
Primary School


Class 2

Homework Friday 6th March 2020

admin on: Class 2

What an amazing week we've had! We had a wonderful time on World Book Day and we've completed some amazing eye-witness recounts of the Great Fire. We stepped into the shoe's of Thomas Farriner's maid and wrote from her point of view. This week's homework is also writing about the Great Fire of London - I'm hoping the children will remember some of the language we've used in class.

In maths we've really focused on subtraction and using the number line method - Mathletics is all about subtraction, so ask your child to demonstrate the method to you. I've also set a 'test' on there - some children have told me that Mathletics is telling them that I need to set them a test, so I have! 

Next week, we'll be telling the time, so please talk your child about this.

World Book Day vouchers have gone into bookbags tonight, why not pop down to Read this weekend to get a free book day book?!

Finally, 'Munch' has been in our class all week - we won this lunch time reward for our amazing hand washing (which is great news). This is what the class wrote about his antics this week...


Munch has had a lovely time in Y2. He’s spent some time in Pudding Lane – we’re hoping he didn’t start the Great Fire of London!

Munch helped us out in our complicated, fun maths lessons. He learned how to use a number line for subtraction.

Happily, he’s helped us learn about the Great Fire of London, writing about what happened through the eyes of the maid.

Curiously, he saw lots of soft, cute teddies in our class on Thursday because it was World Book Day! He even saw us all in our dressing-gowns and PJs for our bedtime stories.

Interestingly, he watched Sarah Morrell retell her beautiful story called ‘Molly’s Magic Brolly’.

He was very welcome in Class 2 and we will miss him a lot!

 Have a great weekend.

Mrs Barker

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World Book Day - Thursday

admin on: Class 2

We're all getting very excited for this Thursday's World Book Day!

The theme is 'Share a Million Stories', so we'll be swapping books with friends (please bring in a pre-loved book that you are OK to swap with a friend), using the wonderful picture book 'Flood' to inspire writing across and the school and then sharing bedtime stories at the end of the day. If you wish to join your child's class, then you are welcome into school from 2:45pm. Children are OK to bring in teddies and dressing gowns to get the full bedtime story effect!

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High Frequency Word List

admin on: Class 2

I realise that the link to the high frequency word list, mentioned in the curriculum newsletter, isn't working. So a copy of the list of words has gone in tonight's book bags. Please can you ensure your child can read these words but also spell them.

Thank you for your support. 

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Homework 28th February 2020

admin on: Class 2

Well the first week has flown by and we've been on fire! Literally, it's all been about the Great Fire and we're so excited about our new topic. I hope you have all received and read the curriculum newsletter so that you are up to speed with what we will be doing this half term. Here it is again if not:


Mathletics homework consolidates our work on multiplication using arrays. I was so proud today in assembly as we had our first Y2 gold Mathletics certificates - congratulations to Effie and Daniel for all their hard work. Many others are hot on their heels - so keep going with all the hard work!

In homework books, I've included a short reading comprehension called a 60-second read. Children should aim to read the text in a minute. They then have a few questions to answer on what they have read.

Enjoy the weekend and see you on Monday.

Mrs Barker

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Happy Holidays!

admin on: Class 2

So the holidays have arrived! I hope you all have a wonderful half term. I've set a little game for paper homework, it's one that I play with my boys and we love it. It can be played anywhere and I hope it becomes one on of your family favourites too. I'm not going to set any Mathletics assignments but just encourage everyone to get up to date with past homework or look at some of the other features on there such as the times table songs and videos.

I was delighted to talk to so many of you at parent's evenings this week and show you some of the work we have been doing. We do work hard in Y2! We've just loved every bit of our Scottish topic and therefore we'd love to showcase our work to you in a good work assembly next half term. This will be on Thursday 12th March at 2:45pm in the hall. We'd just like to share with you some of our writing, our songs, Scottish dancing and sculptures. If you could make this date or perhaps another family member, we'd love to see you there. I'll remind you of the date in the next curriculum letter on the first week back.

Can I just sign post you to the website and the Class 2 pages? At the bottom of the page, we've added some useful SATs information, which might answer any questions you might have about the tests which will be administered in May.

I look forward to another fun-packed half term, I've planned so much for the children to get their teeth into! See you back here on Monday the 24th February!

Mrs Barker

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