
Primary School


Class 3

Home learning Thursday 18th June

admin on: Class 3

Hello everyone!

Here's a few photos to begin the day!


Here is Alfie working hard on his fitness with Joe Wicks! Here are his fabulous bar graphs too! Thank you too for your wonderful safety poster and Mousehole storm art Alfie..

Here are examples of Mia's hard work too; her wonderful Mousehole storm art and her safety poster. Your maths is always amazing too Mia!

Keep those photos coming everyone; I absolutely love seeing them!

Thursday's jobs for you....


8 questions;

These are all divisions; remember to divide by the denominator for the fractions (how many 2's in....., how many 3's in...) and use 'bus stop' for the others. Do let me know if you've forgotten how to do this so I can explain further (hopefully, you'll remember!!)

  1. 1/2 of 46 
  2. 1/2 of 16
  3. 1/3 of 24
  4. 1/4 of 36
  5. 326 divided by 2
  6. 483 divided by 3
  7. 528 divided by 4
  8. 755 divided by 5


If I had 168 oranges and wanted to share them out between 8 classes, how many oranges would each class get? (Am I asking you to +, -, x or divide?)

Activity; let's continue with pictograms.

Please can you select section B or C (only select C if you would normally do so, otherwise just do B)


Grammar first;

I've set a 2Do on Purple Mash for you; it's 'The Fox and the Hen' in 'Early Birds'. The activity is asking you to highlight which words are adjectives (describing), which are nouns (names of people, places or objects), adverbs (tell you more about the verb), verbs (doing/action words).

Main activity;

Please can you have another look at 'Mousehole Cat'. 


Ask Mum or Dad to read right to the end for you today. Discuss the text together; which are your favourite parts? Is the book similar to others you have read or different?


Have a good look at photos of Mousehole on the internet with Mum or Dad; can you select just one and then take your time and recreate that image yourself? You can use whatever material you like; you could use crayons, paints, pastels or whatever you prefer. Please send me a copy of your photo and your art; I'd love to see them!

Here's a lovely example that Alfie sent me; I'd just love to be there this Summer!


I've set a 2Do for you on Purple Mash; choose either chapter 5 of 'Sleeping Volcanoes' OR chapter 2 of 'Anna's Sports Day'. Please answer the questions too; again I've set a 2Do for the questions.

If you don't get chance to do this activity, please enjoy reading to Mum or Dad at some point and ask them to ask you lots of questions!

Enjoy whatever you are reading!

Have a great day and pleeeeeese keep in touch; I love to hear from you all!

See you soon everyone!

Mrs Matthews

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Home learning Wednesday 17th June

admin on: Class 3

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Hope you are all OK and still enjoying the better weather and of course having lots of fun!

Here are some activities for today. Please do remember, don't feel over- faced with the amount of work; if you're struggling just select what you think you can manage.


8 questions;

  1. 32 divided by 8 (just think of your 8x tables)
  2. 45 divided by 5 (again, think of your 5x tables)
  3. 18 divided by 3 (think of your 3x tables)
  4. 36 divided by 4 (think of your 4x tables)
  5. 423 divided by 3 (bigger number, use bus stop)
  6. 852 divided by 4 (bigger number, use bus stop)
  7. 54 x 10
  8. 760 divided by 10


There are 75 tennis balls in the P.E. store outside and there are 27 in the hall storeroom. How many more are in the P.E. store than in the hall? (Think about the calculation it is asking you to do).


Today I'd like you to create your own PICTOGRAM after your frequency chart. Here's an example;

It shows the sports played by the children in the year 3 classes at that school (a very big school I think!!). Notice the key at the bottom because if the numbers are high each image can represent more than 1, eg it might be 10, it might be 2 etc. Half an image would therefore represent half that number so in this case half a football would stand for 5. Will your images stand for 1 or perhaps 2 or more? It's up to you, but do remember your key!

Choose anything you like to base your frequency chart and pictogram on!


Let's look at opinions again, but also use the conjunction 'and' which is 'et' in French.


'J'adore les chats et les chiens'..........translates as I love cats and dogs.

'Je deteste les vaches et les souris'......translates as I don't like cows and mice.

Note the 'et' and also the 's' on the end of the animals because they're plural.

Here are your animals to choose from....

vache (cow)

cochon (pig)

cheval (horse)

tortue (tortoise)

souris (mouse)

lapin (rabbit)

chien (dog)

chat (cat)

lion (lion!!)

tigre (tiger)


Can you change the verbs to the past tense?

  1. We are happy.
  2. He is sad.
  3. I am sorry.
  4. I go everyday.
  5. I keep looking.
  6. I sit at the table.
  7. I am sitting on the floor.
  8. They are singing.


Have another look at the start of 'Mousehole Cat'; here's a video of that section too. Yesterday you were creating an image of the rough storm. Today, can you finish it and also add 'adjectives' and 'short descriptive phrases' to describe the storm? Add these to your picture- around the edges or create a separate list if you like, eg 'enormous crashing waves', 'loud rumbling thunder'...


Please could you find some images of Mousehole and some images of Holmfirth and create a simple table; one column for Mousehole and one for Holmfirth. Select images that highlight the similarities or differences.

If you don't have a printer you could draw scenes from each location; again highlighting the differences/similarities.

Enjoy your day and have fun. Do remember not to feel pressured to complete everything all at once; select what you're able to manage.

Keep in touch, even just to let me know how you're doing.

Missing you all!

See you soon,

Mrs Matthews

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Home learning Tuesday 16th June

admin on: Class 3

Hello again Class 3!

Hope you are all enjoying this fabulous sunshine! I arranged for it especially for you all!

Here's a couple of photos first....


Laurie working hard on his science and then relaxing in the Peak District. Have a look at those hang gliders!


Elijah working hard on his maths! Well done Elijah!

Mia's frequency chart and bar chart! Great job!

Here are the activities I'd like you to try today;


Here's a lovely gentle yoga you may want to try..


1. I've set a grammar 2Do on Purple Mash; it's called 'Word Families' in the 'Early Birds' section of grammar; it involves identifying the root words (the original word before a prefix or suffix is added) or words with a prefix or a suffix added or even both! A prefix is added to the beginning of a 'root word' and a suffix is added to the end of a 'root word', eg autopilot; the root word is pilot and the prefix is auto or 'investment'; the root word is 'invest' and the suffix 'ment'. We have looked at this topic in class before but the children may have forgotten!

2. The next activity is to enjoy listening to an adult read 'Mousehole Cat' to you. Enjoy the sharing the book until the point where the storm arrives. Discuss what the storm would have looked like. Can you draw a colourful  picture of how you imagine the storm would have looked?



8 questions;

  1. 764 + 200
  2. 267 + 300
  3. Subtract 200 from 453
  4. 768 minus 300
  5. 235 plus 30
  6. 563 + 5
  7. Add 40 to 235
  8. 50 greater than 237


Max was counting the apples in his apple tree. There were 35 green apples, 27 red apples and 14 were a mixture of red and green. How many apples were there altogether?


We have been working on frequency tables and bar graphs. Can you try answering questions about bar graphs. Try the activity below; please do section B (only select section C if B is too easy!)

That's the end of my jobs!!

Enjoy and don't worry if you can't manage everything; do what you can and remember to have fun and enjoy the sun!

Mrs Matthews

Hello, It is Tuesday so Miss H here too! I hope you are all well and starting to enjoy this wonderful weather, long may it continue! 


I really enjoyed listening to your compositions last week and I had a really good dance on Friday night to the different pieces of music by you and year 2! Because of the success, I have set this for you again this week. Good luck!


Here is a PowerPoint all about fire safety.

Recently, there has been a lot of fires being set on purpose and by accident on the moors. This is down to people using disposable BBQs and others playing with matches and lighters. Not only does this damage the environment and the animals and plants that live there, but also it could be harmful to the people involved in extinguishing them. Personally, I find this very upsetting as I live very close to the beautiful Marsden moors. Today, I would like you to create a poster to help protect our environment from fires.

Have a great day!

See you soon,

Mrs Matthews and Miss Hemingway!

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Home learning Monday 15th June

admin on: Class 3

Good morning all!

Here's a few more of your fabulous pictures...


Mia dressed up ready for Joe Wicks on Friday morning and Alfie splashing in the puddles with Gracie in the rain; great fun!


Here's Oscar's safe, happy place!

Here are your activities for Monday....


It's entirely up to you whether you decide to join 'Joe Wicks' for a strenuous workout or try the yoga again for a more relaxing one. Here's a link to a Star Wars yoga; let me know what you think!


Today I'd like you to continue working on paragraphs, but today focusing on how they might be used in stories and accounts.

In these cases, a new paragraph will begin whenever a new place or time is being introduced. Have a look at the activity on page 35 of your grammar book and see if you can complete it.

In section 2, 'On Saturday' and 'At the station' are examples of phrases to open the paragraphs, can you think of others? 


8 questions;

  1. What time is it?
  2. What time will it be in 30 minutes?
  3. Which months have 30 days?
  4. How many days in a leap year?
  5. Which shape has 6 angles?
  6. 1/4 of 24
  7. 1/3 of 24
  8. 54 x 100


I have 135 marbles. Some are red, some blue and some green. If there are 118 red marbles and 6 blue marbles how many are green?


Today I'd like you to create your own frequency table and then transfer your results onto a bar graph too. Here's an example of a bar graph.

Bar Graphs

Your frequency chart and bar graph can be based on anything you like; it might be favourite flavour of ice cream or milk shake, film or game, whatever you like. Have fun and ask as many people as you can!


Please can your visit Purple Mash again. If you are enjoying 'Sleeping Volcanoes'  (Emeralds) please could you begin chapter 4 and then answer the first set of questions.

If Emeralds are proving too tricky, try 'Diamonds' and select 'Anna's Sports Day'; I've set a 2Do for you for the first chapter and then the questions. See what you think.

By all means select a different text and read the first chapter and questions; let me know which book you chose and why!

That's all folks today!

Enjoy your day and please get in touch by email to let me know how you're doing.

See you all soon,

Mrs Matthews

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More class 3 photos! 12.6.20

admin on: Class 3

Here are more of your amazing photos! 

Thank you sooooo much for all your hard work and for sending me so many wonderful photos!

What a wonderful team you all are!


Alfie and his sister Gracie in MOUSEHOLE in 2015 and here he is cooking cannelloni!


Here's Alfie's super landscape showing Castle Hill in the distance!


Here's Charlie's fabulous coronavirus information booklet and also his wonderful landscape sketch; great job Charlie!


Here's Mia's wonderful coronavirus leaflet and her beautiful Castle Hill scene! Well done Mia!



Here's Laurie's gorgeous landscape and his super Covid-19 leaflet too!

Here's Grace's gorgeous view of Castle Hill; great job Gracie!


Austin enjoying baking with his family and working hard on his maths!

Here's Josie really enjoying working hard on her comprehensions! Well done Josie!


Here is Saskia's wonderful coronavirus leaflet; well done Saskia!

Thank you so very much everyone!

I'm so proud of you all!

Have a lovely weekend and see you soon,

Mrs Matthews

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