
Primary School



Home Learning Tuesday 2nd June

admin on: Reception

Good morning!

What another lovely sunny day, just great to go out again on a bear hunt?

Please take a look at these ebook before the children come back to school tomorrow they might help with any worries.

Here we go!


Go noodle/Jo Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga) or just walk round the garden.

STORY- Singing

Listen again to the story of the bear hunt this time joining in with the story.

The bear hunt by Michael Rosen

Act it out as the YouTube clip plays.

PHONICS  and Reading (Oxford owl ebooks available)

As requested here are all the green and red words in set 2



Handwriting: c o a g d 


Red words:  I, the, to, love no, go, all, small, tall, call, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you saw how was they some come are water one two there where: New red words: who want

9.30  am    set 1 sounds for recap

10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the ee  sound

Read the following words. You can always write them out and play find a word hunt by hiding the words and reading the ones you find. Can you make a sentence using this word. Chose a couple to write out.







Use a couple of these to write a sentence with. 


Maths seeds is available

White Rose Maths is available Day 2


Go on a walk and play, I can see?

The children have to describe something they are looking at and you have to guess what it is.

Then try I spy?

Make a bear face with natural material out side.

Can you make bear cave for it to live in?

Thank -you

Mrs Oddy

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Home Learning Monday 1st June

admin on: Reception

Monday 1st June

Welcome back!

Wow what amazing weather we have had last week.

I managed to walk the Holme Valley Circular on Tuesday (Cooler day) 20 miles. I thoroughly enjoyed it and felt blessed to live in such a beautiful area.

As you all know we are opening up school on Wednesday for Reception children.

There will be three 'bubbles' of less than 10 children in each. 

Myself (Mrs Cooper on a Wednesday : except for this week when I will be in) in the Reception class room.

Mrs Hemingway in the Library.

Miss Hemingway in class 1.

We have 2 days to rearrange furniture and toys and stationary etc.

We will be working the same activities as the blogs I will be writing but of course this being flexible to suit the children's needs.

We will try as much as possible to make sure your child is with someone they are looking forward to seeing. We have worked with the children for most of the year and feel they are a very sociable and amenable set of children and seem to work and play happily whatever groups we put them.

The blog will continue for those at home but I am also now teaching so they may not be as detailed. This will give you more time to concentrate and develop what your child is interested in.

I will cover the basic Phonics and Maths and topic as before.  I will recommend trying the Daily White Rose Maths. It looks really fun and follows a book each week.

1/6 The Snail and the Whale

8/6 The Princess and the Wizard.

15/6 Belle and the Dragon pox

22/6 Zog

29/6 Oliver’s Vegetables

6/7 The Dinosaur that Pooped a Planet

13/7 How many Legs?

I don’t know all these stories so will need to buy them if we feel this is something that the children are enjoying.

Mathseeds is also available every day.

As always the blogs are a guide and you know you children best.

We will be flexible in school depending on the weather and how the children are feeling and we might not get everything done that is on the blogs.

Here we go!


Go noodle/Jo Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga) or just walk round the garden.

STORY- Singing

The bear hunt by Michael Rosen

Act it out are the utube clip plays.

PHONICS  and Reading (Oxford owl ebooks available)

Handwriting: b h n m


Red words:  I, the, to, love no, go, all, small, tall, call, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you saw how was they some come are water one two there where: New red words: who want

9.30  am    set 1 sounds for recap

10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the ay  sound







Make up your own sentences and draw a picture to go with it.

NUMBER - Looking at teen number again this week, ordering counting and understanding.

There are always activities on the Maths seeds to do.

Have a look at the white Rose Maths activities.

We will be looking at teen number this week too.

Here are some resources you can print off if available.

1-20 number track

1-20 number track.pdf

1-20 cards and 10’s and 1’s place value cards.

10 and 1's cards.pdf



Mrs Oddy

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Home Learning Friday 22nd May

admin on: Reception


Here is a little booklet to help your child with the reopening of schools.

 Everybody Worries

Friday 22nd May


Go Noodle/Joe Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga) or just walk round the garden.

PHONICS  and Reading (Oxford owl ebooks available)

Handwriting: f s e u

 Red words:  I, the, to, love no, go, all, small, tall, call, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you ,saw, how,  was, they, some, come, are, water, one, two – New red word : there where

10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the ir  sound







10.30 am set 3 sounds

Have a go at reading these words.





Hold the sentence:

There are 8 British coins.

I have a good voice.

I plant the seed in soil.

Choose 1,2 or 3


NUMBER – We can use different coins to pay.


Can you remember all of the 8 coins?

If possible today you need to have a few 1ps,2ps and 5ps,10ps

You need a few items from around the house to price up (only up to 10p today).

Food packets and tins are good to make a shop.

Can you tell me how much the beans costs?

The price is 4p. What coins can we use to make 4p?

How many ways can we make 4p?

2p+ 2p=4p



Repeat with other items: You will only need 1p2p5p coins.


You could make a café and list the items and prices in the café with process on.



Here is also some information about Eid.

Eid is celebrated this weekend this year 23rd and 24th May.

It is usually a family and friend’s festival but this year people will have to celebrate with their families they live with in their own homes.

Eid is a time when Muslims are celebrating the end of Ramadan (fasting).

Here is a link to Cbeebies Lets celebrate.

I hope to see many lovely children back on the 3rd June. It won't be quite the same; we will make sure everyone has a warm welcome.  We will endeavour to provide your child with the best education we can under the restrictions.

Finally let me say a big THANK-YOU to all the parents and carers for your support in these unprecedented times.  I can see many of you are working so hard and really enjoying home learning but I do understand the children are missing their friends.

I will continue the daily blogs after the holidays as these will be followed in school by the children in their pods and by the staff.

Just to reassure you the children will be working with a member of staff familiar to them. We will not know which groups we will be teaching until we know who will be returning to school.

Have a super half term break.

Mrs Oddy, Mrs Hemingway and Miss Hemingway.

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Home Learning Thursday 21st May

admin on: Reception

Fabulous Photographs. I still can't believe the weather is still warm and sunny.

Make sure you are watering your plants.

Thursday 21st May –


Go Noodle/Joe Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga) or just walk round the garden.

PHONICS  and Reading (Oxford owl ebooks available)

Handwriting:  j p y q

 Red words:  I, the, to, love no, go, all, small, tall, call, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you, saw, how, was, they, some, come, are, water, one, two – New red word : there where

10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the air  sound







Have a go at reading these words.

10.30 set 3 sounds






Hold the sentence: I saw a fairy but it was not real.


NUMBER – Prices tell us how much to pay

 Key Vocab- price, cost, change, how much is left?

You will need all 7 British coins.

 Look at all the coins you have in your purse. Group them.

1p 2p 5p 10p 20p 50p £1 £2

Low value coins are bronze, then silver then gold.

Play ‘banks’. Have a large section of coins and children sort them into the different compartments. 

If they are happy with this have a game of shops pricing up a few items to pay for and get change.

Money is tricky so you may just get 10x 1p's to start with until they understand the value of different coins.

Start with 10p and choose items less than 10p. You made add two together

3p apple + 4p banana = 7p

How much change will we get from the 10p? (3p)

TOPIC – The Tree and Flower hunt!

Go on a walk and see if you can identify as many trees as you can?

How will you do this?

You may have a book to identify trees and flowers.

Its also a nice idea to take a rainbow and see if you can find these colours in nature?

You could use your skills and take pictures as you go?

What can you hear?

What can you smell?

What insects can you see?

Thank-you and  have a great walk!

Mrs Oddy

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Fancy some World Record breaking art?

admin on: Reception

Isabel, in year 2, pointed this out to me and I had to pass it along ... 

Like many of us, you may have been enjoying Rob Biddulph’s brilliant Draw with Rob draw along videos, which have amassed a huge online following and now been watched over 2 million times on YouTube.

On May 21st, Rob is going to attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the World’s Biggest Art Lesson

Rob will be live on YouTube at 4.00pm (BST) but in order for the attempt to meet Guinness World Records’ criteria we need participants – young and old –  to register for the free lesson at and be there for the whole 30 minutes. 

The attempt will also help to raise money for those most impacted by COVID-19.  Participants can donate what they can and companies have also begun to pledge financial support. These donations will go towards high impact charities to counter the impact of COVID-19, including stopping the disease’s spread, providing immediate relief to those most impacted and preventing future pandemics. 

#ArtWorldRecords #MakeHistoryatHome #DrawWithRob #StayAtHome

Miss H

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