
Primary School


Class 6

Hello Class 6

admin on: Class 6

Good Afternoon!

The first two weeks have been amazing; Mrs Johnson and I have really enjoyed getting to know the class - they are fantastic and we can see that this will be a superb year.

Just a reminder that spellings go out each Monday; your child will have written them in their planner. In addition, they will be on Spelling Shed and your child has the log in details for that in their planner.

Also, each Monday the next week's Mathletics tasks go live. The children know that these must be completed by the following Monday morning. Obviously, sometimes we all have problems, or may struggle with a topic. It is up to your child to let Mrs Johnson or myself know about this before the Monday, so we can help. Again, these log in details are in the planners.

As you can see, planners are quite important. I have stressed that they should be in school each day, as a way of getting ready for expectations at high school next year. 

If there are any problems, please get in touch, so that we can address them asap.

Thanks for your support,

Mr C and Mrs J

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Friday 17th July

admin on: Class 6

Well, we've done it!

Thank you so, SOOO much for the all the lovely, incredible gifts! I now need to think seriously about working out over the summer to combat the intake ahead.

Thank you also for the loan of your children. It has NOT been a normal year, but the ones that I have seen have really dealt with the changes well - better than some of us, so-called adults really - and have been smiley and happy.

Normally, at this time of year, I stand on the stage and make a bit of a speech to wrap up the year. I did that with the children in the bubbles this morning and made them all aware that Mrs Johnson and myself will always be a knock on the window away. We have taken your children to our hearts, spending 12 months thinking about them most days; about what makes them tick, what makes them happy, how to get the most out of them, how to inspire them, how to make them laugh, feel confident and feel ready to leave here for the next step on their journey. We won't just stop thinking about them just because they have left...

My friend, Mark Crouch, and I regularly get together and end up talking about past classes and who we have seen, or heard of. I do the same with Liam Kershaw and daily with Anna Johnson. We feel privileged to have had your children in our care and hope that they have left here able to look back fondly on the experiences. 

I will always be their year 6 teacher and am always available to help, chat, discuss anything with them as they negotiate the adventure ahead. Ask them to keep popping back, please.

Have a lovely summer... again THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Mr Clayton and Mrs Johnson.

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Thursday 16th July

admin on: Class 6

Good morning all,

Two more days of year 6 to go.
This morning, we will be looking at photos from our journey through school. So, why don't you look through your photos from home and see if you can create a collage of photographs of you from Reception through to today. It would be interesting if you have a photo from day 1 in Reception and you can put it next to one from today.

We will also be helping to move things here - Year 6 will be in the old Year 3 classroom next year! So, why don't you use the opportunity to help at home, by tidying your bedroom? Get things in order for the holidays.

Don't forget reading and exercise! All summer really.

Hopefully I'll have some photos from yesterday's outdoor gathering, which I can put on here later.

Have a lovely day.

Mr C

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Comic competition

admin on: Class 6

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Wednesday 15th July

admin on: Class 6

Good Morning,

I hope that we are going to see as many of you as possible today. 

Make sure you read for 30 minutes before you come in!


Maths: Circles -

The afternoon visit.

I will be bringing the two bubbles out just after 1.30pm
Please leave your parents at the top of the footpath, by pre-school and walk down to the playground gate. If I have not come out at that point, please queue there (remembering to socially distance).

I will let you onto the playground, where you will be able to stand on the marble run/path to the bottom playground.

The two bubbles will be split between the top and bottom playgrounds, so you will be able to talk to people in both bubbles.

Mrs Johnson and I will be bringing some snacks, so that you can all have a bit of a picnic together.

See you all later!

Mr C

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