
Primary School


Class 4

A little extra for you to look at - 15.5.2020

admin on: Class 4

Good evening everyone, 

Here is just a quick blog post to fill you in on how the TT Rockstars tournament went.  The girls Rocked It!!!

Well done.  We will have another tournament in a few weeks.  You were all fab though.  Well done!

I also wanted to send you the link to a lovely new page that you can all add to.  Just click the link below, click the add button in the bottom left hand corner and post a comment.  It will be lovely to hear from you and we thought that you would like to see how yours friends are doing.

Our Lovely Class

As always, we miss you, keep safe and keep smiling.

Love Miss W and the Year 4 Team


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Friday - 15th May 2020 - Uniform Day

admin on: Class 4

Another Friday is upon us.  And the sun is due to shine all weekend despite some colder days.  Mrs Kendal and I have been in school this week.  It has been strange to be in school and not see all of you.  We do miss you.  I hope you are enjoying the tasks that we are setting you.  Please always remember that they are only guides and suggestions for you to work on.

Just a quick reminder that today is Uniform Day so please send a picture of you in your uniform.  I wonder if it still fits! 

(By sending in a photo, you consent to it being used within school and on the website.)


You know how much I love my dogs!  Here they are:

Valerie is the black one and Margret it the light brown one!


Have a go at this comprehension:


Shall we do a little more measuring?  Please have a go at the following.


Have a think about some of the animals that you have looked at in Science over the past few weeks.  You could think about any animals that you spot whilst you are on your walks around our lovely countryside.  Try to find out how you would say the name of the animal in French.  You could say it and record your voice or you could write the words down.


We should be learning all about Guru's and Sikhism.  See if you can find 4 facts about Guru's and the Sikh religion. You could write some facts down or draw some images about the religion.

Well done again and enjoy every minute of your weekend.

Love Miss W and the Year 4 Team


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Thursday 14th May 2020

admin on: Class 4

Good morning one and all,

Well it looks like a lot of you really enjoyed your VE Day celebrations.  We certainly did.  We could hear singing ringing out around our village.  It was as if Vera Lynn was singing on our village green.  There was even a man playing his big band (Glen Miller) music on a trumpet.  We managed to go for our walk, which was glorious.  We saw all sorts of birds, lots of sheep and lambs, cows and calves, a handful of people and even an old American car in a hidden field! 

I spoke to Mum about how Auntie Sadie had celebrated VE Day back in 1945 and apparently, she wasn’t allowed to go, as she had school the next day, but she does remember lots of parties going on around near her house.  My Dad also mentioned that his Grandfather had been on holiday once and he had loved Winston Churchill, so he decided to go and look at the house he lived in.  When he arrived, a policeman told him that Churchill was walking around.  He appeared behind him.  My Great-Grandfather then called out and Winston Churchill gave him his famous Victory sign.  I will put up some of your fabulous photos later today. 

Can I also remind you about the words photo?  We have had a few back, but would love some more.

Anyway, on to today, both Miss Watkins and Mrs Kendal are in school with Key Workers children today, so we might not be able to reply to your emails as speedily as usual!


I would like you to have a think about the stories that you have been writing for Mrs Kendal’s William.  You can also think about a book that you are reading too.  Can you pick out at least 10 words that you feel are powerful?  Write these words out in your neatest handwriting.  See this as a vocabulary and handwriting task please.  If you would like to extend this task, you could use a thesaurus (there are some good ones online to be used with parental guidance) to find new words.


You have all been looking at symmetry this week.  I thought that we move onto measurement of length.  Have a go at these three sheets all about measuring length.

You can draw your own lines for the first task (above) if you prefer


Have a think about settlements again.  You have looked at both close to home and a further away settlement.  I would like you to begin to think about a totally new settlement.  You are going to think about what a completely new town, village or city would need.  Can you remember our work on Salts Mill?  Can you draw a map of a new settlement, including all of the features that you would need and some that you would like?  You can include a key to help identify the features.  Make sure that you consider both physical and human features.

British Values

Have a think about the four key British Values - Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance and Individual Liberty.  Can you create a poster to explain what these different values mean.

Hope you all keep safe and well.  We still are not sure what will be happening over the next few weeks, just keep well and keep smiling.

Love Miss W and the Year 4 Team


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Wednesday 13th May 2020

admin on: Class 4

Good morning! 

I just want to start by saying a huge well done to Mrs Barker for completing the Netherthong Race for Life challenge yesterday and a big thank you to everyone who has donated money towards such a fantastic cause. 

Today's suggested activities are as follows: 


After completing your plan and draft version, you are  now ready to create your final story book. You can choose whether your book is hand-written or created using a computer programme (Powerpoint, Publisher or Word). Think carefully about the layout of your book. You can write in different styles, making some of the words bigger or colourful (think Tom Gates). Each page should also be illustrated (Will loves looking at the pictures in books). 

When your story is complete, add a front cover and a blurb. 

I am looking forward to receiving your finished stories. 


Can you conduct your own mathematical investigation? 

Test a partner's reaction time by recording how fast they can grasp a ruler (or similar object) when you drop it between their fingers (if you use a timer on a smartphone, you can record the milliseconds).Repeat 5 times and record the results. Think about what method would be best for recording your data. 

Choose one of these theories: 

  • The older you are the slower your reactions.
  • Your reactions will get better over time.
  • Girls will be quicker than boys.
  • Boys will be quicker than girls.
  • If you are left handed your reaction speed will be quicker with your left hand.
  • If you are right handed your reaction speed will be quicker with your right hand. 

Design an investigation to test your theory. 

When you have recorded your results display your findings in a graph (think carefully about the type of graph you choose). Make sure you label your axes and give your graph a title.   


Can you create a piece of artwork using everyday objects? 

Here are some examples:


I'm going to have a go at this today - maybe I'll share my work with you (if you promise not to laugh!). 

Purple Mash: 

Have a look at your 2do list. It's great to see so many of you completing the tasks on there. 

Have a lovely day. 

Love from Mrs Kendal and the year 4 team xx


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Photos for last week - week beg 4th May

admin on: Class 4

Here are a few from last week.  I will put some of your VE Day ones on separately.

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