
Primary School


Class 4

Welcome to Year 4

admin on: Class 4

Hello to everyone who has started in Class 4 this September! I apologise that it has taken me until week 3 (!!) to get a blog post sorted, I won't leave it this long again, I promise.

I am really enjoying my new class, they are full of enthusiasm, kindness and they have a great sense of humour! I can't wait to see what they can achieve this year.

A quick note about me - I am very forgetful! My last class were well aware of this and didn't hesitate to remind me when I forgot to hand out letters. Please encourage your child to be just as forthcoming about reminding me of important information as I clearly need it. Which brings me to my next point - many apologies for not sending out the class photograph form today. Yes, I forgot! They will go out tomorrow! 

If you ever need to speak to me, please know my door is always open. Or if I am not immediately available, I will always arrange a time to speak to you. I am often in until after 5, so if you pick your child up from wrap around club and need to speak to me, you can always pop in if I am still in school.

I am looking forward to meeting you all very soon at parents' evening.

Mr. Kershaw

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A big thank you from Mrs Matthews!

admin on: Class 4

I just wanted to say a huge 'thank you' to you all for all the wonderful cards and gorgeous gifts you gave me at the end of term; you are all so very very kind. Your lovely sentiments are very much appreciated too.
I will certainly miss all your wonderful support this year!
Thank you
Mrs Matthews

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Summer Reading Challenge

admin on: Class 4

Holiday homework went out yesterday from Mrs Barker - if you need the form, you can download it here.

Have a fabulous time!

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Cliffe House

admin on: Class 4

Now we are all back from Cliffe House, I just wanted to take the opportunity to say how fantastic all the children were. They were a credit to our school, they behaved well and they were some of the best sleepers I've ever taken on a residential! The progress the children made in teamwork and communication skills really shone through and they developed their geography skills through our river walk. Mrs Lindley, Miss Littler, Mrs Sykes and I were all very impressed with them.

I have done a residential nearly every year of my career and I cannot say enough how fantastic they are for children. It brings out the best in them and allows them to shine at things they haven't necessarily tried before. I hope you can see a difference in your child and understand why I am so passionate about learning outside the classroom!

Here are a selection of photographs from our time at Cliffe House. There are some more on the class gallery.

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Cliffe House Day 2

admin on: Class 4

We have had a fun-filled day here at Cliffe House. All the children went on a river walk, where they learnt about features of a river and picked up some other interesting woodland facts along the way. Also, we all had a go at archery, there were some real naturals! The children also had a go at creating some artwork in the woods. 

In the evening, the children got the chance to explore the adventure playground before we settled down to watch a film before bed. 

As I am writing this, I am pleased to say all the children are asleep (or at least quiet!!!) and something tells me they will sleep well tonight. 

Tomorrow, pick up will be from 1. I will also upload some photographs to the blog when I am back in school in the afternoon. 

I think it’s time I got a few precious hours kip now,

Mr. Kershaw

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