
Primary School


Class 4

Wednesday 17th June 2020

admin on: Class 4

Happy Wednesday everyone.  I must say how impressed Mr K is with you all.  Obviously Mrs Kendal and myself are not at all surprised!  I hope you are all keeping well and still smiling.  That is most important!


We loved your shape poems this week.  Today I would like you to become a performance artist.  A lot of poems are written to be said aloud and not just read in our heads.  Some poets even dance their poems.  There are some very famous poets who "perform" their poems.  Micheal Rosen, John Hegley and Benjamin Zephaniah.  Maybe you know a few more.  Below are the links to a poem performed by Benjamin Zephaniah and a "How to perform" by Michael Rosen.  Have a little look at these two video clips.  Then select a poem, you can find lots online with a grown up helping you or in many poetry books.  I have posted one of my favourites, especially in the accent I had as a child!  (Michael Rosen) (Benjamin Zephaniah)

Once you have selected a poem, have a go at reading it out loud to someone in your house.  You could even try to learn it off by heart.  You could record it and send us a little video too.


Here is another puzzle for you.  I will post the answer tomorrow!

Please don't forget to keep having a go at Mathletics and TT Rockstars.


Today this will link with your English and poetry.  Your shape poems were wonderful, so I would like you to use the poem you have been performing today, to create or inspire a piece of art work.  It could be an image from the poem or a picture that makes you think of the poem.  You can paint or draw it, it is totally your choice.  I look forward to seeing what you come up with.  Let your imaginations go wild!

Thanks and have fun!

Love Miss Watkins and the Year 4 team.

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Mr. K update

admin on: Class 4

Hi Class 4, thank you for all your amazing work today. The Internet in school has been super slow this afternoon, and I am struggling to upload all the photographs of your work. So, I will do this tomorrow. Keep an eye out for your work!

Mr. K

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A super start to the week!

admin on: Class 4

Here are some of the shape poems I was sent yesterday. Well done everyone! 





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Tuesday 16th June with Mr. K

admin on: Class 4

Hi Class 4, Mr. K here. I hope you have enjoyed the beginning of the week. Just to let you know, I am still waiting for some replies from Class 5 pupils to all your letters from last week. If you haven't had a reply yet, don't worry I know you're still waiting and I am chasing them up with my class!

I have got some activities for you to do today. Let me know how you get on. Remember to email work to my email which is


Continue to spend 30 minutes a day reading. Is anyone reading a non-fiction book? 


I know you are doing poetry this week with Mrs Kendal and Miss Watkins, but I would love to see you write me a short story. I want to see how you are with your writing, and what skills you can do. I would be super impressed if you could think about these things when you write your short story today:

  • Using the Year 4 Writing targets, which I have included below.
  • Checking and correcting your spellings.
  • Ensuring you use a range of punctuation including apostrophes and commas. 
  • Checking your sentences make sense and have lots of different vocabulary.
  • Using paragraphs.

So, the theme of the short story? Well, here is a picture I used with my class last week to inspire them to write a short story. I am more than happy with three paragraphs for your short story, but if you want to write more, you can!

Think about:

  • Who the figure in the picture is?
  • What is special about this house? Who does it belong to?
  • Is something going to happen?

Here are the Y4 writing targets:

Try to include as many as these as your can!


So last week, you showed me what you could do with addition and subtraction. This week, I would like to see how you are with the written method for multiplication. I have 10 questions on short multiplication, which you have done in Y4. However, after that, I have some extension questions and a video for you to watch on long multiplication. It is what I teach you in Y5, so it may be completely new to you. You do not have to do the extension, as it may require further explanation from me, but if the video explains it well enough for you, you could have a try! 

Here are the 10 questions on short multiplication:

1.) 683 X 3

2.) 392 X 4

3.) 831 X 5

4.) 945 X 6

5.) 825 X 7

6.) 269 X 8

7.) 933 X 9

8.) 311 X 4

9.) 735 X 3

10.) 927 X 7


Normally, with multiplication, you are used to one of the numbers just being one digit, like 544 X 3. With long multiplication, the second number is also more than one digit. 

So it would be 563 X 34 

There is a special method to solve this. The video in the link below explains one way to solve this. Pay close attention to the video to see what they do. If you struggle at any point, remember you don't have to do this part, and you will be getting taught it in school in Year 5.

Once you've watched the video, and you think you might know what to do, have a go at these:

563 X 24

893 X 45

481 X 32

446 X 53

884 X 73

Topic (Romans)

Today, you are going to be learning about Boudica. I have posted a link to a video below, as well as a couple of websites with information about Boudica.    A 5 minute video with lots of information. You might want to make notes.                           Lots of good written information here.       More information on Boudica.

Once you have completed watching the video and reading all about Boudica, I would like you to create a poster that has either the title:




Based on everything you have watched and read about Boudica, you need to decide whether you believe she was a hero and villain. Use your research to give bullet points about why she is a hero or villain. For example, you might say she is a villain because she burnt down a Roman town. But you might say she was a hero because she stopped the Romans demanding unfair taxes. 

You have to make the decision for yourself whether you think Boudica is a hero or villain. In history, it is common for people to have different opinions about figures from the past. As historians, it is your job to read all the facts you can find, and make your own mind up. 


I tried some yoga this weekend. It was really peaceful and relaxing! I highly recommend it!

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Monday 15th June 2020

admin on: Class 4

Good morning! 

Wow, I am so impressed with all of the wonderful work you did last week. You certainly kept Mr Kershaw busy! 

Thank you again for sending me lots of stories to read to Will at bedtime. He has loved each and every one and wanted me to share this letter he has written to you. 


Here are the suggested activities for today: 


The next chapter of our 'guided reading' book is ready and waiting on Purple mash as well as the comprehension questions. 


The theme for this week is poetry. 

Have a look at these shape poems. They are shaped like the thing that they describe. The shape adds to the meaning of the poem.




Have a go at your own shape poem. It may help to jot down all of the things that your chosen picture makes you think about. 


If you have a calculator at home have a go at these. 



The Romans liked to decorate their buildings with four different types of columns. Can you find out the names of the four columns and sketch each one? 

I hope that you all have a wonderful day and I look forward to hearing from you. 

Love from Mrs Kendal and the year 4 team xx

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