
Primary School


Class 4

Friday 5th June 2020

admin on: Class 4

Happy Friday everyone.  I hope you are all keeping well.  We have been busy today with the sewing machine.  I have been making a dress and a top, and Florence has helped to make a few face masks.  It was fun and productive.  I am not sure how well the clothes have come out, but worth a try!  I know a few of you have had a go at sewing things during the lock down, which is great.  

To start with her are the answers to the landmark quiz.

I wonder how many you got?


Keep going with your Story book of Romulus and Remus.  If you have finished have a go at writing a list of comprehension questions.  Think about a range of difficulty with your questions.  Some can be easy and fact retrieving questions, some might be more tricky which would ask you to think about the text in more detail or some might be about the vocabulary in the text.


Today I would like you to keep going with multiplication.  Can you complete your speed tables as fast as you can and let us know the time you got.  I will post the times I am given.  Also go on TTRockstars and let me know whether you are a Rock God or just a Rock Hero!


This half term we should be looking at lots of different investigations so I thought that I would set you one.

Here is a silly joke to end the week on.  If you have any good joke you would like to share please do!

Why do bicycles fall over?

Because they are two tired!

Have a great weekend

Love Miss W and the Year 4 Team

PS.  Check back on the blog after 3pm this afternoon.  I think Mr Kershaw might have a few messages for you.


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Thursday 4th June 2020

admin on: Class 4

Hi everyone, I hope that you have had a fantastic half term, enjoyed the sunshine and kept happy and busy.  We certainly have here, with lots of water fun down the garden.  I have been in school over the holidays, so it was lovely to see a few of you there.  Some of our children are starting back now and school is looking wonderful as usual.  Florence starts back next Thursday.  I think she is looking forward to it.

Anyway here are some things for you to dip into:


Mrs Kendal shared a story with you yesterday on the blog about Romulus and Remus.  You can look back at yesterdays blog to reread it.  This is an ancient Roman myth.  Today I would like you to begin turning the myth into a book.  This might take you today and tomorrow.  I would love it if your book could have a little text and an illustration for each page of your version of the story.  Think who your audience might be: is it for an older or younger child or a grown up that does not know the story.  Make sure that you use interesting words and correct punctuation.  It would be great to see you use some apostrophes in your writing.  I cant wait to read your version of the story and to see your illustrations.


Here is a little more multiplication and division for you to have a go at:


Many Roman building still exist today.  Here are a few examples for you.  

Roman architecture (article) | Ancient Rome | Khan AcademyRome wasn't built in a day – ROADMENDERAqueduct - Ancient History Encyclopedia

Take a look online if you can at some more examples.  Then I would love it if you selected one and then have a go at drawing it.  You could use pencil or a thin pen to draw with, look carefully at the lines that are created in the architecture, see if you can re-create these clear lines in your drawings.

A little extra

Like Mrs Kendal, I have attached a fun picture quiz for you to have a go at.  Can you name all of these landmarks?  I will post the answers tomorrow.

Have a great day and keep safe.

Love Miss W and the Year 4 Team


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Wednesday 3rd June 2020

admin on: Class 4

Good morning, I hope you are all well. 

What a lovely day we had yesterday outside in the sun. I set my laptop up in the garden so I could work and watch Sophie and Will play at the same time. They both enjoyed painting more rocks which we went off to hide in the woods in the evening. I even managed to paint a few of my own! 


Onto today's suggested activities.


Read the story below and become familiar with it. There may be words in the text that you are unsure of, find out what they mean. 






Using the short multiplication and division methods you have practised this week, solve these word problems. 



Can you find out a little bit of information about Rome? 

First, start with it's location. Find the country and continent. Where is it on a world map? Then research about the famous landmarks. Perhaps some of you have visited Rome. Do you have any photos of your time there or has someone in your family been? 

Just for fun: 

How many Disney films can you spot in the picture below? 


Apparently there are 41 but I think I only managed to find 15! 

Have a wonderful day.

Love from Mrs Kendal and the year 4 team xx

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Tuesday 2nd June 2020

admin on: Class 4

Good morning! 

Well done to all of you for getting back into your work yesterday. As I was in school, I had completely forgotten it was an inset day (the days and weeks seem to be merging into one).

We enjoyed playing out in the sunshine and having tiddlywink races across the hall yesterday - after we had finished our blog work of course! 

A big well done to Ella for adopting a tiger and writing a wonderful information leaflet all about this amazing animal. 


It looks as though we all need to be extra nice to Freddie when we see him... I think he's won the lottery! 

Here are today's suggested activities: 


Wow! So many of you had a go at the reading task I set yesterday: it's still in your Purple Mash 2do list until the end of the week if you didn't get chance. 

Continue to read your own books please. 


You did a super recap on apostrophes yesterday. We'll stick with the SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) theme today. Have a go at the following: 




Have a look at these examples of short division (the bus stop method). We have used this method in class, so refresh your memory.


Now have a go at these calculations (ignore the yellow numbers): 



When learning from home, we are all using the internet a lot more for research and help with school work - but how do we know that what we are reading is the truth? 

Have a think about how we can use the internet safely to find out information that is correct. 

Some computer programs have Easter Eggs hidden within them and I'm not talking about the tasty, chocolate kind brought by a giant bunny! 

Easter Eggs in computer land are jokes and hidden messages placed inside everyday programs.

Search for the following in Google and have a bit of fun: 

  • Askew (and click on the first result)
  • do a barrel roll (and click on the first result)
  • elgoog (and click on the first result)
  • zerg rush (can you defeat the o's?)
  • atari breakout (then click images and choose the first one)

I hope that 'wowed' you as much as it did me! 

Chocolate quiz results: 

Did you have a go at yesterday's chocolate quiz? If so, here are the answers: 

Hope you all have another lovely day. 

Love from Mrs Kendal and the year 4 team xx

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Monday 1st June

admin on: Class 4

Good morning and welcome back!

I hope you have all had a wonderful week off in the sunshine. We have spent a lot of time in the garden making up new games, planting flowers and jumping in and out of the paddling pool. 

I am missing you all and looking forward to reading your emails so please do keep in touch.

This half term we will be starting our new topic called ‘Invicta’. Can you find out what this word means?


I know what super readers you all are and I am missing our guided reading sessions. I have set a 2do on Purple Mash so that we can all read the same book together and answer some comprehension questions (also in your 2do list).

Keep reading your own books at home too. Try to spend at least 20 minutes a day reading.


Apostrophes for omission

Apostrophes for omission are used to show where letters have been missed out (omitted)

  1. can't = can not didn't = did not it's = it is / it has


Find a single word using an apostrophe to replace the ones in brackets.

1 (I am) _________ sure (they are) ____________ not going to come.

2 “(It is) _______ OK for you. (You are) ____________ never short of money!” he shouted.

3 If we live until (we are) ________ one hundred, (we will) ________ never win the lottery.

4 (I am) _______ never allowed out until (I have) _________ finished my homework.

5 (I will) _________ make sure he never plays in the team again.

6 My guitar teacher says (he is) _________ the best in the country.

7 I know (who is) _____________ behind the door.

8 (Do not) ______________ feed the animals. (They will) _______________ bite!

9 You (can not) ________________ do that here!

Underline the words which need apostrophes in this passage.


"Hurry up, son, or youll be late for school."

"I shant," came the reply from the bedroom.

"Whats wrong?" asked his mother.

"I dont like the teachers and I cant stand the kids."

"Ill give you two good reasons why you should go."

"What are they?" inquired her son.

"One: youre thirty-five, and two: youve just been made headmaster."

Apostrophes for possession

Apostrophes are used to show that one thing belongs to another:

Henry's wives, the king's wives, the kings' wives, the children's father.

A possessive apostrophe indicates ownership. You decide where the apostrophe goes by

asking the question "Who does it belong to?" Then you put the apostrophe immediately after

the owner, eg: the girl 's books, the girls ' books, the men 's shoes


Underline words which need apostrophes, then add them in the correct place.


  1. The teachers assistant helped to display the childrens work.
  2. The mens voices were raised in anger.
  3. The cat hissed and arched its back.
  4. Its long legs worked like pistons.


Here is an example of short multiplication to refresh your memory:

Using this method, solve the calculations below:


We will be learning all about The Romans this half term.

Can you create a timeline and place The Roman Empire on it? To get an idea of timescale you will need to add other historical events onto your timeline as well (don’t forget to put the current pandemic on your timeline as we are living through history right now!)

Here are some events you could use on your timeline (you will need to research the dates):

  • Ancient Egypt
  • Ancient Greece
  • The Great Fire of London
  • The Gunpowder Plot
  • The Victorians
  • World War I and II
  • The moon landing
  • The World Wide Web is created

There are many more that you can add too. 

How you present your timeline is up to you (drawn, written or on the computer).

Just for fun: 

I'm keeping in touch with my family through Face Time and each week we enjoy a family quiz. We had a go at the chocolate challenge this week! See how many of these chocolate bars you can identify. I'll post the answers on tomorrow's blog. 

Have a lovely day. 

Love from Mrs Kendal and the year 4 team xx

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