
Primary School


Class 2

Remote Learning Monday 30th March 2020

admin on: Class 2

Happy Monday everybody. I hope you are well and have had a nice relaxing weekend. I've been busy doing lots of tidying and sorting jobs. I've even sorted out all of Ed and Will's books into alphabetical order - I'm not sure what's happened to me! I've decided that we could open our own library and there's no chance we are going to run our of things to read. What have you been up to? Another idea that we've started is a 'wishing jar'. Every time we think of something that we wish we could do, for example, 'go swimming' or 'search in rock pools', we are writing them down and popping them into the jar. Then when we can do those things, we'll remember what we wished for. Anyway, onto today's learning and your possible timetable... 

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20mins (remember to record your reading in your reading record)

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing guiding a PE lesson at 9am (have your legs been hurting? Mine have!)


Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.

Break - make sure you get some fresh air, wrap up warm if you need to.




LO: Maths Puzzles

Today's 6 questions...

  • 7 + 35 =
  • 45 – ? = 18
  • 3 + 17 + 8 =
  • 10 ÷ 2 =
  • Write ninety-nine in digits.
  • ½ of 18 =

Today I'd like you to play the 'roll a penny' game. You can download a grid here. The idea is that you roll a penny, make a note of the amount it lands on. Roll again and then add the two amounts together, roll again and add that amount. Play in pairs, the one that get nearest £1 is the winner. 


This week's spelling words are:











Please can you write them out in your yellow book and then use them in sentences. I've put these onto Spelling Shed and the transcript from Spelling Planet is here for you to read (and act out!).

Then I'd like you to play a game of 'traditional tale tennis'. You need to play with an adult. The idea is that you think of a traditional tale - 'Three Little Pigs', then the next person thinks of another 'Red Riding Hood'. Keep going, don't repeat any. How many can you think of? Now have a conversation about what makes a traditional tale? What do they have in common? Perhaps you can add some of your thoughts about traditional tales to the comments on this thread? This activity will help you with your work tomorrow.


Our Great Fire of London topic is coming to an end. Have a look at this presentation which recaps everything we have learned. Then have a go at creating your own acrostic poem using this writing frame. You only need to think of one word for each line, starting with the letters spelling out 'Great Fire'. 


Now Toby and his dad have been doing some star gazing. One positive thing at the moment is that there is less light pollution and very few planes in the sky. This means it's easier to spot the stars and planets (Venus is very bright and visible at the moment). The International Space Station is also clearly visible at different times - you can download an app to let you know when it will be passing over us. Here are some constellation activities you may wish to have a go at and then you could try to spot them in the sky - it will come dark at about 7:45pm, so you may have to wait till the weekend to do lots of star spotting. 

Here is the challenge from Miss H for today! Remember to email us your creations! If you don't have Lego, don't worry any construction material will do ...

I hope you have lots of fun with the activities I've planned for today. Remember to keep sending in your photos and I'll post them at the end of the week.

Mrs B xxx

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Homework 27/3/2020

admin on: Class 2

Hi guys!

I hope you've had a great day. Thank you for all your wonderful emails, updating me on all your adventures - they are certainly keeping my smiling! Here are just a few of the pictures you've been sending in. Isn't it nice to know that everyone is working hard?

I love Martha's butterfly at the bottom there, I think I might have to do something like that at home. 

This week has been busy for me, I have been in school three days and then at home for two with the boys. Will is very enthusiastic about his work, but Ed finds it hard to concentrate! We've done lots of reading though and plenty of maths. We've made the most of the good weather and today, we even planted to some seeds - so I'll keep you informed about their progress (I'm not very green fingered!).

Anyway, homework is to keep washing those hands, keep smiling and be ready for more fun next week - I hope that you can all do these things!

Take care and missing you loads.

Mrs B xx

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Remote Learning Friday 27th March 2020

admin on: Class 2

Good morning! It's Friday! How have you all been getting on? I hope we're all still smiling. Thank you for keeping in touch with me, later today I'll put a gallery of your photos on the blog for everyone to see. So let's get started with Friday's learning...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20mins (remember to record your reading in your reading record)

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing guiding a PE lesson at 9am (we are doing this in school as well and it's hard work!)


Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.

Break - have you been outside today? Have you been in contact with a friend or family member - perhaps you could send them a nice message to tell them that you are thinking of them?

Creative Friday! (Did you think I'd forget!?)


LO: Solve word problems using multiplication and division

Here are today's 6 questions...

  • 17 + 27 =
  • 78 – 19 =
  • 3 + 37 + 9 =
  • 22 ÷ 2 =
  • Write fifty-six in digits.
  • ¾ of 16

Q: Word Problems – Have a go at these - perhaps you could put them up around your room and go around answering them, like we do in class!
1. Each pack of chocolate biscuits has 5 biscuits in.
I have 7 packets. How many biscuits do I have?

2. How many bags of 5 apples gives us 35 apples?

3. How many packets of 3 cakes give us 12 cakes?

4. I have 6 packets of cakes. Each packet has 3 cakes in.
How many cakes do I have?

5. Sam wants 20 sweets. They come in tubes of 5.
How many tubes does he need?

6. Miss Lord has 6 boxes of pencil sharpeners.
There are 5 sharpeners in each box.
How many pencil sharpeners are there?

7. How many packets of 10 stickers give us 60 stickers?

8. Eve needs 10 hair bobbles, they come in packs of 2.
How many packs does she need?

If you want some more division problems, have a look at this:


How are you getting on with your fire safety leaflets - could you finish yours today? Are you keeping up with your diary. Have you seen any changes in how you are feeling about being home-schooled? Perhaps you were super enthusiastic at the beginning of the week and now might be different? 

Today, if you have time, have a look at the Literacy and Language Homework Book that I gave you in your home learning packs. Can you complete pages 4 & 5 on capital letters and suffixes?

Creative Friday

In our normal creative Friday we have a choice - maths games, choosing, baking, French or art. 

My recommended maths game is:

Have you tried the Duolingo app? Get an adult at home to download it and you can start to learn French from home!

Baking - well I'm sure you could bake something delicious, but if you want the Great Fire of London Buns recipe, then you can download it here.

As for art and free choice - you guys have got a million ideas! Perhaps you can share some with me, then I can do some with Will and Ed? 

Here is something from Miss Hemingway ...

Keep smiling guys!

Mrs B x

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Remote learning Thursday 26th March 2020

admin on: Class 2

Good morning, Miss H here! 

I hope you are all well and enjoying this glorious weather! Here's the suggested timetable for today:

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20mins (remember to record your reading in your reading record)

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing guiding a PE lesson at 9am (



Break - go outside if you can and see how many plants and trees have flowing parts to them!



Free choice (could you design and make a rainbow picture for someone to make them smile?)


Linking with our topic on the uses of everyday materials, can you go on a material hunt in your house and outside. Make a list of the materials you can find. Think about what the objects are used for, can they be used for anything else? Take a picture of the objects in their new uses. Record your findings in a table, an example can be found here.

Remember that some objects could be made of more than one material!


Look at our wonderful environment outside. Think and talk about these questions with the people around you:

What is our environment like?

What is good about our environment?

What makes these places not as good?

Whose responsibility to look after the environment?

What could we do to improve our local environment?

Will this make a difference? Who for?

Create some posters to advertise how we can help improve and keep our environment safe.


Using ball at home, create a slalom course to dribble the ball through. This could be made using anything you have at home; pans, buckets, books, people?! Using a timer, how fast can you complete the course WITHOUT loosing control of the ball or bumping into any of the objects.


On Purplemash, I have set you a 2Do – check it out here. I would like you to create a spreadsheet, using 2Calcualte, of all the number sentences relating to the number fact: 2 + 8 = 10

If you think you have got them all, can you do the same for another number bond to 10? What about a number bond to 20? 30? 250?

Remember to hand it in so I can look at your amazing work!

Keep Smiling and stay safe!

Miss H

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Remote Learning Wednesday 25th March 2020

admin on: Class 2

So we've made it to 'hump day' as Mrs Moran calls it - the middle of the week. I hope you are making the most of this lovely sunshine in your gardens. Yesterday, Will and Ed made burger and hotdog buns so we had a BBQ when I got home from school. I feel very lucky that we can still those sorts of things! Today's suggested timetable is as follows...

E.R.I.C. - Everybody Reading in Class for 20mins (remember to record your reading in your reading record)

Active time - Joe Wicks is showing guiding a PE lesson at 9am (we are doing this in school as well and it's hard work!)


Maths/Literacy - do this in batches of 20 mins each, build in breaks.

Break - go outside if you can or perhaps you could help to tidy up something in the house?


Free choice (could you draw/paint/mosaic a picture of a rainbow and out it in your window?)


LO: Solve word problems using multiplication.

Here are today's 6 questions...

  • 11 + 73 =
  • 52 – 27 =
  • 9 + 31 + 7 =
  • 18 ÷ 3 =
  • Write twenty-nine in digits.
  • ¼ of 28

Q: I bought 7 packets of football stickers, and each packet has 5 stickers. How many stickers do I have altogether? Can you you draw and array to represent the problem? Can you write out the number sentence and solve it? Now try these:


Have a look at this fact file together. There are three different versions - each getting more complex and detailed. Talk about what you like about the texts and what you notice about the layout. Using your knowledge from yesterday and these fact files examples to help you, I'd like you to spend the rest week producing your own fire safety leaflet with information and pictures. You can lay it out how you wish, you might want to create a folding leaflet. Be creative and have fun with your design but think about the key messages you need to include, for example, the number you need to ring in an emergency. I look forward to reading your leaflets!


Have a look at this presentation on how Christians celebrate Easter. Can you make an Easter card to send to a family member?

Keep smiling guys!

Mrs B x

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