
Primary School



Home Learning Monday 11th June

admin on: Reception

Home Learning Monday 8th June

 Go noodle/Jo Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga) or just walk round the garden.

PHONICS  and Reading

Quick white board work.

Handwriting: v w x z 

  I, the, to, love no, go, all, small, tall, call, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you  saw  how   was  they some come  are water who want

New red words: was your

9.30  am    set 1 sounds for recap

9.30 am   set 2 sounds looking at the 00 sound

Have a go at reading these words.






Hold the sentence. E.g

 Look I can read a book

I can cook.

I shook the hook and got a fish.


You can follow this home school interactive resource. It's fun and colourful and has a full week of activties.


Counting in 10's

Warm up!

Days of the week, months of the year song.

Counting to 20 forwards and backwards.

Look at the counting in 10's power point below:


Children draw round their hands and label 1-10 on the fingers.

Go round and count in 10’s to 100.

Sheet cut and stick to 100. Click here

 Counting in 10's Cut and Stick sheet

 Also available.

Maths seeds Look for counting in 10's.

TOPIC Bog Baby

Read the book without showing the picture on the front of the book up to the point where the children in the story first find the bog baby. Pause to talk with your child about what they think the bog baby might look like. Suggest they listen hard to the next two or three pages and paint a picture in their mind’s eye.

Bog Baby Book

Then carry on reading but without showing the illustration to the point where they take him home and hide him in the shed.

 Ask children to share their ideas of how they think the bog baby might look. Suggest they create one of their own using clay/play dough or just natural materials outside or insert them in to clay to make bog babies.

When they have finished ask them to introduce their bog babies to a friend.

What is he like? What does he like to do or eat? Does he make a noise?

 Using digital cameras/phone each child should take a photograph of their own Bog baby and write a caption to accompany it.

If time they can draw their Bog Baby. 


Mrs Oddy

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First Day Back

admin on: Reception

Wow! What a fabulous first day we had yesterday and we loved seeing everyone again!

We got settled in our bubbles making bubble pictures with our photos on to decorate our classrooms and had a delicious lunch. We managed a little phonics and number work too as well as activities and stories.

We are definitely looking forward to more of the same today!

Miss H and the Reception Team x

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Home Learning Friday 5th June

admin on: Reception

Here we go!

Friday 5th June


Go noodle/Jo Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga) or just walk round the garden.

PHONICS  and Reading (Oxford owl ebooks available)

Handwriting: k p r u


 Red words:  I, the, to, love no, go, all, small, tall, call, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you saw how was they some come are water one two there where: New red words: who want

9.30  am    set 1 sounds for recap

10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the 00  sound

Have a go at reading these words.








Hold a sentence: I love food. I love the zoo.

The man on the moon had a spoon. 



 Warm up - count to 20 forwards and back wards.

Recap 2D and 3D shapes.


 Explore shapes found in nature as you go for a walk.

Look for patterns in the leaves, lines in the bark, the shape of the sun, gates, etc.

Talk about, and measure in steps or time, walking to the woods.

Include getting back quickly because of the bear!

 Complete a sheet for the children to fill in.

Record the answers in their best number formation.

 How many paces to the shed? …….…………

How many paces to the gate?...........

Use your numbers you wrote on card to hide round the outdoor area.

 Half the children hide them and the other half find them and swap over.

Can the children find the number to 10/20 and put them in order?


Go on a scavenger hunt outside and see if you can find all the objects in the forest.

Thank -you all this week those in school and those at home for supporting us in every way.

Have a great weekend and see some of you on Monday.

Mrs Oddy and the Reception team.



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Home Learning Thursday 4th June

admin on: Reception

Thursday 4th June


Go noodle/Jo Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga) or just walk round the garden.

PHONICS  and Reading

Handwriting: e f s j

 Red words:  I, the, to, love no, go, all, small, tall, call, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you saw how was they some come are water one two there where: New red words: who want

9.30  am    set 1 sounds for recap

10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the ow  sound

Have a go at reading these words.







Hold the sentence: The low branch has snow.  The show is fun. I know how to blow.


White Rose Maths

or Maths seeds or

Sing days of the week. Months of the year songs.

Count forwards and back ward to 20 ready for hide and seek!

Making numbers to 20 with numicon if available onto white boards.

 Go through the story and count the number of people on a page, legs, arms and heads, and compare the number of people to the number of limbs i.e. doubling.

Write down these numbers and make addition sums. Choose a page to do this task from the book or Power Point.

Bear Hunt Power Point


Research different bears in books or the internet.

Look at the differences and similarities between humans and bears: eyes, legs, fur, diet, etc.

Look at the power point if available.

Grizzly Bears

Can you describe what they look like?

What are they covered in? (Fur)

Why do they have fur?

Why do they have sharp teeth?

What do they eat?

Where do they live?

 ART and Design 

Outside if available

What would the bear sleep on? People sleep in beds.

 Discuss then draw or design a bed for the bear.

Look at different materials and make a bed for the bear?

You could make a little house and add a number to the front door.

Look at the shapes of the door, windows, and shape of the house that you make.

Outside dens of available or card inside.

Cereal box is good for this. Decorate how you want to.

Thank-you Mrs Oddy

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Home Learning Wednesday 3rd June

admin on: Reception

Good Morning!

Wednesday 3rd  June


Go noodle/Jo Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga) or just walk round the garden.

STORY- Singing

The bear hunt by Michael Rosen

Act it out as the utube clip plays.

PHONICS  and Reading (Oxford owl ebooks available)

Handwriting: b h n m

 Red words:  I, the, to, love no, go, all, small, tall, call, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you saw how was they some come are water one two there where: New red words: who want

9.30  am    set 1 sounds for recap

10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the igh  sound

Have a go at reading these words.







Hold a sentence: The Knight had a fight.

                             The light is bright.



Writing digits.

Watch the utube clip.

Practising writing digits 0-9 making sure they are the right way round and formed in the correct way.

You will need to write 3 sets of numbers 0-9 in a cereal box about 5cm x5cm ready for tomorrow activity.

You could have a game of snap today using a set of playing cards.

White Rose Maths


Research some forest photographs on the internet or go outside into the woods .

 Look at the children look at the colours and shapes of the trees and Paint/draw.


Start a weather diary.

Make a chart to record the weather, use symbols as well as words. Take some photographs of the weather.

Go for a walk

Act out the story as you walk round the garden or go for a walk in the woods.

What words can you use to describe what you see?

Look at the trees, listen, smell talk about how it makes you feel.

Can you remember the order of the events in the story? How does the bear feel at the end of the story?

Thank-you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy

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