
Primary School


Class 6

Homework - week 30

admin on: Class 6

There are no more spellings to learn now.

Please use the time to revise any topics from maths and English that you feel may help you.

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Homework - week 28

admin on: Class 6

Spellings (9): 

prejudice, according, government, guarantee, convenience, equip, hindrance, privilege, correspondence.

Maths will be from a new trial software, called Mathletics, which we will get training on this Friday and will be to do during the holidays.


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admin on: Class 6

6 children were invited to Holmfirth High school yesterday to take part in the STEM fair. The fair was run by Year 8 pupils (including one that was familiar to me from mealtimes in our home) and we attended alongside Year 7 students.


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Complaints Letters

admin on: Class 6

We have been writing formal complaints letters this half term (some of you may have received one - I know I have!) and the replies have been flooding in.

We've had Lego, Haribos, and balls of wool sent in response - as well as letters of response, but today we've had an extra special missive:

Izzy wrote to HM The Queen... 


And... she has had a reply...

The letter and the response are now displayed in our school entrance. 

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Digital Detox 2019

admin on: Class 6

It's coming...

Just a friendly warning: when we get back after Easter, we will begin thinking about the detox and chatting about it in class.

From Thursday 2nd May, the children will have a diary to bring home, in which they can record their digital use for one week. We will start to write a daily diary in school, using the information that they record and their thoughts on how much they use certain devices. We will invite them to be as honest as possible.

From Thursday 9th May, we will all begin to detox (including Mrs Johnson and myself). This will go over the weekend and through the SATs, finishing directly after the final Maths SAT on the 16th of May at morning break.

I encourage you to plan something to occupy their minds - revision, talking to their family, playing games/jigsaws, etc.

I will be climbing up Snowden with my son and staying in a youth hostel (MOST unlike me) in order to cut the cord between me and my digital existence. 

It goes without saying, if you have any worries, concerns, etc, come and see me - I'd invite you to email me, but that's not really in the spirit of things now, is it?

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