our class story from yesterday and add some more. The children that had a go yesterday were brilliant! It was so lovely to see all your names there. Let’s keep going with that – remember to read everything that goes before your part and we are writing in the ‘past tense’ – so your verbs might need ‘ed’ at the end! Don't rush the story, ensure you have lots of description to paint pictures in your readers' minds. 

Here is the link to the page:

Mousehole Cat Padlet


How did you get on with your accompaniments last week? We are going to keep with the theme of using objects from around your house as instruments and compose your very own seaside soundscape. A soundscape is where you use different sounds to bring a scene or image to life. This week I would like you to create a graphic score of what your composition is going to look like. Here is an example of what a graphic score is to remind you.

Here is a blank score for you to use. Think about what you could use to represent the sea, birds, people chattering and laughing, anything you normally hear at a seaside. Here is a YouTube clip of sounds you hear at the seaside to give you some inspiration.


How did you get on last week with the blindfolds? Any bumped knees? This week, I would like you to do the same but after you have plotted your course, you be the person that is blindfolded! You will need to write some clear instructions for the person directing you to use! Good luck …

Have a wonderful day! Keep smiling and keep sending me your emails - we just love reading them!

Mrs B & Miss H x

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Race for Life

admin on: Class 2

So the Netherthong Race for Life is tomorrow at 1pm! I know so many of you have organised your own event in your gardens and surrounding areas. We have had so much support through the fundraising link, we are now at around 75% of our £1000 target. Please keep sharing this link so that we can reach our goal.

If you take any photos or videos of your event, please email them to  If you send in your pictures, we will automatically presume you give us permission to use on the website and other sites associated with Cancer Research. I hope to put some kind of montage together when I recover from running around the playground! This will be a wonderful whole school collaboration at a time when we can’t be together. Good luck – knowing that you are all there will spur me on, I’m sure!

Happy running!

Mrs Barker

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admin on: Class 2

I've loved receiving all your emails this week! You're all doing so well with your work and other fantastic activities that are teaching you so many life skills. Here are all your classmates...

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