
Primary School


Class 3

Week 2!

admin on: Class 3

Hello all!

We're having a great time in Year 3; I can't believe it's week 3 already next week! We had a lovely week last week; the children seem to have settled in beautifully and are now thoroughly looking forwards to our Murton Park visit on Weds 26th. Having visited yesterday I suggest the children wear their own clothes, including trousers and comfortable but sturdy shoes as many of our activities will be taking part in the Stone Age village outdoors (very exciting!!).

Homework this week has once again been put in the children's reading diaries and IXL passwords are in the front. If you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to come and talk to me. You'll be pleased to note there are fewer spellings this week! I apologise that the spellings are a little tricky, but please be assured that the children and I do spend time discussing the spellings again before beginning them on a Friday, highlighting any spelling patterns used.

Please continue to practice the 2, 3 and 5 times tables too.

Thanks so much

Mrs Matthews

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Welcome to Year 3!

admin on: Class 3

Hope you've all had a fabulous Summer holiday with your children. We had a wonderful first 3 days in Class 3; the children were all amazing! They're all super enthusiastic and keen to begin our exciting topics in Year 3. The children all came home with a planner this week; they will be given a list of spellings to stick in their planners every Friday and usually an English and Maths IXL homework to complete. I thought I should let them in gently and we've only sent home spellings this week! We will add IXL passwords at some point this week. Please could the children also work on learning their 5x tables this week. We will have a spelling and times tables quiz every Friday.

Please let me know if you have any worries at all.

Thanks so much,

Mrs Matthews

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