
Primary School



Wednesday April 29th

admin on: Reception

Familiar faces!

Wednesday 29th April

Go Noodle/Joe Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga) or just walk round the garden.

PHONICS  and Reading

Handwriting: i l t

Red words I, the, to, love no, go, all, small, tall, call, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you, saw, how, was, they, some, come – New red word : are

9.30  am    set 1 sounds for recap

10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the 00 sound 10.15

Have a go at reading these words.







Hold the sentence. E.g  Look I can read a book. Look I can cook. or Look I can read a book and cook.

Number – Counting backwards

Quick quiz -Re-visit shapes. Ask you child to point to a square, circle, triangle, rectangle  and tell you something about the shape. E.g it has 3 sides.

Practise counting forwards and backwards to 20.

 Can we count backwards quickly from 7/9/10 to 0 ?

From          5-3    and       8-1     

Now         25-23   and       55-53

and then

              28-21   and        58-51

Repeat until they have got it.

Try counting back one from 20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90.                e.g 20, 19           30, 29         

-My favourite activity for this is the backward dot to dot if this is available. You can easily make your own. Just complete a dot to dot sheet but backwards by starting at the largest number. Look at the patterns of numbers going backwards.

Maths seeds is also available.


African animals

Look at the PowerPoint or research what different animals they have in Africa.

African Animals

Have a go at a mosaic college of an animal. If you have a magazine or newspaper these make a great effect if you cut them up into little squares/ sort them into colours and off you go.

If this is not available you might just want to choose your favourite animal and look at the shapes involved to draw it and have a go.

Underneath write your sentence.

My African animal is a ………... It has a trunk. Its has 4 legs. It has thick skin.

Good work.

On Friday we are looking at the production of chocolate. I will put up some simple chocolate recipes tomorrow in case you want to get the ingredients so you can make something.

Thank -you for your support.

Mrs Oddy

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Remote Learning April 28th

admin on: Reception

Tuesday 28th April

A little photo of Georgia playing Lucky number yesterday!

Well done.

Photo of Connie from last week making her African necklace. Super!

Thank-you to all those people who have been in touch with me over the past week.

If you haven't already done so please drop me an email.

Here we go!


Go Noodle/Joe Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga)  or just walk round the garden.

PHONICS  and Reading

Handwriting: h n m

Red words I, the, to, love, no, go, all, small, tall, call, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you, saw, how, was, they, some, come – New red word : are

9.30  am    set 1 sounds for recap

10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the oo sound

Have a go at reading these words.








Hold the sentence: The pool is cool.

e.g The moon. The moon is round. This is a moon. The moon is round and bright. The moon can be seen at night. 

NUMBER - saying the next number name in context.

You will need a 100 square or a snakes and ladder board with numbers to 100.

Write the word count for your child to read.

What is this word telling us to do?

-Look at a 100 square. Point to a number and say what  is? What number comes after this? E.g 34   35 repeat.

-Choose a number and jump that many jumps?  

-Count form 21-30 can you find these numbers on the 100 square?

Now count different decades starting at 31, 51, 81 make sure the children know the name of the next multiple of 10.

Now COUNT up to 100 use a 100 square or snakes and ladders board to point to the numbers as you count.

12345..678910… We pause every 5.

-Find a book with over 50 pages look at the pattern of numbers.

  • Play throwing and catching and count how many times you can do without dropping it.

EXTRA - Maths seeds or maths book


Matilda got in touch yesterday as her big sister has a pen pal in Kenya called Jane.

Here is a picture of her.

Kenya – Can you find out any facts about Kenya?

If available this power point will help you.

Kenya Fact powerpoint

Talk about the ;Weather? Capital city? Highest mountain? Does it have a coastline? Animals?

Art – If available you can make a sunset silhouette scheme.

Use what media is available to you for example; watercolour paints/pencil crayon/crayons/chalks/oil pastels for the background and cut out black/dark trees and animals for the effect.

Thank-you for your support and for getting in touch.

Mrs Oddy

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Remote learning 27th April 2020

admin on: Reception

Monday 27th April

Good morning.

I can't believe the sun is still shining.

Last week may have been a bit tricky for us all, coming back into some sort of homeschooling and work routine.

I have really felt it myself as I did not sign up for a desk job, which is what I feel I am doing now.

Could I ask a favour from you this week? Please could you get in touch via email if you have not already done so, just to let me know how you are all getting on during these tricky times?

Thank-you to those who I have already heard from. You are all doing amazingly and sharing many of your ideas and images of yourselves. Lets have another positive week, I truly have brilliant parents. PLease contact me at :

Here we go!

Enjoy all the quality time and take a break  when needed. 


Go Noodle/Joe Wicks/ Yoga or just walk round the garden.


Handwriting - v w y

9.30  am    set 1 sounds for recap

10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the ow sound

Have a go at reading these words.







Write a sentence about the above picture.

e.g The snow is on the trees.

RED words to read: 

I, the, to, love no, go, all, small, tall, call, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you, saw, how, was, they, some and come.

New red word : are


Count forward and backward 1-20 (Use funny voices)

Count in 10's to 100

Count in 2's to 10/20

This week we are going to be focusing on developing number and counting skills.

The vocabulary needed is all the number names up to 100.

Five suggested activities below.

1 - Play lucky number. You need a dice. 

Write a number down numbers 1-6  on a piece of paper circle  1 lucky number.

Roll the dice 10 times and tick now many times it lands on each of the numbers.

How many times did it land on your lucky number?

What number did it land on most? 

2- Be a number word detective today and look around the house and in the street.

How many number names you can see?

3- Make a badge I a five/four.

4- Play a game with domino and number names and numerals matching them (see below).

5- Give your child opportunities to write numbers names on a list. e.g How many apples are left in the bowl? How many people live in our house?

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten.


Africa - look for Africa on a map.

Look how many countries make up Africa (over 40).

Can you find Kenya the country where the story of Handa's surprise was set?

Can you find out anything about this country?

Below is a link to a clip of a child talking about living in Kenya.

What is daily life like in urban Kenya?

A child living on the outskirts of Nairobi is followed through a typical school day. Nana describes her day, from breakfast time through to the evening.

What are the similarities and differences with Nana's life compared to yours?

e.g You both have breakfast.You both go to school in a uniform....

If possible can you look up the flag of Kenya and make it out of materials or draw it and colour it in?

What do you think the symbols are?

Kenyan Flag  Print out of flag if this is available.

Thank-you for all your support.

Mrs Oddy

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Week 1 Photos

admin on: Reception

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24th April 2020

admin on: Reception

Good Morning.

Thursday 23rd April - St Georges day.

Here we go don't forget to keep reading. 

On Oxford Owl free ebooks - Try the RWI green or purple or Oxford Owl Level 2/3 

This is just a pointer, your child will be at their own individual level.


Go Noodle or/Joe wicks/Yoga


9.30 am  - set 1 sounds

10.00 am  -  ee sound today or later on catch up.



Recap on the story and note which animal takes which fruit.


Today we are going to use the 00 sound to write a few sentences at least 3 with the 00 sound as in 'took'

Talk about capital letters, finger spaces, and full stops.


The monkey took the banana.


The monkey took the soft yellow banana.    Whichever is right for your child.

The elephant took the red mango. 


The elephant took the ripe red mango.

Don't worry if they spell orange as orinj or elephant as elefant  but I would like to see 'sweet' 'round' 'green' words spelt correctly as they should be familiar with the ee and ou sounds. Gently remind them.

Draw a picture to finish off your favourite part of the story.


NUMBER    Ordinal numbers

See if your child can see any numbers as you go on your daily walk?

Ask the question which colour car is 3rd in the line or point to the 2nd tree.

At home on your stairs/steps ask your child to place their teddy on the 4th step 10th step etc. Then you place the teddy on a step and your child has to tell you which step it is on.

Mathseeds is always available and here are a few practical ideas.


St Georges Day if you want to find out more about this day click the link below.

Today is the start of Ramadan which is part of the Islamic faith. During this month Muslims won't eat or drink between dawn and sunset. This is called fasting.

Fasting is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, which form the basis of how Muslims live their lives. The other four pillars are faith, prayer,charity and making the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. (find it on a map) Remind your child that Amir's mummy came into school and talked to the children about the faith.

Here is a short clip to watch.

Here is a short quiz about Ramadan.

Well done today and thank-you. Please don't worry if you are missing days out. Every little bit helps.

Mrs Oddy

Friday 24th April

Here we go!

Exercise .

Go Noodle or/Joe Wicks/Yoga


9.30 am Set 1 sounds

10.00 am  " igh " sound today or later on catch up.










Act out a story or sing the song from Wednesday. You should be familiar with this now.

Use your instruments to tap out the beat.

Have a go at filling in a story map. This is just the sequence of events that happen in the story.

Use the mathematical language to order the story;

1st was the monkey and banana, 2nd Ostrich and guava, 3rd Zebra and the orange, 4th Elephant,and the mango, 5th Giraffe and the pineapple, 6th Antelope and the avocado, 7th Parrot and the passion fruit.

You can draw your own map on a piece of paper and label what happens on the way.

Here is a map you can copy or print off if this is available to you.

Story Map


As they are getting dressed your child can say in what order they are putting on their clothes. e.g

First I will put on my T shirt. 2nd I put on my jumper. etc.

You can sequence any event or routine in the day.

1st exercise, 2nd phonics, 3rd break, 4th number, 5th lunch.....

Outside hold races and give prizes. Create a track. You could play yourself or use objects such as  cars, teddies during imaginative play.

If you make a podium and medals this can be fun. 


If you haven't already done so, make a fruit salad and talk about where the fruit has come from and what else can grow in this country.

Thank-you for all your support. Everything you do really helps.

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Oddy 

P.S Next week we are researching and comparing Africa to the UK and locating Kenya on the map, which is the country where the Handa's Surprise story was set.We will also be looking at the different sorts of animals. 

Please feel free to email: with any questions or photos. I will be posting photos on Friday with the children's work they have sent me.

Mrs Oddy

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