
Primary School


Class 2

Remote Learning Thursday 23rd April 2020

admin on: Class 2

Good morning my lovely little superstars, Miss H here again!

I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and didn’t eat too much chocolate! In between enjoying the glorious weather, I have been spending time painting. For Christmas, my sister got me a colour by numbers canvas to paint with a picture of a dog (She said that she had finally got me what I always wanted, my own dog!). I started this over the Christmas holiday but have not had the chance to add to it. I have found this so therapeutic and many hours have been lost while I have painted listening to music on the radio. Here is what it is going to look like …

Here is what mine looks like so far …

Here's the suggested timetable for today:

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20mins (remember to record your reading in your reading record)

Active time - Joe Wicks is guiding a PE lesson at 9am (



Break – Maybe you could spend some time outside, you could try doing some gardening?




This half term we are going back to look at the topic of Animals including Humans. Not all animals have babies in the same way. Some animals lay eggs for their babies to grow in while other animals grow babies in their tummies, like humans do.

Research and make a list of some different animals that lay eggs and some different animals that give birth to live young. The worksheet is here: 


I have been going out in my Grandma’s back garden and clapping on a Thursday night for all of the key workers. Have a go at doing that tonight and be sure you make as much noise as you can! I used a frying pan and wooden spoon last week. Maybe you could make a banner and hold it up while you cheer? Don’t forget to take a picture and send it to us!


In the news on Tuesday, the artist Tom Croft, has painted key workers for free so they have something to remember how everyone has come together and worked as a team. Here is a video link to find out more about what he did:

Today, I would like you to take some inspiration from him and create a picture of the people in your home, so you can look back and remember who you have spent so much time with. You could sketch your picture, make a collage or any other way you think of. Be creative! I look forward to seeing your pictures!


On Purplemash, we are going to be starting a new unit of work! We are going to start to look at coding.

I have set you a quiz to test your knowledge from last year when you did coding? See how you get on.

Also, I have set an Air Traffic Control task. There are videos at the start of each challenge which explains each task. If you click the hint button, it will show you how to code each object. Any problem, just let me know. Good luck!

Here is the Lego challenge for today! Remember to email me your creations! If you don’t have Lego, don’t worry any construction material will do …

Keep Smiling and stay safe!

Miss H

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A Huge Netherthong Welcome To Our New Classmate...

admin on: Class 2

So, I'm so pleased to tell you that we have a new member of the Class 2 team! This is Laura, and she would have started in our class last Monday under normal circumstances but as we are at home, I'm introducing you to her via the blog. It would be lovely if you could comment on this post and say 'hi' to Laura and perhaps tell her something about yourself. I'm sure that Laura will be a super class mate and fit into Netherthong just perfectly! We welcome you with our virtual open arms Laura! Here's what she has to say to you all...

"Hi I am Laura,

I’m almost 7 years old and I am so excited to see you. I love to ride on a bike, and I like to play football, I also love to swim under the water like a mermaid."

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Remote Learning Friday 24th April 2020

admin on: Class 2

It's Friday! I hope you've enjoyed the first week back. I'll be posting a gallery of all your pictures from this week at some point today, so please send a picture if you want including. I hope that you are able to stay in touch with your classmates. Yesterday evening, Will used 'Zoom' to have a quiz with his classmates and their families. It was really nice to see all their faces and we had fun too.

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing a PE lesson at 9am or Go Noodle 

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.

Creative Friday


LO: Find 1/2, 1/4, 1/3

  • 20 + 27 =
  • 28 – 18 =
  • 4 + 27 + 6 =
  • 24 ÷ 2 =
  • Write fifty-eight in digits.
  • Partition 32 into 10s and 1s.

This recipe uses far too much of each ingredient! Could you rewrite the recipe so that is uses just half the ingredients? Can you use just a quarter of the ingredients? How about a third of the ingredients? Remember to find a third you need to share into 3, you could use the grouping method...


So today, I'd like you to present your poem in best for your wall. You can download some nice seaside page borders here

I'd love to see you finial results. 

Creative Friday

OK, so if we'd have been in the classroom, one group would have been making ice lollies. Now this is an activity that you may be able to do today but you may have to do it at another time! Here's a recipe to follow:

Yogurt Ice Lollies

We would have also started our D&T project - to make our own campervans!  So get thinking about making your own camper - can you do some research about what a campervan looks like (form) and what it needs to do (function). You might want to start designing your idea on paper and think about how you might make it (Lego, boxes from the recycling, using a net). 

Here is the Lego challenge for today! Remember to email me your creations! If you don’t have Lego, don’t worry any construction material will do …

Take care, stay safe!

Mrs B xx

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Great Fire of London Stories

admin on: Class 2

Thank you to everyone who emailed me their Great Fire of London traditional tale. I really enjoyed reading them all. I promised you that I would share them with you in the form of a class book, so here goes, press on the link below...

Great Fire of London Traditional Tales by Class 2

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Remote Learning Wednesday 22nd April 2020

admin on: Class 2

Happy Wednesday everyone. I think it's going to be very hot today, so make sure you get some fresh air and pop on the suncream, hats and find shade when you need to. Perhaps you can pretend that you are 'beside the seaside' and stick your feet in a bucket of water whilst singing the song! 

Did you try any of the Bitesize learning or ? My boys thought the Bitesize maths was a bit easy but enjoyed the history.

So the suggested schedule for today is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20 mins (can you send me a photo of you reading in an unusual place? If you look at the Y6 blog, they have been doing this and have some great ideas - Alex even read in his car roof box!).

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing a PE lesson at 9am or Go Noodle 

Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.




LO: Count on in fraction steps.

  • 22 + 23 =
  • 35 – 18 =
  • 7 + 43 + 7 =
  • 90 ÷ 10 =
  • Write eighty-seven in digits.
  • Partition 64 into 10s and 1s

For today's activity you'll need lots of small squares of paper - post it notes would be perfect. Fold each square in half and write ½ on each side, do this for 5 pieces of paper. Now cut your halves out. Place your halves in a row and count in halves as you do so, write your sequence down.... ½, 1, 1 ½, 2, 2 ½ .... keep going like this:

Repeat this activity for quarters and for thirds (these are trickier to fold so get your adult to help!). Write your fraction sequences in your book - you are now counting in fractions!


So today we are going to write a poem based on our picture from yesterday. It doesn’t have to rhyme if you don’t want it to. Have a look at Michael Rosen reading one of his funny poems about a hamburger...

Does this give you some ideas? Use your picture and words from yesterday to create your own seaside poem, then email it to me at - the funnier the better! 


Today's lesson is thinking about the meaning behind prayer and the reasons for doing it. Lots of people, who are religious, pray to their god, often to ask for help, say thank you or ask for forgiveness. Can you think of any other reasons people might pray?

At this time, lots of people are praying or trying to have moments of reflection - this helps us to think about what is happening to us and think of others. It can also help to calm the mind and refocus.

Activity: Draw around your hand and write down 5 things you are concerned about, thankful for or would like to pray about on each finger. Colour your hand and discuss your thoughts with the adults at home. You all might like to do this activity as a family to see whether you think in the same way.


Here's a nice idea for some seaside art. You might not have a paper plate, so you could use a piece of paper or cereal packet. If you don't have shells, you could draw some and cut them out. The main thing is to have fun!

Here is the Lego challenge for today! Remember to email us your creations! If you don't have Lego, don't worry any construction material will do. Here is mine, my mum's and Grandma's that we made from scratch! What do you think? 


I hope you'll enjoy today's activities, don't forget to keep sending in your pictures for Friday's gallery. I haven't heard from some people just yet so it would be lovely to hear from you!

Take care, stay safe,

Mrs B xx

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