
Primary School


Class 4

Artistic Photography

admin on: Class 4

Here are a few of your wonderful photographs!  Very clever shots.

Amazing photographs Year 4

Well done.

Love Miss Watkins and the Year 4 Team


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Gallery 19.6.2020

admin on: Class 4

You have all been really busy this week.  Mr Kershaw was really impressed with you all last week!  Well done.

Here are a few photos of things you have been up to, unfortunately I cannot blog your videos.  I will try to think of a way to let you see some of them.  I will post your artistic photos separately.

Just to remind you about the TT Rockstars tournament and our Padlet page.

James got 3.09 on his speed tables today and Orla got 2.56!   Well done.

Have a super weekend one and all.

Love Miss Watkins and the Year 4 Team


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Friday 19th June 2020

admin on: Class 4

Hi everyone.  Friday is here again.  It does creep around quickly!  I hope that you have had a good week.  Let's hope that the rain goes away and lets us have a little sunshine over the weekend.  I wonder what types of things you get up to in the rain?  I always love a jigsaw or a board game.  Racing raindrops down the window is always rather silly too!


Today's job with your poetry is to perform the poem you wrote on Thursday.  Remember how the poets performed their poems with lots of expression and even some movement, which you could do if you feel like it. It might be fun if you dressed up or had a few props too.  Then get the video camera running and record your performance for us.  Unfortunately, we cannot post videos onto the blog, but we might hopefully be able to get some on the website in the future.


Today we are going to have a times tables session.  Have a go at speed tables and then get on TT Rockstars.  I have set a battle for you.  Boys versus girls again, sorry it is the only way that I can split you up fairly!

Here are the answers for yesterdays puzzles:


Has anyone heard of Nicéphore Niépce or Ibn al-Havtham?  These people are some of the amazing inventors who helped to invent very early versions of cameras, including the Camera Obscura.  If you fancy a little research project you could have a little look at the history of cameras and who has been involved in developing them into the amazing cameras we have today.  Here are a few examples of photography over the years, sometimes it tells a story and sometimes is is wonderfully artistic.


History of photography - Wikipedia                         

I would like you to turn into a photographer today.  You can decide what topic you want to photograph.  It could be a photograph of something from nature or it could be a still life of a group of objects that you have gathered together.  You could have people in it or even animals.  I will look forwards to seeing your photographs.  I wonder who will be the next Dorothea Lange, David Bailey or Peter Essick?

Well done again and I am really looking forward to hearing from you.

Love Miss Watkins and the Year 4 Team


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Thursday 18th June 2020

admin on: Class 4

Good morning you lovely lot!  How are you all doing?  Don't forget that you can go on our Padlet page to put up any lovely activities and fun things that you are doing.  I have been in school again today.  It is so lovely to hear noise back in the building again, but we are all missing you.


I loved your performance poetry yesterday.  I thought that today you could become poets yourself.  Charlie M (thank you) reminded me of another of my favourites this morning - Spike Milligan.  He was a very funny man who wrote some very silly poems.  Here is a link to one call Ning Nang Nong!

Today I would like you to write a poem of your own to perform.  Your poem can be about anything you would like.  It can be serious, emotional, funny, nonsense or silly.  Write your poem down and send them in!  I can't wait to read them.  You will have another job with these tomorrow!


Here are another few problems for you to work on.

Well done with all of your maths.  I will post the answers tomorrow.

Here is yesterdays puzzle answer:


In Art earlier this week, you looked at columns.  In Science I wondered if you could have a go at making your own columns.  Can you use paper or card to build some columns.  See if you can build a strong structure and can it hold any weights on top?  How strong are your columns?

Some of these columns have been around for hundreds of years and more!  They are so strong and decorative, you could decorate yours too.

Don't forget to keep reading everyday and let us know what you are reading.  I know lots of you are reading and have finished the Harry Potter books.  

Well done everyone again

Love Miss Watkins and the Year 4 Team


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Updates from Tuesday 16th June with Mr. K

admin on: Class 4

Hello, Class 4. I had another enjoyable day with you yesterday. Your stories are great and I was super impressed with your maths too. Lots of you sent me some thoughtful pieces of history as well. Great job! Here are some updates for you. By the way, if I have missed anyone out, please email me and let me know! Any maths, I am not putting this on the blog, as I don't want to give away the answers to anyone who hasn't done it yet, but a massive well done if you sent me this in. I know some of your found the extension difficult, but you gave it a good go!

Remember last week when I asked you to send in the most unusual photographs? Alastair has provided me with a series of them for you to look at.

Brooke has sent in her writing and her Boudica work, with a great drawing of her.

Freddie has sent in his story. I really like the way this story turns out!

James has sent in his Boudica work and his story. James thinks Boudica is a villain!

Joshua has sent his story in, with a character inspired by his real-life neighbour!

Libby sent in her story, where disaster nearly struck!

Lila has written her story. Can you guess which book inspired her story?

Orla has shared this lovely non-fiction book she is reading. It looks super interesting! Also, she has sent in her story and her history too.

Poppy S has sent in her story with lots of lovely descriptive language!

Sarah has sent her story in with a neat little way of finishing it by referring to an earlier part of the story. Also, her Boudica work and she has made a puppet theatre based on Harry Potter. A great idea!

Seb has sent in some information about the book he is reading and a picture of him with the tallest thing he could make.

Eva has sent in her Boudica poster and her story. I like how it is in first person!

Charlie S has sent in his story and his historical opinion of Boudica. Well done!

Jess has sent in her Boudica. Great work!

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