
Primary School


Class 2

Homework 20/09/19

admin on: Class 2

What a great week! We've really enjoyed writing about Shackleton's ship 'The Endurance'. Thank you once again for your commitment to homework and reading records, I've loved reading all your comments.

I've set some new Mathletics assignments for the children and a comprehension in the homework books - you can do this a number of ways. Either totally independently, or reading the passage and your child answers the questions - which ever works for you.

Enjoy the sunshine and the weekend!

Mrs B!

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Reading in Year 2

admin on: Class 2

We are settling into our new routine in Y2, which involves lots of opportunities to read. I thought it would be good to tell you all about them...

Children are encouraged to bring in their scheme book and reading record everyday. In our morning literacy carousel (Mon-Fri, 9-9:30am), one group of 6 children will change their books and read 1-to-1 with an adult. Another group of 6 children will read in a guided reading session with the teacher. This is a great opportunity to work on skills like prediction, sequencing, inference as well as expression, fluency and pace. This session is recorded in your child's reading on a specific guided reading slip which highlights everything we are looking for in a Year 2 reader. Obviously, these skills build up over time and we are unlikely to see all the targets in one session. In this same session, children have a chance to practise their handwriting; when they have finished they can have some quiet reading time and access the reading corner or my personal library. This book is proving very popular with the children...

We do an Everybody Reading In Class (ERIC) session on Monday afternoons and the library is accessed on a Wednesday. In the library, the children always chose their own books, so sometimes these maybe above their level of reading. Please read these to/with your child as you see fit. 

We grab every opportunity to read! Children can read from the board, read out their own work, read instructions/questions in other subject like maths and history. In Year 2, we love to read! 

Thank you for supporting your child with their reading journey, although we have all these opportunities to read in school, nothing beats cuddling up for a bedtime story at home! 

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FONS Christmas Cards

admin on: Class 2

We've had fun creating our Christmas cards today for the FONS fundraiser. I know it might seem a little early but we always need to get them done quickly so that they can be printed in good time. Every child in Y2 created a Christmas tree design, the results were in tonight's book bags, along with a letter explaining how you order them. We hope you like them! 

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Friday 13th September

admin on: Class 2

We've completed our first full week and we've been busy bees, getting through lots of lovely maths work on money and starting our 'explorers' topic in both English and History. We are learning about Ernest Shackleton through the beautiful book 'Shackleton's Journey'. The children are really enjoying their writing from this work. Thank you to you all for supporting children with their homework, Mathletics seems to be a real winner! I've set another assignment this week based on money. In homework books, you'll find some English skills - please complete for next Wednesday. 

Thank you for your support and enjoy the weekend - I think it's going to be sunny!

Mrs B

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BEE Happy in year 2

admin on: Class 2

12th September 2019

For the past two weeks, we have been thinking about our mental health. We thought of different ways in which we can BEE happy and how we can makes others feel happier and positive. Look out for our buzzing display in school! 

Miss Hemingway 


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