
Primary School


Class 4

Friday 22.05.2020

admin on: Class 4

6 Rules to Build Happy Habits : The Happyologist

Friday is upon us yet again.  It has been a busy week in our house, lots of school work for everyone and a skip (Florence has named it Jeremy) to fill with all the garden rubbish we have been gathering!  Lots of pruning, chopping and trimming.  We now need to move onto planting!  I wonder what you have been up to in your gardens?  I would love to see any of the plants and flowers in your garden.  Next week is the school holiday, so have a rest and enjoy the sunshine.  If you feel like it you could visit a virtual museum or art gallery.  Tell us where you have visited and what you saw if you do, but we will not be blogging each day.  Keep in touch though and you know where we are if you need us.


Production day!!  Today is the day that you will film your show.  Have you got your set ready?  Do you have your script?  Lights, camera and action!  It would be great if you could video your programme and send it to us.  Make sure that you use good clear voices and be dynamic!  We can’t wait to see them.


Let’s see how we are doing with our times tables.  Have a go at some speed tables and let us know your times.  Then spend some time on TT Rockstars.


Last week you found out some of the names of the animals in French.  Today can you write me a sentence about an animal in French?  It could be quite simple or a little more complicated. 
Le chien est noir.

Our Lovely Year 4 class - Padlet

Don't forget our lovely kindness page that you can post on.  We have some lovely posts on there.  Thank you.  It makes me smile to see all of your lovely faces and to read your comments.

Love Miss W and the Year 4 Team


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Thursday 21.5.2020

admin on: Class 4

What glorious weather!  We worked hard in the morning and then spent the afternoon in the sunshine.  Lovely.

Teddy and Florence went down the water slide.  The question is, did I?

I will leave you wondering.

On to today!  You have sent in some wonderful clips of you and your interviews!  It is fantastic.  I can not wait to see what Friday brings!!


We want you to become stage hands today.  You will need to gather all of the props that you will need for your programme.  This might need you to draw posters or gather a few teddy’s as props, whatever you require.  You will then need to rehearse your programme, using yesterday’s script to help you.  You can then make any adjustments that you require.


See if you can solve this problem:


Have a think about endangered animals.  Select a country and see what you can find out about the habitat of the animals.  Are they at risk of losing their habitats and why?  Draw a picture of the animal’s habitat and describe how it is at risk.  You could also think how this could be changed.

Well done again and don't forget to click on our Padlet link.  It is a fun way to stay in touch.

Our Lovely Class - Padlet link

Love Miss W and the Year 4 Team


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Fancy some World Record breaking art?

admin on: Class 4

Isabel, in year 2, pointed this out to me and I had to pass it along ... 

Like many of us, you may have been enjoying Rob Biddulph’s brilliant Draw with Rob draw along videos, which have amassed a huge online following and now been watched over 2 million times on YouTube.

On May 21st, Rob is going to attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the World’s Biggest Art Lesson

Rob will be live on YouTube at 4.00pm (BST) but in order for the attempt to meet Guinness World Records’ criteria we need participants – young and old –  to register for the free lesson at and be there for the whole 30 minutes. 

The attempt will also help to raise money for those most impacted by COVID-19.  Participants can donate what they can and companies have also begun to pledge financial support. These donations will go towards high impact charities to counter the impact of COVID-19, including stopping the disease’s spread, providing immediate relief to those most impacted and preventing future pandemics. 

#ArtWorldRecords #MakeHistoryatHome #DrawWithRob #StayAtHome

Miss H

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Wednesday 20th May 2020

admin on: Class 4

Good morning! 

I had another lovely day in school yesterday and we managed to finish our giant wings. Here's Lily modelling them for us...


I'm back in school today and hopefully the sun is going to shine for us. 


Today we would like you to think about a script for your programme.  Have a look at this short clip:  This is the type of programme we would love you to come up with.  Can you think what you would like to get across in your programme?  You will need to write a script of the words you will say.  You might like a sidekick to help you and they will need some words too.  Don’t forget to get your interview in as well. 

Maths - 


We would like you to create a picture of your endangered animal.  You can select the style and media that you wish. Perhaps you could research some different examples before you begin. 


Purple Mash - 

Have a look at your 2do list, there are some activities on there to complete. 

Have a wonderful day. 

Love from Mrs Kendal and the year 4 team xx

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admin on: Class 4

Here are you glorious photos.

We miss you all


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