
Primary School


Class 3

Week ending 4th November

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Is a Pumpkin a Fruit or a Vegetable? | MyRecipes

After a fantastic half term holiday and a spooky Halloween, we set to work with great enthusiasm!

In RE we learnt about Moses when he was a baby.  He was placed in a basket and sent down a river.

In Maths this week, we were learning even more about column addition and subtraction. We have practised so many in our books making sure our presentation was as neat as it could be!

We wrote some book reviews of some of our favourite books this week; we can read each other’s reviews to decide which book may be fun or interesting to read!

In Geography we learnt about COP 27, we had discussions about climate changes that are need to keep our planet safe. We must try to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees each year.

In Literacy, we are continuing to read the story of The Iron Man and his adventures. We focused on the scrap metal yard, filled with rusty old metal springs, wires, rusty trains, car bumpers, old trucks, cranes, diggers, engines, tractors, dusty pipes, nails and screws.  This is the favourite place for the Iron Man to feast. Our main focus was the setting of the scrap yard location for the Iron Man and our written descriptions of what could be found there. We also talked about sounds that could be heard. Pop, whizz, crackle, crunch, bang, rustling, squeaking, creaking, crash, scraping and clanging.  These are called onomatopoeia words.  Smells might have included oil, burning, grease and rubber tyres.  We used lots of noun phrases to help set the scene and to help the reader imagine what it looked like.

In PE, we got out the gym equipment: a bench, three platforms one big, one medium and one small and lots of mats. We practised our balancing, climbing and jumping.  It was lots of fun.

In Art, we drew the Iron Man using lots of different art materials such as oil pastels, graphite sticks and coloured pencils. We drew all the fine details that make up the Iron Man – cogs, wire, buttons, switches, springs, machinery, wheels, pipes and the different types of metal.

Our favourite dinner this week was southern fried chicken.

We finished the week by investigating cars.  We tested them on different surfaces to see if the friction on the surfaces changed how the car moved.  We finished with a race of the cars across the hall.  We had a crash in the final race and so reran it.  We had a lot of fun! 

Written by Lottie and William.

Well done this week everyone.  You have been amazing as usual.

If you are visiting a bonfire this weekend, please keep each other safe and have lots and lots of fun.

Bonfire Safety | Tips And Tricks This Bonfire Night | OHEAP Fire

Miss Watkins

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Week ending 21.10.22

admin on: Class 3

What an amazing half term we have had! We have learnt about so much, but our absolute favourite has been learning about the Stone Age. We have also loved our dancing lessons with Lucy; it’s been such fun dancing to George Ezra, Whitney Houston and Encanto. We also had our Harvest assembly this week and celebrated and gave thanks for the lovely HARVEST TIME.  Lots of people generously donated food the foodbank in Thongsbridge.

This week in Year 3, we carried out an investigation into the permeability of soils.  We tested sand, top soil and clay to see which soil was permeable, semi-permeable or impermeable.  We found that the clay was impermeable.  We recorded our results in a table.

In RE we learnt about Moses and the Ten Plagues; locusts, darkness, angel of death, flies, lice, frogs, boils, water turned into blood and death of the first born.

In Maths this week were learning about 3D shapes. How many corners (vertices), faces and edges shapes have.  Here are some of the shapes we looked at: cuboids, sphere, cube, square based pyramid, cones and different prisms. We counted how many different features each shape had. We also revised 2D shapes; these are flat unlike 3D shapes.

In History, we looked at different tools that the stone age people used such flint, spears, axes and that these were made by the people that had used them. You couldn’t buy them and they were not made out of plastic! We researched The Bronze Age; bronze was used as tools as it was strong and didn’t break.   We also learn about Iron age forts and jewellery.                                                                                                                                         

In Literacy we are continuing to read the story of The Iron Man.  We have described him and have talked about his characteristics. He came from a space planet. He is as big as two buildings, his eyes are as big as the moon and he has lots of cogs, gears, pipes and wheels on his body.  His feet are as long as a lorry. We have thought about where he came from and where he might be going.  We have written wonderful journey stories about him.

During Outdoor Learning we practised our knot tying by making frames out of sticks. We tied sticks together using coloured wool at each corner.

In Computing we were still learning about websites. We got to make our own branching diagram about our topics.  These were about the Stone Age and rocks, animals and tools. We also looked at spoof websites about rocks and the Stone Age and fossils.

Our favourite dinner this week was Quorn dippers and sausages.

Have a fantastic half term holiday and a spooky Halloween .

Written by Amir, Georgia and Lucas.

Well done everyone this half term.  You have been a joy to teach and get to know.

Miss Watkins and team.

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Week ending 14.10.22

admin on: Class 3

This week in Year 3, we spent even more time learning and thinking about Mary Anning who found a skull from a large sea lizard called an ichthyosaur. This was the biggest creature in 1799 that had been identified. The fossils ammonites were filled with sedimentary rock and were shaped in a spiral just like a snail.  We all touched a coprolite (fossilised dinosaur poo)!


In PSHCE we learnt about how to spot people that are feeling lonely. We learnt we needed to be kind and to include people when we are playing.


In Maths this week we practiced column additions and subtracting from 100 and we practiced using the three times tables.  We also tried working out how many sides 6 triangles had altogether.


In History we are learning about how to make bronze metal.  First tin and copper were mined out of the rocks, the metal goes into a metal pot where it is hung over a very hot fire. The metals are heated together until they melt and become a liquid. Next the liquid is moulded into a shape such as a sword or another tool.  We also learnt about grave goods and what they told us about the person and their lifestyle.


In Literacy we are reading the story of The Iron Man.  We tried to describe him.  His legs are as big as tree, he is bigger than a house, he had a little heart inside, eyes as big as the moon and he is made out of rusty, mossy iron. We have described him and have talked about his characteristics. He came from a space planet.


During Outdoor Learning we experienced different role play settings building and maintaining our Stone Age campfire, cooking fish stew and roasting berries and nuts. We needed to hunt and gather our food sources first, we made spears and caught fish.


In Computing we learning about websites again. We got to make our own branching diagram about our topics.  These were fun to do.

Our favourite dinner this week was pasta and meatballs and salmon pasta bake.


Written by Connie and Elle.

I would like to say thank you for coming (inline or person) to parents evening.  It was lovely to meet you all.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Watkins and Team

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Week ending 7.10.22

admin on: Class 3

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This week in Year 3, we spent some time learning and thinking about Mary Anning.  She was a famous lady who found lots of fossils on a beach in Dorset. After a thunderstorm, rocks would wash in and fossils from the sea could be found. We looked at Ammonites and dinosaur poo (coprolites)!  Mary Anning called the curiosities.

In Maths this week we practiced column subtraction.  There were three columns, with hundreds, tens and ones. We also did a little bit of column addition.

In History we are learning about how to make bronze metal. First tin and copper were mined out of the rocks (ore), the metal goes into a pot where it is hung over a very hot fire. The metals are heated together until they melt and become a liquid. Next the liquid is moulded into a shape such as an arrow head or another tool. 

In Literacy we were writing about have learnt about imperative verbs (bossy words).  The children were fantastic at being bossy!  We learn about how to wash a woolly mammoth, which was surprising similar to washing a baby or a dog we decided!

We really enjoyed PE this week continuing our dances and practicing our footballing skills. We refined our dribbling and passing techniques. We worked in groups of fours.

Again, we had our singing assembly. It was fun singing ‘Cauliflower’s Fluffy and Cabbages Green’, ‘Harvest Tango’ and ‘Hey My Name is Joe’.

During Outdoor Learning we learnt and practiced tying knots. This was quite tricky! We also collected rocks and built our own version of a Stone Age campfire.  We added orange and yellow leaves to make it look like fire!

In Computing we learning about websites and how we might recognise whether a website was a real site with real facts. We got to make spoof websites about rats, planets and dogs. They were supposed to be silly!

Our favourite dinner this week was fish and chips.


Written by Xander, Jack and Talia.

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Week ending 30.9.22

admin on: Class 3

Welcome to Year 3's Blog.

We looked at Stone Henge in History and we also looked at a Palaeolithic spear and a books about metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous rocks.  Jude explained how he used an anvil and a knapping stone to help make the flint head.  Amazing!

In English, we have been looking at noun phrases.  We tried to add more details for example we wrote:

The poor, old man rode into town.

The tall, smart man rode into town.

The silly clown wore long, colourful shoes.

The long haired girl walked into the dense, emerald forest.

We had fun making different sentences up.

We have been reading The Stone Age Boy and writing our own noun phrases into our work.  

We have had a great time in PE.  Miss Watkins arms are still aching from dance!

We unfortunately lost the Mathletics trophy, but we won the Spelling Shed one.

Written by Jude and Georgia.

Well done this week everyone.

Have a safe weekend.

Miss Watkins

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