
Primary School


Class 6

Fab and fun Friday!

admin on: Class 6

Friday 2nd October 2020

We have had a busy few weeks on a Friday with myself in year 6! 

In computing, we have been looking at how to keep safe online, how we leave digital footprints and have begun to look at networks. We have found out the difference between the internet and World Wide Web, and researched Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the founder of the World Wide Web. 


In music, we have been exploring how to make music through the use of technology. We started by using Quickbeats from Charanga and have progressed to use Launchpad. These applications use synthesised sounds on loops to create a piece of music. What great composers we have in this class! If you would like to have a go at home with these applications, please click on the link below for Launchpad and use your Charanga login for Quickbeats... 


Charanga Login

In RE, we have been looking how we show commitment and what values are important to us. In groups, we debated where we would rank different values like kindness and generosity. 


Have a lovely weekend! 

Miss H x

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admin on: Class 6

Evening all,

I have set up another assignment on Teams, to give us all some practice.

Please let us know if you have any technological (or any) difficulties.

Thanks for your support,

Mr C

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Spellings & Speed Tables

admin on: Class 6

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Thursday) is spellings and speed tables day.

If you get chance to test your child on either, or both tonight, that would be great. We have noticed that a few children in the class are struggling with 6, 7 and 8x tables - I'm not sure if that it down to the lockdown and practice - and we are considering putting some interventions in place to help.

Thanks for your support,

Mr C

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Week 4

admin on: Class 6

Good Morning all,

It's week 4 and my coat doesn't seem warm enough!

The spellings are the same as last week. Please ask your child how they did in Thursday's test. Full marks gets a house point, full marks for the second week also gets three house points - it's all to play for! 

All the spellings are on Spelling Shed, with activities to help.

Mathletics for this week is rounding, prime vs composite numbers and adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers. These all back up what we are doing in class. If your child is struggling to do this at home for some reason, I will give them access to a laptop during their lunch time.

Well done to those who engaged with the Microsoft Teams homework at the weekend - they have all been given house points! This looks like being the way forward, so please get in touch if you need any help with this.

Thanks for your support,

Mr C & Mrs J

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Week 3

admin on: Class 6

It's already week 3!

Here are spellings for this and next week: 

individual, vehicle, restaurant, sincere, recognise, variety, controversy, temperature.

All words are on Spelling Shed and your child has their log ins in their planner.

I did have issues with the new Mathletics set up, last week, so it appears that they got away with maths last week, but they have been made well aware of my expectations this week. Quite a few of the class did work on Mathletics anyway and were duly rewarded for it.

It does seem that a large proportion of the class keep forgetting to take planners home; they now know what the repercussions of this will be next year at high school. I would really appreciate your support in helping them to remember this for themselves. Gaining independence and responsibility for themselves and their learning is a large part of being in year 6 and I will continue to work on this here.

Thanks for your support. We are all having a great time!

Mr C and Mrs J

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