
Primary School


Class 6

Thank You and Goodbye

admin on: Class 6

Thank you to every single member of class 6 for the last two years. Both parents and pupils, you have all been amazing and I cannot tell you how grateful I am for all the support, hard work and dedication from everyone. Today was very emotional for us all, but I am now writing this with a smile on my face knowing that these children are ready for the next phase in life and I am just grateful that I have been able to be part of their journey for a little bit. Thank you for every kind word, every gift, every smile, every joke and every email. Please keep in touch and come back and visit us!

Mr. K

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7.7.22 Update

admin on: Class 6

Today, the Y6 children had their reception buddies for the morning. They designed a colouring activity sheet for them and an obstacle course. It was lovely to see the two classes together!

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1.7.22 Update

admin on: Class 6

This week, the children have continued to work hard in all areas. They have been filming their lip sync video and we have just started practising our leavers' assembly. It's all getting very close to the end now! 

We have also linked our science to ancient civilisations by asking how could ancient civilisations build monumental pieces of architecture with no modern-day machinery? We did an experiment where we looked at how the Ancient Egyptians reduced the friction on building blocks for pyramids by using items such as logs, sledges and even water! The children used Newton metres to measure if there was a reduction in friction with each method. 

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24.6.22 Update

admin on: Class 6

In forest schools this week, the children created their own 'tribe' complete with shelters, a song and some defences. They also helped create a pond in their gardening activities. 

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17.6.22 Update

admin on: Class 6

On Wednesday, we went to the University of Huddersfield for an open day. The children got to take part in a PE lesson in an amazing sports hall which was far bigger than ours! Also, they did a treasure hunt around the university campus and got to hear from some of the current students at the university. Finally, they took part in a graduation session where they got to wear gowns and mortar board hats. Here are some pictures:

If you would like an individual photo of your child 'graduating', just email me as I have them all!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mr. K

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