
Primary School



Friday 13th January 2023

Posted: Jan 13, 2023 by: Megan Eastwood (MEastwood) on: Class 5

Well 2023 is definitely turning out to be OUR year in Class 5! We have had another incredible week, had so much fun and learned so many new things! I have been really proud of the unbelievable effort that so many of the children have been putting into their learning this week, not just in class but at home too. It’s really amazing to see and makes me very proud!

This week’s blog has been written by our very own Daniel and Sophia! We hope you have as much fun reading it as they did writing it. Enjoy!


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 This week we have been making posters about the rainforest in our English lessons. The posters were to try and convince people to choose the Amazon Rainforest as their next holiday destination!  We have also been learning about how to prepare and write speeches in preparation for school council elections next week! We had a lot of fun in this lesson. Some children even came to the front of the class and practiced reading a famous JFK speech!

But…. back to the rainforest we have been reading a class book called The Explorer. We are all really loving the book. Miss Eastwood asked us to listen silently while she read and try to close our eyes and imagine and picture the scene of the book. It made the book seem much more interesting and as though we were right there with the characters!

In Maths we have been solving word problems using the 4 operations (that means addition, multiplication, subtraction and division, not knee operations!) These lessons have been really tricky but when we reviewed our learning form the week today, lots of children did really well with their questions.


In P.E. we have been doing dance and rugby. In dance there is going to be a dance show at the Batley Theatre with lots of other schools in the area. This week we began practicing our dance which is a street dance style. We can’t wait for next week to learn more steps.

We have also been doing rugby in PE. In these lessons we have been learning foot movement and learning how to pass a rugby ball to other players.

In PSHE we have been learning about canal safety here is some ways to keep safe near canals:  Stay away from the edge, Canals are waterways not play ways , don’t swim in canals because there is a risk of drowning , Canals are not the best place to swim, swimming pools are better.

In Topic we have been learning about the 4 layers of a rainforest which are The Emergent Layer, The Canopy Layer, The Understory Layer and The Forest Floor Layer. We learnt about the different biomes as well. The different biomes are Desert, Grassland , Temperate Rainforest , Temperate Deciduous Forest , Taiga , Savana and Tundra. Here a sad part, each year an area the size of Great Britain is cut down from The Amazon Rainforest.

In brass we are learning how to play I want to play in a band. We have been learning the lyrics and singing along but also learning how to play our instruments to accompany the lyrics. Miss Eastwood even came in and watched us do a surprise mini performance, she was SO IMPRESSED!

Thank you for reading our blog.

Sophia & Daniel


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