
Primary School


Reception blog


20th October

Posted: Oct 19, 2023 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

A busy week of Autumn weather again.

Vocab words this week  : hibernation       swirling and twirling 

A freezing start to the week so I was hoping for some Autumn coloured leaves but no luck! as the weather warmed up.

We did get out into the woods and make an art collage of a hedgehog from natural materials we found.

We began our subitising journey looking at groups of 1 2 3 without counting them.

We used a 5 frame (which can be found on my Reception class web page or just draw one on a piece of paper) to place the object on, starting with the left empty box and put one conker in each box to fill it.

When it is full there is 5. - no need to count

We looked at 3 and how many spaces were left on the 5 frame. They can tell you this without counting!

We then had to make 2. What do we need to do? 'Take one away' some one said. 'Yes that right, so 2 is a smaller amount than 3'. We continued with questions like this.

So much maths with 3 conkers and a 5 frame.

We painted with sticks. Printed with leaves and fingers this week.

Learning 5 more phonics sounds total 25 now!

Blending w-e-t   w-e-b. v-a-n.    v-e-t.    j-a-m-   j-e-t-

Autumn Hedgehog

Using 5 frames 

subitising small groups of 1 2 3 

Funky finger - fine motor control strengthening

Revising patterns in own play

Building animal homes.

Please look at the assignments of teams for next week book!

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Oddy and the Team


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