
Primary School


Reception blog


4th October

admin on: Reception

This week we have been talking about families and memories. The story we read was 'Paper Dolls, By Julia Donaldson.

Sounds we have covered so far.

m a s d t

i n p g o 

c k u b f 

Please let me know if you didn't find your User name and password with their school photo's.

We politely ask for a voluntary donation of £5 per term to cover baking and food tasting activities. 

We were using mathematical language this week and comparing size.

Longer than

shorter than

taller than





We use what we found outside in the woods to compare this.

Here are a few highlights.

Thank you for your support at home,

Please let me know if your 'Teams ' account is not working or you did not get the password.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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27th September

admin on: Reception

Hello again,

The weather has really changed this week. Very Autumnal which helps with our change of seasons discussions.

In a few weeks we will be asking for you to bring in a small Autumn bag of items found on a walk.

In phonics as have learnt i n p g o videos are on teams this Friday if your child is not secure with these.

In math's we have been sorting objects and saying the rule. 

We made robots with the sorted objects.

We have been learning about senses and that are important to keeping us safe, for example when crossing the roads

'looking and listening'. 'taste so we know when things taste bad'

We have made a college this week and used are sense of touch.

In the woods we found herbs and smelt mint which reminded us of tooth paste.

Here are a few highlights.



Friendship soup

Phonics letter formation


Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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20th September

admin on: Reception

What a super week of work.

We have started our Read Write Inc Phonics scheme and have learn the sounds m a s d t 

Please make sure your child can recognise these first 5 sounds as we will add another 5 next week.

In math's work we have been matching using our noticing eyes and explaining why they match using our language skills.

Let them have a go at sock matching.

Here are a few highlights.

Forest School - Scavenger hunt

Matching Objects

Funky Finger - Fine motor control skills

Matching socks - math's skills 

I have put the RWI teaching of the first 5 sounds onto Teams homework assessment for you to look through. If your child can recognise the 5 sounds they will not need to watch them.

Thank you for support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the team.

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Friday 13th September

admin on: Reception

Lucky for us we have had a great week as it's Friday the 13th today!!

The whole class of 30 children have been fantastic. We are now beginning to observe how the children learn, is it active learning? playing and exploring?or creative thinking?

This term we are working on settling our class. learning the  class rules and much more.

Here are the our class rules they have made this week.

1.Kind hand and feet.

2. Kind words.

3.Sitting nicely on the carpet.

4. Listen to the speaker.

5.First time asking.

You might want to talk to the children about them.

We have baked, played with our new friends, been in the woods, had our lunch and been for P.E.

Wednesday and Fridays are our P.E days.

Here are a few photos.

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Welcome to the Reception Blog page 6th September

admin on: Reception

Welcome class of 2024-25.

What a super first week the children have had. They have settled so well in the smaller groups and we look forward to seeing them all together next week.

Here I will post weekly photos and information about the weeks learning.

This is Blog is not for home work but the first 6 weeks I will put on what sounds we have taught in our RWI phonics sessions starting on Monday the 16th September

. I will then post on Micro soft Teams (when you get your 'logins)' a virtual fun 5 minute recap of the session to re-enforce the sounds at home. On this I also put on a book of the week to watch which helps your child prepare for the following week.

Next week we will have a full class of 30 children. It will be a settling in week and learning all the rules routine and making sure lunch time is a happy time and children eat their delicious lunches.

Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy, Mrs Hemingway, Mrs Pearce (Wednesday Teacher)  and Mrs Richardson.

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19th July

admin on: Reception

We have had a fantastic year teaching your children.

Thank you for all your support at home this year its has made a huge help to your child.

I have popped a small packet of seeds into your child's red folder of work which you will find in their bags.

On the back of this packet, I have written the colour the Read Write Inc your child is working on. 

This is only for RWI and not other schemes.

'Songbirds' and some floppy Phonics books also nice to read. As long as they are enjoying it that's the main thing.

Please take a look then you can go onto the 'Oxford Owl' website link.

FREE to sign up and FREE books to read on here. 

Please look on Microsoft Teams for all this information.

I have also added the links for all the 'Special Friends' for the sounds taught to date. This comes live on Friday 19th. You have 3 months to look thought these short session with your child. The are fun and last 8 minutes each sound. One a day would be great to help you child remember them maximum 5 a week.

For Maths you can down load the FREE' White Rose one minute Maths' app . This has plenty quick quizzes to do to keep the children sharp with their new subitising skills. Remember Counting is not Calculating.

Have a fantastic holiday and we will miss you all. 

Mrs Oddy, Mrs Hemingway and Mrs Pearce.

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12th July

admin on: Reception

What an exciting week learning about sea life and how to float a boat.

We have also had fun making teen number.

One full 10 (on a ten frame) and 3 of the next 10 (on a ten frame) is 13.

We have enjoyed the art work making sea life pictures.

One week to go!

Making tin foil boats

Sea life pictures

Making mazes

They had a great time in class six on Wednesday with their buddies.

Thank you for all your support next year. 

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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5th July

admin on: Reception

What a great transition day. The children were really excited to go in to class 1 with Mrs Parker and Mrs Pearce. They had a great time enjoyed having three play times and but I believe they were all shattered by the end of the day.

We had had a week of thinking about kindness, gratitude and people that we trust.

We have been talking about the things we are good at to make us feel great!

In math's this week we have drawn maps and made obstacle courses outside.

In art we made a moving picture of Gerald the Giraffe and continued the drawing of a Giraffe.

What another busy week 2 more to go!

Here are a few photos!

Spacial awareness Giraffes

Maps from home to school

Trying a healthy rice salad. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Oddy and the Team!

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28th June

admin on: Reception

What a fantastic trip we have on Thursday.

Staff and children thoroughly the whole day.

We saw many wonderful animals including: giant Lizards, lemurs, meerkats, duck, parrots, otters, butterflies , crocodiles, ants..........

Photo's of the trip will be posted next week!

What a warm week we have had looking at animals in our woodland and deciding what we would like best and which would be a suitable pet.

What feature our animals have how many legs, fur or feathers? We have also touch on classification of animals putting them into categories of: reptile, mammals, birds, fish.

We have been adding numbers together using our skills and writing number sentences.

Next week is transition week on the 2nd July.

You might want to talk to your children about their new teacher Mrs Parker and moving to Y1 in September.

It is such an exciting time for your child and to some it may be a little unsettling so the transitions are to reassure the children. It will then happen smoothly in September and the children are ready and comfortable in their new classroom. They may have questions that you can answer for them.


Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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21st June

admin on: Reception


Please be on time as we have to toilet the children and get them safety onto the bus for 9.10 am.

This week we have been learning about some of the mini beats we have in our environment.

We have enjoyed learning facts about Spiders and Stick Insects.

We have been problem solving in Maths's and working out how many legs there are if we have an inset with a Zebra?

Or a human with a spider?

We have been looking in the woods for mini beasts.

Here are a few highlights.


Spider pictures

Indoor mini beasts

Patterns in continuous provision

New pond

Mini beats house.

Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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14th June

admin on: Reception

This week we have been re-reading our story of Handa's surprise and looking at similarities and differences between Kenya and where we live.

The animals in the Savanna and food's they grow are very different.

We have painted sunsets and added animals to the pictures.

We have made clay tiles.

We have made huts in the woods.

We have been looking at odd and even numbers and saying why they are odd and even.

We have started our sports day practice which will be on the 21st June 9.15 am for KS 1.

Here are a few highlights.

Patterns clay tiles

Free play patterns

Sorting odds and even

painting sun sets

Pattern circuit

Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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7th June

admin on: Reception

Welcome back!

This week we have been learning about the story Handa's Surprise.

We have tasted mango, avocado, banana this week in our tasting sessions.

In math's work we have been sharing amounts between 2  people, calling this half and then doubling it again to make the whole.

Also we have been looking at patterns and trying to identify the 'rule of the pattern'.

Here re a few highlights.

Looking at the fruits

Team work towers

Pattern necklaces

We had a training day on Monday all about reading and its is so important to read real books to your children. There is so much vocabulary used in the books that we don't use in our day today talk.

We read books at school but the more books read to them the more new vocabulary the children will be exposed to.

Next week we are again looking at Kenya. Please watch the clip on teams for a pre-  learning exercise.

Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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24th May

admin on: Reception

This week we had had a wonderful week of Wesak the traditional festival of Buddha's Birthday and all over the world Buddhists celebrate with the full moon, this year on the 23rd May.

We have been thinking about looking after nature, animals our family and friends and our community.

We have tried some meditations techniques.

We have been thinking about eating healthy food and that we need a balance of rainbow foods, exercise, water and rest and sleep to be healthy.

Have a great week off and I hope the weather improves.

Here are a few highlights.


Making healthy plates

Healthy plate of food

Looking at real nature and using our senses to enjoy it.

Making obstacle course to give us some fun exercise.

Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy

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17th May

admin on: Reception

Another great week of map work, retelling stories and much more.

Words of the week : Beehive Farmyard 

We have retold the story of ' Rosie's Walk' learnt lots of facts about Bees.

Built complex patters with shapes within shapes.

Had our first tennis session outside!

Polite ask: Please can you put sun cream on your child before they come to school if the weather is warm.  I understand your concerns over burning but children do find it difficult to put it on themselves and they sometimes end up putting other people's on.


Next week we are learning about Wesack the Buddhist festival. We will also talking about keeping our minds healthy.

Please look on Microsoft Teams for the pre-learning clips to watch this will help your child with the understanding of new knowledge.

Here are a few highlights.

Independent bee paintings.

Shape within shapes.

Rosie's walk maps.

Outside Tennis.

Making shapes from a square.

Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

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10th May

admin on: Reception

A last we have the right weather for growing seeds. 

Last week we planted Sunflowers which are already growing.

This week we have planted Broad beans and I am hoping these will grow also.

We have tasted a variety of rainbow vegetables from the story Oliver Vegetables.

In the story, he didn't like veg but tried them and decide he like them all. - Carrots, sweetcorn, spinach, beetroot and  celery.  Its very important to keep introducing new healthy foods into your child's diet. Talk about which part of the plant it comes from.

In Math's we are looking and one more one less than a given number and problem solving with some simple addition and subtraction sums.

Playing the 1 2 3 game on a 10 frame.

Next week we are reading Rosie's walk by Pat Hutchins which the children love

. Look on Teams for a you tube version.

Here are a few photo's of the amazing 'Heads'you did in school last week.

They will be displayed until this time next Year.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Oddy and the team

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3rd May

admin on: Reception

Here are the photos for the Blog!

Parents in for the art

Paired work

Problem solving jigsaws

Planting seeds

'Field of crows' inspired by Van Gogh

Using the 10 frame egg boxes for problem solving

Thank you for all your help,

Mrs Oddy

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3rd May

admin on: Reception

Its finally arrived!

That warm,air which just makes everything feel okay.

The birds are singing the plants are growing the Blue bells are out in the woods!

A massive thank you to you all who came in to support your child with the art project.

They loved you coming to help.

We have been talking about protecting our wild flowers and looking after all the creatures in the environment. This week we have planted sunflower seeds which we hope will grow with the right conditions.

We are continuing our P.E session with Mr Green from Thongsbridge Tennis club.

We have learnt about the late artist Van Gogh and drew two of his famous pictures. The field of crows and the Sunflowers.

Next week we will be planting beans.

Have a lovely bank holiday Monday,

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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26th April

admin on: Reception

We have had a super week looking for Bog Baby in the woods!

We have learnt about caring for the wild creatures and we must look after all wildlife however small it may be.

We talked and noticed changes in ourselves from when we were a baby and to how we are now. We can move, talk eat and do many more things all by ourselves.

We compared this to the changes that happen in frog spawn to become frogs.

In number work we look at number bonds to 10 and number facts to 9.

9 is a square number we found out.

In baking we made pear crumble.

We had a lovely time listening to the Author John Kane's talking about his new book 'Whats Black and White?"

Here are a few highlights.


Bog Baby Art Work

John Kane

Continuous Play

Role Play

Thank you for all your support at home. 

See you next week for the Heads Project.

Tuesday Wednesday or Friday

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

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19th April

admin on: Reception

The children have loved learning about castles from the past this week.

We have learnt about what makes a good castle, named parts of a castle and looked at what jobs people did in a castle.

Words of the week: PAST PRESENT FUTURE 

To help with this we talked about the king Charles, our present king and we had Queen Elizabeth in the past and Prince William will be our future King.

In number work we look at number facts for 6,7 and 8.

We had fun making apple crumble sandwiches.

PSED we were looking at HAZARDS in the home. Please take some time to look around your home naming hazard such as electric plugs, kettles, the fire, ect..

Here are a few photos.

We have also got the heads ready for you to come into school to work with your child to complete their character.

Dates are Tuesday-  Please  choose one slot and sign up with Mrs Oddy -   30th April Wednesday  1st May and Friday 3rd May. 9-10am.

It will not take longer than an hour and it is a wonderful opportunity to create something with your child they can keep for a long time.

Next week we are looking at habitats and how we need to care for creatures in our environment.

Thank you for all your support at home. 

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

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12th April

admin on: Reception

Welcome back after our Spring break.

We have started this term discovering many ofl the traditions of the Muslim Festival of Ramadan and Eid.

We found out that there are many similarities with other religious festival such as, decorating houses, putting on smart clothes, receiving gifts, giving to charity and eating a meal with our family and friends.

We invited Ibrahim's Mum in to talk about the Muslim Faith and all about Eid and the Five Pillars of Islam and showed us how to pray on the prayer mats.

In number work we have been adding two numbers together using are calculation method called conceptual subitising (no counting we now can see the patterns in our heads) Wow! I was very proud.

Don't forget the White Rose Free app you can download with short mental math's games your child can have a go at..

We have been thinking of kindness this week and what we need to do to be a kind friend.

In our music class we have been singing a song about under the water.

Here are a few highlights. 


Making a lamp

Super cutting skills when making a lamp


A Woodlouse we saw in the woods

Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

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22nd March

admin on: Reception

Have a lovely Easter every one.

We have had a short but fun filled five weeks of learning.

This week we have learnt about the Christian Festival of Easter and the traditions that go along with it.

We had a super egg rolling competition in our forest school sessions and make Easter cards.

Here are a few photos.

Thank you for all your support at home.

We have put in extra reading books for them over Easter.Keep it up!

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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15th March

admin on: Reception

What a fantastic Science week have had.

The children have loved taking part in the magic and excitement of science experiment an over the years they will understand what science is happening to cause the reaction.

Here is a photo of my helicopter task.

We have been looking at number bonds to 10 in Math's work this week.

Keep quizzing them on the topic using a 10 frame to support this learning.

Instant recall with facts to 5 will also help them. 2 and what makes 5? 4 and ?

We have been looking for signs of Spring outside with Mrs Pearce and Miss Dyson our student for two weeks.

Spring cut out flowers


Spring flowers

Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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8th March

admin on: Reception

What a fun week we have had in Reception.

Words this week were all about growing up so we talked about

baby toddler child teenager adult and Elderly person.

Hopefully you all will have found a nice Mother's day surprise in your child bag.

Just remind them if they have forgotten.

The children's highlight this week was the Thursday Tea party for world book day!

Thank you for your contribution to this we have enough cake for another two tea parties before Easter!

In math's we are looking  at number to 9 and 10.

We are looking at number facts to 9.

All the ways to make 9 there may be more than two ways such as 3 3 3 = 9. We use real objects to do this.

Number bonds to 10 this is two number which add together to make 10. Quiz them on this if they are unsure get the 10 frame out.

This quick calculation will help them in the future.

Here are a few photo's

Great engineering 

Super construction

Super blending using the jigsaw.

Thank you for you support at home see you next week for parents evening.

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

0 comment

8th March

admin on: Reception

What a fun week we have had in Reception.

Words this week were all about growing up so we talked about

baby toddler child teenager adult and Elderly person.

Hopefully you all will have found a nice Mother's day surprise in your child bag.

Just remind them if they have forgotten.

The children's highlight this week was the Thursday Tea party for world book day!

Thank you for your contribution to this we have enough cake for another two tea parties before Easter!

In math's we are looking  at number to 9 and 10.

We are looking at number facts to 9.

All the ways to make 9 there may be more than two ways such as 3 3 3 = 9. We use real objects to do this.

Number bonds to 10 this is two number which add together to make 10. Quiz them on this if they are unsure get the 10 frame out.

This quick calculation will help them in the future.

Here are a few photo's

Great engineering 

Super construction

Super blending using the jigsaw.

Thank you for you support at home see you next week for parents evening.

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

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1st March

admin on: Reception

Happy St Davids day!

Please look at the TEAMS home work for a new RWI clip of how to teach your child to spell a few little words using 'FRED FINGERS'

this that ......

Words this week Fantasy and  Facts. Fiction and Non-Fiction.

We have looked carefully at the daffodils that we have on our grounds.

This week we have been looking at size.

We thought about people in our community that help us and made a card for Mrs Cooper who comes in every Thursday, voluntary to change our library books.

We drew round feet cut them out and put them in order.

We have made some fantastic aliens this week and read lots of fantasy stories about space.

We continue practising our reading and writing every day.

We have been making towers of 1-6 and splitting them up to make smaller amount then putting them back together.

This is the start of adding and taking away. 

We also made and wrote about our aliens.

What a busy week.

Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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22nd February

admin on: Reception

Welcome back to another short Spring term even though its still Winter!

Vocab Planet Space

We are starting to look at at topic the children really enjoy, Space and Alien's. Fantasy Stories!

We have been looking at making 8 in different ways and combining two numbers to make 6,7 and 8 using the spots on domino's. 

We don't count but use our subitising skills to calculate the answers.

Here are a few of our highlights.

Sorting pairs to make 8. How many pairs did you need?

Painting Rockets!

Free creative play.

Building space stations.

Thank you for you support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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9th February

admin on: Reception

Well what and end to the short term, SNOW!

Its just letting is know its still winter.

We have been celebrating the Chinese New Year this week with lots of red and gold being used and some fantastic Dragon paintings being done.

We have sung songs, read stories and learnt about some traditions such as putting a red envelope under the pillow and you hope to get money in it the next day. Cleaning the house eating Chinese food with family and friends.

I have also added a few pictures from last weeks Den building.

Here are a few highlights.

Literacy writing: I can pick up a ................

Thank you for all your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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2nd February

admin on: Reception

What a week of weather again.

Wind rain and glorious sunshine.

This week we have been learning about pigs and the story of "The Three Little Pigs".

We mixed pink, printed, wrote, drew, read and retold the story of, The Three Little Pigs.

In math work we were decomposing 6 and looking at small groups of number:

4 and 2

3 and 3

4 and 1 which all make 6.

Here are a few of our highlights. 


 Mixing pink

Experiment to see which was easier to blow over. Sticks, straw or bricks?

 Using shapes to build pig houses.

Making 5 and 6 


Having fun in continuous provision

Next week we will be learning about Chinese New Year!

Thank you for all your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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26th January

admin on: Reception

We made it to the end of January with not too much snow!

Words this week were river and catch

We retold the story of the ginger bread man and performed to each other. We baked ginger bread, mixed brown and  printed ginger bread men and retold the story throughout the week.

In math's we were looking at capacity, comparing objects and saying if they have more, same  or less mass. 

We also talked about how to be a good friend and how to be kind to our friends.

Here are a few highlights:

Thank you for all your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team!

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19th January

admin on: Reception

What cold cold week we have had just perfect for our science experiment of melting and freezing from a solid to a liquid.

We made eggy bread looking at the science of cooking eggs from a liquid to a solid but also having a healthy tasty treat.

Vocab :   Freeze Melt Rhyme

In math's we were looking at the different between number to 5. You have 4 he had 5 what is the difference in the amounts?

We painted Robin's and Humpty Dumpty's and completed our 8 rhymes challenge.

Here are a few highlights.

Eggy bread

Printing and cutting and sticking

Creative free play

Finding the difference

Freeze and Melt

Bird Food

Thank you for all your support at home.

Next week will be the 3 little pigs traditional tale.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment


admin on: Reception

Welcome back to the Spring term even though we are still in the middle of our Winter.

VOCAB - Winter Solid Liquid

This week we have been looking at our season winter and talking about what happens to the weather, plants and animals and discussing what we wear in winter that's different to summer.

We have had a fun time making snowmen with different materials.

We did an experiment to make a liquid into a solid jelly.

In math's we looked at how to make 6 and the season winter.

Here are a few highlights.

Snowmen using different media and skills 

Smelling pots watching how a liquid turns to solid

Building an Igloo

Having fun with numbers and a box.

Look out on the Teams for home work pre learning.

Next week we are going to attempt the 8 rhymes challenge. Saying Nursery Rhymes is an important part of your child's talk and reading development.It helps with fluency which is a way so saying it becomes easier and quicker to do.

Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

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21st December

admin on: Reception

Congratulations to all the children for their tremendous efforts in Autumn term 15 full weeks of learning and they are all due a very welcome Christmas break.

Thank you for all your support at home and we look forward to returning in the New Year with our Theme of Nursery Rhymes and Traditional Tales.

If possible please keep up the reading and 'Fred Talk' which can always be a game. " Where is the t .. r  ee   ?

Here are a few photo's

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Mrs Oddy, Mrs Hemingway and Mrs Parker.

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15th December

admin on: Reception

Well one more week to go of our Autumn Term.

The Nativity practise went well this week, so we are all set for Monday 9.15am ish!

Please be prompt on Monday arriving at school with your child so we get the children to the  toilet before they get changed into their costumes. I will open the door a little earlier in the morning to cater for this.

This week we have been looking at the Journey of a letter and that we need a stamp and a written address on the envelope before we pop it in the letter box.

In phonics we have been writing about our Elves.

Please could you point out any local letter boxes to show the children. i might be fun posting a card they have written to family member to open.

Here are in maths we have been consolidating out number bonds to 5. Instant recall.

Here are a few highlights:

Finishing off our cards

Learning the story of the Nativity

Decorating Trees.

Thank you for all your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team!

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8th December

admin on: Reception

Another busy week!

This week we have been thinking about recycling and naming different materials around the home. Have a go at this with your child.

Words this week Materials      Recycle

We have been talking about the properties of 2d and seeing if we can see them in the 3D shapes.

We have also learnt to sew a running stitch.

Thank you for the outfits for our Xmas play. If you are needing one we have a few in school PLEASE ask us.

Here are a few highlights.


spirals and shapes


Snow inspiration on Monday!

Thank you for all your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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1st December

admin on: Reception

What a full week we have had and to top that the weather has been wintery!

We started the week with our fantastic visitor, Harley's Mum who is a police officer and told us all about her job and her uniform.

In mathematics we have been looking deeply into numbers within number up to 5.

In phonics we have been continuing our rhyming strings bringing confidence to the children with their first writing.

Outside we have been looking at changes in the environment and ice and snow and floating and sinking.

We have taken all the children finger prints and they have been writing their names.

Here are a few highlights.



Free paining

Rescue boats

Building and constructing

Thank you for your amazing children this week they really shone!

Thank you for all your kind words and support at home,

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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24th November

admin on: Reception

We have had another busy week learning about the jobs of people in our community.

Doctors, Nurses and Vets.

We also have a fun day on Wednesday learning about how to be safe near and crossing the roads.

VOCAB - Doctors  Vets Reflectors

We also had a visit form a real Doctor. Ava's Mum.

In mathematics we were working with number 4 and 5 and finding out how to make triangles and squares.

We made our own doctors bags.

In you child's bag this week you will find a slip of paper with what costume they will need for the Christmas play on the 18th December.

We have some costumes in school to borrow if  you don't have one at home.

In Phonics we have been writing rhyming strings.

Thank you for all you support at home.

5 Frames

Making doctor's bags

Shape structures

Self made Kandinsky.

0 comment

17th November

admin on: Reception

It's been another week of learning about people who help us in our community.

We would like to thank Lyle's Dad who came in last Friday to talk to us about being a fire fighter.

All the children had fun trying on the helmet.

Vocab words this week were: Cavity Decay Brush

Please encourage your child to  practising writing their name but don't let them copy it or else they won't be able to do it independently on the sign in sheet on a morning.

This week we have been learning a lot about why we need to look after our teeth.

How, we look after our teeth by brushing twice a day and the importance of visiting the dentist.

We also talked about visiting the opticians to test our eye sight to see if we need to wear glasses.

Both these NHS practices are free up to the age of 18.

Please record once a week in your child's reading record which should be left in their bag with thier reading sheets all week.

Please tell us know how they did by writing a comment such as|: Read it well, found it tricky, got it after a few days.

We change the sheets/books every Monday so they both need to in their bags.

In mathematics we looked at properties of shapes such as triangles and circles. How many side and edges. Slides have to be straight so a circle has one curved edge. 

We also talked about how to be a good friend for 'Anti Bullying' week and how to work as a team.

Friday we thought about why we are raising money for 'Children in Need'

Thank you for your support at home,

Mrs Oddy and the Team

Natural Art Eye Sculpture in the woods

Designing our own tooth brush

Using 3 sticks to make shapes and one pipe cleaner which makes a curved edge for a circle.

Using tooth brushes to clean the teeth.

Using our drawing skills to design a monster with big teeth.

Working as a team.

0 comment

10th November

admin on: Reception

What a busy week we have had:

Our words for this week:     SIREN        FIRE EXTINGUISHER       FIRE HYDRANT

We looked for the fire extinguishers around school.

We talked about bonfire night and what the children saw and heard.

We learnt about the Hindu festival of light called Diwali and made our own clay Dyva pots.

We talked about the role of fire fighters, that they live in our community  and how brave they are to keep us safe.

In maths we looked at grouping 1,2 and 3's

one more ,one less, two fewer , two more?

We also learnt about why we celebrate remembrance day and of the soldiers who keep our county safe.

Here are a few photo's

Doh Dyva pot

Clay Dyva pots

Working with tools

Linking ladders

Grouping 1 2 3

Making fires in the woods

Grouping 1,2,3 's 

Drawing to support writing

Group Mehndi patterns after drawing round hands

Please look on Teams for homework.

If anyone would like to come into school and talk about their job if you work in the community as a nurse, vet, doctor, firefighter, police officer, trades, postal worker and more we will be very grateful.

Thank you for all your support.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment


admin on: Reception


What a fun last week celebrating Halloween and all the fun activities to go with it.

Thank you for attending parents evening we are very proud of how all the children have settled and are progressing at their own individual pace.

Here are a few highlights.

Making potions

Painting Skelatons

Sorting 1 2 3 but subitising dots

Chalk mark making

Thank you for all your support.

Please look on micro-soft teams for short videos of me telling you how to help your child blend and use the 5 frame flash cards.

Plus pre learning video for after the holidays about Diwali.

Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment

20th October

admin on: Reception

A busy week of Autumn weather again.

Vocab words this week  : hibernation       swirling and twirling 

A freezing start to the week so I was hoping for some Autumn coloured leaves but no luck! as the weather warmed up.

We did get out into the woods and make an art collage of a hedgehog from natural materials we found.

We began our subitising journey looking at groups of 1 2 3 without counting them.

We used a 5 frame (which can be found on my Reception class web page or just draw one on a piece of paper) to place the object on, starting with the left empty box and put one conker in each box to fill it.

When it is full there is 5. - no need to count

We looked at 3 and how many spaces were left on the 5 frame. They can tell you this without counting!

We then had to make 2. What do we need to do? 'Take one away' some one said. 'Yes that right, so 2 is a smaller amount than 3'. We continued with questions like this.

So much maths with 3 conkers and a 5 frame.

We painted with sticks. Printed with leaves and fingers this week.

Learning 5 more phonics sounds total 25 now!

Blending w-e-t   w-e-b. v-a-n.    v-e-t.    j-a-m-   j-e-t-

Autumn Hedgehog

Using 5 frames 

subitising small groups of 1 2 3 

Funky finger - fine motor control strengthening

Revising patterns in own play

Building animal homes.

Please look at the assignments of teams for next week book!

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment

13th October

admin on: Reception

The warm weather this week has been lovely for the children to play outside.

Thank you for collecting lots of lovely signs of Autumn on your walks. We used them for talking time and making patterns.

Words of the week were : Harvest festival     Kindness

The story we have been retelling is The Little Red Hen!

We have been making patterns with natural objects and printing a pattern with objects.

It has been mental health awareness week so we have been thinking about things that make us happy.

In the woods we made some happy faces with natural objects.

We have now learnt 20 sounds we are half way though set 1.

We will be quizzing the children next week on the ones they have remembered.

Here are some highlights.

Colour mixing

Team work for making our hen!


Using our noticing skills to talk about the objects


Thank you for all you support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

0 comment

6th October

admin on: Reception


This week we have been talking and looking at lots different sorts of families. We realise we are all unique and all different.

Vocab of the week : Family Friends Unique

We talked about the difference between friends and family.

In maths we identified different ways to measure objects.

Longer than

Shorter than

Bigger than 

smaller than

more / fewer

We also met our buddies this week!

What an exciting week.

Please bring in Autumn objects of our display next week: acorns, conkers, special leaves, any signs of Autumn.

We also talked about harvest and learnt some new songs.

Here are  few highlights.

Drawing our family

Measuring with different size containers 

Our families are all different but all live in our community

measuring : longer than shorter than

NFU Harvest live show

Letter formation

Thank you for your support at home. 

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

0 comment

29th September

admin on: Reception


Another week has flown by with lots of  new learning opportunities going on. This week we have been teaching the children  the next set of letters - i n p g o c.

Words of the week were : sorting   senses

Please go on a woodland walk, collect objects and sort them into various groups.

Practise blending little words with the sounds we have covered.

Sad mat tin pin got .....

Next week we are looking at families and talking about this topic. Learning everyone has sorts different families. 





Searching and describing 

Thank you for your support at home.

The Reception Team

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22nd September

admin on: Reception

What a week of learning.

This weeks words are EMOTIONS and RULES

We have done the first 5 sounds from the RWI phonics scheme.

m a s d t

You can blend little words to make m-a-t  mat

s-a-t sat

m-a-d mad


Please practise reminding the children of these sounds as we will have another 5 next week.

In maths we have been matching but to match you need to notice what is the same and what is different.

You can do this easily in the woods looking for matching leaves.

We have been learning about emotions and naming them, how they make us feel, and things that happen to give us that emotion.

Ask the children about this.

What makes you feel?

Here  are a few highlights.

Emotion Monsters


Outside exploring

We also went into the woods to look at all the leaves which have fallen as this week is the start of Autumn.

Next week we are looking at senses.

Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment

15th September

admin on: Reception


The first full week of school for all your fabulous children.

Thank you to all for getting to school on time, as the register starts at 8.55am so this really helps the flow for the children.

We are all so proud of all the children this week and they are setting well around our school and learning all the routines.

We have been really lucky to have some registered volunteers working in our class over the past two weeks helping the children settle. If you have or know anyone who could give up some time in the morning or afternoon to help in class we would be very grateful.

Here  are a few of our highlights:


Construction with the U-NU

Completing jigsaws

Measuring 'now long' with the triangles 

Forest school session

Next week there is a phonics workshop on Friday 22nd at 2.45pm in the Reception classroom while the children are in Assembly with myself Mrs Oddy.

It is really important that you attend this or send some one to listen to the information on how to help your child at home.

How to help them blend which is the first step of reading.

Thank you for all your support I look forward to seeing you and your children next week

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment

21st July Final Day

admin on: Reception

Please say a big thank you to all your children for such a fantastic year we have all had with them.

They have all been a delight to teach and due to this we have witnessed how they have all grown up and matured in front of our eyes.

They are all ready for Mrs Parker in Year 1 next Year.

Thank you again for all your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

Just a few pictures from our last dinosaur week and the whole class on nativity day.

Looking for patterns in ordering numbers to 20.

Have a lovely summer everyone!

0 comment

14th July

admin on: Reception

This week we have been thinking about beach safety, oceans, pollution and creatures we find in rockpools.

We have been looking at how teen numbers are made up. 12 is one full 10 and 2 of the next 10.

We also had a great time painting with mud!

Well done to everyone in our annual sports day!

Here are a few highlights.

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

0 comment

14th July

admin on: Reception

A week of mixed weather!

Vocab of the week - Extinct Endangered Cliff Shore

We are going to miss your fantastic children.

We have had such as lovely year of seeing progression and having fun in learning.

This week has been a week of thinking about moving on, holidays, safety at the beach and rock pool habitats.

Here are just a few of the things we have done.

Complex construction

Making own habitat

Marbling before adding the wildlife

Enjoying playing and learning in the sand

Drawing sea creatures.

Thank you for your continued support for the whole year.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment

7th July

admin on: Reception

Vocab words for the week - RESPECT COMPLEMENT

This week we have read the lovely book Giraffes Cant Dance by Giles Andreae.

We have been thinking about kindness and and how to be a good friend.

We have a lovely day on our transition day.

We have been making maps and looking at directions in our maths work.

We made some super spinning Gerald the Giraffes for our Design project.

Here are some highlights.

Thank you for all your support.

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

0 comment

30th June

admin on: Reception

Trip week!

Vocab - Mammals Suitable

Next week I will pop on a few photos of our trip to Tropical World Sheffield.

This week we have been discussion different classifications of animals.

Maths using the cuisenaire rods to solve problems.

Below are some highlights.


Animals in their habitats.

Cuisenaire Rods

Outdoor self initiated play

Team effort

Sorting activity

Unu Sculpture.

Thank you for all your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

0 comment

23rd June

admin on: Reception

Week 3

Vocab for the week : Mini-beat and Abdomen

What  busy week we have had looking for mini beasts, writing about them, making them and having work experience Olivia from Honley High School join us in class.

The rain finally arrived to water all the plants but made the woodland very muddy.

In maths session this week we  were looking at making number sentences with the correct symbols.

We made it real by saying 8 strawberries eat 1 equals 7

Repeat 8 strawberries eat 2 equals 8 Cont...

We then wrote this down as we did it to see the number patterns.




The trip is next Thursday to Tropical world Sheffield. Normal school hours but please don't be late as we will take the children to the toilet before we set off.

Please come in school uniform and sensible shoes, trainers are allowed.

Sun cream or rain coats as needed.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

Mini beast information

Mini beast hotel

Mini beast shelter

Mini beast hotel

Mini beast habitat


Number sentences

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16th June

admin on: Reception

A week in Kenya, a country in Africa.

Well the weather has definitely felt that we have been in a hot country this week.

We have been expanding on our Vocabulary works:


We learnt about the different animals that are in Kenya, the climate and how they can live in city and towns like ourselves but also in small rural villages.

Here are a few highlights.

Den Building.

Building Structures.

Handa's village maps.

Sorting the animals.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Oddy and the team.

0 comment

9th June

admin on: Reception

Welcome back!

This week we are learning about a country in Africa called Kenya using the book 'Handa's Surprise',

We are using the story structure to write captions and retell parts of the story and notice that there are different fruits they grow and animals that live wild in this country.

Next week we will look more into the Urban Kenya and the cities, mountains and beaches.

What is similar and what is different between our country and Kenya?

We also tried the fruits from the book and made a chart to find out the classes favourite!

What a wonderful week!

Thank you for all your support at home.

6 weeks to go!

Mrs Oddy and the team.

0 comment

26th May

admin on: Reception

What a quick term that has been with the bank holidays and many exciting events.

i hope you can all see the enormous progress  your child has made since September all on their own individual journeys.

The children have loved retelling the story of Rosies walk this week.

They have been learning about doubling in maths using concrete objects such as dominos's, mirrors and matching dots.

We have had a great time learning new racket skills in our tennis session with the coach and ball skills on a Friday in the big hall.

Here are a few highlights.

Have a fantastic holiday and we are being blessed with super weather!

Thank you for all your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team!

0 comment

19th May

admin on: Reception

Its been a busy week thinking about what part of a plant we eat and why it is important to eat fruit and vegetables.

Vocab words have been exercise and  poisonous.

Which parts of plants are poisonous? We found out that potato and rhubarb leaves are poisonous.

Below is a class poster to show which plants grow under ground and which grow over ground. We looked really carefully are the real vegetables when we drew them.

Growing Sunflowers

Making shapes and thinking of what properties make it its shape name.

Shapes patterns in the sun

Hexagon shapes to make flowers

Green Man sculpture

Thank you for all your support.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment

May 12th

admin on: Reception

What a relaxing week we have had after the Coronation over the weekend.

It was Wesack/Vesack on the 5th May a celebration of Buddha's Birthday.

We looked at the way Buddhists celebrate around the world.

We have been trying relax and be calm this week with special breathing and stillness.

4 We are learning about the story of Buddha and how he meditates to calm his mind which is  good life skill to have. We have been doing Yoga in P.E. 

Painting Buddha under the Bodhi Tree.

Making Bodhi trees

Friday's Proms in the Play ground.

Outdoor learning.

Thankyou for your support at home,

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment

5th May Coronation

admin on: Reception

What a week of celebration.

The King's Coronation.

Vocabulary of the week was : Coronation and Past, Present and Future thinking here about the Queen Elizabeth, King Charles and future King William.

We have thoroughly embraced this, once in a life time event ready for the weekend. It helps us talk about, present and future events and why we have a king and queen. We also talk about families and think about our own family. 

We talk about the traditions of royal parties in the past and what we might do to celebrate within our community.

In mathematics we  have been adding on and combining two numbers within 10 to to make a new total.

In the woods we have been re-enacting the parade of the King and Queen and making crowns with natural resources. 

We have a fantastic Coronation Tea party with Mrs parker and Mrs Hemingway on Wednesday. 

We finished the week with the Prom's in the play ground.

What a busy week.

Enjoy the bank holiday!

Mrs Oddy and the Team

Small world narrative

Looking at families and talking about our own.

Thinking about the past present and future pictures.

Playing a counting on game with a number track and dice.

Constructing a castle.

Sorting out the shapes.

Constructing on the cutting and sticking table.

Building a castle. How proud do they look!

0 comment

28th April

admin on: Reception

Welcome to another week of activities in Reception.

We have been planting sunflower seeds.

Learning about what plants need to grow.

Looking at taller and smaller than objects.

Learning and understanding how to write teen numbers.

Tennis skills outside with the coach.

 Athletics skills inside.

Writing instructions of how to plants seeds.

Learning about Vincent Van Gogh.

Thank - you again for all your support!

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment

21st April

admin on: Reception

Welcome back to the Summer term. 

This year has flown by and we really think the children have really grown taller over Easter and are getting ready for the Year 1 with Mrs Parker and Mrs McLoughlin.

I am going to share our words of the week with you every week so you can also incorporate them in your daily conversations.

This week our words are - Habitat and Empathy

We will add to these words every week.

Our story this week was Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis.

Here are a few highlights:

Bog Baby pictures

Bog Baby sculptures

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment

31st March

admin on: Reception

Welcome to the last blog for the Spring Term.

Here are all the fantastic ' Character Heads' you made last week.

Every year I and wowed by the creativeness from what resources are available.

In assembly we also watch Graysons Uncle on youtube talk about building a rocket which took a satellite up into space to take photos of Pluto!


Making Easter cards

Making a long railway track

Learning about the Christian festival of Easter

Maths using our eggs and 10 frame egg boxes!

Have a lovely holiday and see you all after Easter.

Mrs Oddy and the Team!

0 comment

24th March

admin on: Reception

Spring has arrived this week.

First of all I would like to say a massive thank you to you all for coming into school and working on the Head project. The children thoroughly enjoyed this.

If you could spare a few hours in an afternoon anytime we always need people to listen to the children read. You would need to have a DBS if you have not already got one which only takes a short time.

We have  had a lovely time looking for signs of spring in our woodlands, listening and watching the birds and talking about the change of season.

Don't forget the clocks Spring forward this weekend!

Here are a few highlights.

Thank you for all you support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

0 comment

17th March

admin on: Reception

What a busy week we had had in our Reception Class.

Firstly thank you for sending in all your pictures.

We had fun looking at them all and the children talking about family members.

If you child says they had not seen theirs on the big white board please just email them again to  and we will make time to show them.

 I had to search in 4 different areas to find some.

We will see you all next week on Monday, Tuesday or Friday 9-10am in school to support your child with the 'Heads Character' art  project.

In this time slot we will have our Family Sharing time not on the 30th March as I will not be in school that afternoon.

You can talk to your child and share their work in their folders.

We started the week off with the science afternoons which the children really enjoyed. We made slime, rocket fuel, helicopters, rainbows by colour mixing and many more. They still need to complete two experiments at home to get their full 'Science Passport'. 

We have been looking at repeating patterns in maths this week.

Our focus this week was looking at how we change over time.

When we were a baby that is now in the past, our history.

In the future - We will grow and become teenagers then adults then elderly people. 

On Friday 17th we also had fun learning about St Patricks day and why we support 'Red Nose Day' with another chance to see our buddies!

Also we squeezed in a Mother Day card and bunch of flowers! 


Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team


Science helicopters

Ordering how we change over time

Ten dot pictures

Photos from the Science afternoons

Finally we squeezed in a Mother Day card and bunch of flowers! 


No one can say they didn't get flowers!

Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment

10th March

admin on: Reception


Please send in Via Teams a family picture so you child can talk about the difference they see in appearance and who they are, ready for next week. "Science week"

It's been another busy week on our Fantasy story theme.

We have gone a little further into the children interests this week looking at facts about planets and naming the British Astronauts Helen Sharman and Tim Peake.

We have been looking at number bonds to 10 in Maths.

Searching for Aliens in the woods.

Building robots and spaceships in the construction.

Looking  and talking about at who lives in our family.

Finally finishing off our character heads projects ready for you to come into school at week 5.

Please make sure you are signed up.

This will also be the opportunity to share your child's work not on the 30th March as the rest of the school as I will not in that afternoon.

Space Rocket

How tall?

Fantasy Land

Busy in making tea.

Thank you for all your support.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment

3rd March

admin on: Reception

Sorry I am not sure where my blog went for this week so I will just add the photos again?

Thank you to Grayson for bring in real 'SPACE FOOD!'to try.

Space themed art

Designing Aliens

Designing Robots

Getting ready for the 'heads Project'

Thank you for all your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment

24th February

admin on: Reception

Welcome back!

This is the start of our Fantasy Stories Topic for a couple of weeks.

Let's see where it takes us?

The children have been really excited about it this week as we have started with ' Whatever next" story book about a teddy who goings to the moon.

Here are a couple of highlights.

We have also started to look at the composition of number 6,7,8 using our subitising skills.

On Tuesday we had a traditional pancake mixing and recognising all the ingredients.

We also listen to an online story telling event all about our Well-being.

Thank you for your support at home,

Mrs Oddy and the Team

Building a Space Station

Moon and stars

Space Pictures

Different ways to make 6,7,8

0 comment

10th February

admin on: Reception

Last week of the first Spring term 1 and at last we are starting to hear those familiar song bird sound in the air.

We have had a super half term reading many 'Traditional Tales' with plenty of opportunities for role play.

Here are a few highlights from this very busy last week of ' The Three Billy Goats Gruff'

Experimenting with how to make a bridge with just paper

Printing our Monet Bridges

Making a curved arc like the bridges

Role play and building their own bridges

Making a road net work

Carful cutting out to make troll masks

Have a lovely holiday and thank you for all your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

0 comment

3rd March

admin on: Reception

Well March is  turning out to be a very busy month.

We have World Book Day on Wednesday which as a fun day reading and being read to with our buddies.

We are still learning about space and this week focussed on fantasy stories thinking about what an Alien might look like.

We also tried some space food from Grayson! Wow!!!

Here are a few highlights.

Getting ready for the art project

20th/21st and 24th March (Friday) 9-10am

Thank you for all your support at home,

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment

3rd February

admin on: Reception

Its been the tale of, 'The Three little pigs this week.

What fun we have had building houses, mixing the colour pink and  retelling the story in our own words.

We have also talked about why farmer keep pigs and what foods come from pigs, bacon, ham, pork sausages and sausage rolls.

Here are a few highlights.

We are started decomposing 6 this week looking at all the different ways to make 6.

Try this at home maths activity at home.

Making 6.

Thank you for your support at home.

Next week will be 'The 3 Billy Goats Gruff'

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment

27th January

admin on: Reception


This week has all been about the 'The Gingerbread Man'.

We have made him with cutting and sticking paper together, printed him after colour mixing brown and  retold his story by acted it out in the woods.

The of course we made and ate ginger biscuits.

We have been weighing and measuring this week in our maths skills using new vocabulary such as mass, length, weight, heavier than, lighter than, taller then etc..

Here are a few highlights.

Retelling the story

Mindful colouring of the characters

Mixing brown and sponge printing the shape of the Gingerbread man

Retelling the story in the sand

Using the puppet show to make up their own stories

Thank you for all you support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment

20th January

admin on: Reception


Well this week we have been learning about Chinese New year or the Lunar New Year.

This year is it celebrated on the 22nd January this year when the new moon appears.

Lots of our activities and vocabulary this week has been around this topic.

Thank you to those parents who attempted the 1 minute speedy reading challenge.

What a massive difference is has made to your child's reading. 

If you don't have time to read the whole book/sheet just 1 minute a day reading the speedy words with your child will make an enormous difference.

In maths we have been matching amount to symbols of 1 2 3 4 5 and writing our numeral correctly.

Next week we are looking at weight, length, size and capacity so get baking and measuring!

Bigger than smaller than

Taller than...

lighter than.....

Which hold more water? Get bath time activities.

Here are a few highlights.

Chinese traditional foods

Voting for our favourite

We also saw the return of winter!

Thank you for your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment

13th January

admin on: Reception

Well done to all the children for reciting 8 Nursery Rhyme's for this weeks challenge. 

We have focussed our learning on Humpty Dumpty in particular this week.

Looking at the rhyme and re-telling it like a story. 

We also looked at the make up of an egg.

The white and yolk and watched how when cooked it completely changed and can appear very different.

We also talked about how eggs are used in cooking to make lots of other foods such as cakes, custard, pancakes, quiches and many more.

We made little 3D Humpty Dumpty's out of newspaper paper and pipe cleaners, painted them and sat them on a wall in the classroom.

In our Maths work we are working out all the different ways to may 3,4, 5 and recording this in our own way.

We are using our subitising skills to work it out as this has to be instant recall.

Another great week.

Next week will be learning about Chinese New Year or the Lunar Year.

Testing a soft landing for the eggs

Tasting the eggy bread and omlettes

Looking at differences of the the uncooked egg and the cooked egg.

Eggy Bread

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Oddy and the Team!

0 comment

6th January

admin on: Reception

Welcome back to the New Year of 2023!

The children have settled so well this week and we all feel they have all really grown up in their attitude and behaviour towards learning.

This week was a Winter Wonderland week but we didn't get the snow I ordered from the sky!

We would like to remind parents/carers that 5 minutes a day of reading will make a huge difference to your child in these early stages.

We are looking for fluency, so when they come to read it after few goes they will not need to blend the words at all. It may be like they have memorised the book.

Please see  soon a short video of myself on MICROSOFT TEAMS helping you with the new speedy reading part of reading at home.

This is the start of the children recognising shapes of familiar words as we do automatically ourselves.

Here are a few highlights.

Painting Snowmen

Catching the drips.

Sorting and matching the dots using subitising skills - NOT COUNTING

Using conceptually subitising to add dots together to make a new total 4,5 or 6 - NOT COUNTING

Using our skills to recognise 4 and 5 in different contexts.

Thank you for all your support at home.

Mrs Oddy and the Team.

0 comment

16th December

admin on: Reception

Well we made it to the end of a very successful term.

Thank you so much for your gifts this Christmas it is very much appreciated and not expected.

Our attendance has been really good and we have won the attendance trophy a few times.

Thank you to everyone for your support with your child at home reading and just spending time talking and playing with them.

I know we all have busy lives but 5 minutes a day really does make a difference.

Over the holiday it is important to rest and spend time with family and friends.

Do things you enjoy.

Eat food you love.

Make someone laugh or smile.

Watch a favourite film.

Do something nice for someone.

Play with your toys.

I am sure you will join me in saying thank you to Mrs Hemingway for her support everyday and Mrs Parker on a Wednesday.

Here our a few highlights this week.

snakes and ladders

Making and Elf

Writing Christmas cards

Problem solving with the UNU.

Have a fantastic Christmas holiday and we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 4th December 2023!

Mrs Oddy and the Team

0 comment

9th December

admin on: Reception

What a super week of concerts.

We are all so proud of the children.

This week we have been looking at the job of the postal workers and their run up to Christmas.





Cosmic Yoga.

Thank you for all your support.

Mrs Oddy and Mrs Hemingway

0 comment

2nd December

admin on: Reception

Hello all,

Well we are here, in the final weeks before Christmas.

The Christmas Nativity 'Going on a Baby Hunt' is going really well.

Thank you for helping your child learn their lines. Over the weekend if they could practise saying it slower and louder that would be fantastic.

It's their big moment and you will be very proud of them.

Practise outside, on a walk if you go and in the garden.

This week has been a week of looking at different materials we use for building and various pieces of furniture and objects around the classroom.

We have talk about some of the properties of these materials. 






Which materials can be recycled and why we need to recycle many materials.

Which materials are man-made and which are natural.

We used magnets to test for metals.

In maths this week we looked at shapes and spotted shapes in our environment and which shapes are used for building materials and why? We discovered the school is made from stone and bricks.

Recycling station

Shape boats

Recycling and looking and talking about different buildings

Looking and describing different shapes and their properties.

Do they roll or slide?

Are the solid or flat?

Are they good shapes for building?

Next Thursday is our Christmas play. The dress rehersel is Tuesday.

Please make sure your costume is in school and if you don't have one please ask as  we have some in school you can borrow.

Thank you for all your support and we are looking forward to seeing you all next week.

Mrs Oddy and Mrs Hemingway

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25th November

admin on: Reception


Please spend time each week to help your child to read.

We can see the improvement in many children who are having a go at home.

It makes a massive difference to a child's confidence and progression in these early stages of learning to read.

If you are unsure of how to help PLEASE come and see us and we are here to support you, to help your child at home.

This week have been learning about jobs of Police officers and Life boat, life guards at the coast.

We realise just because we don't live near the sea we do have life guards at Holmfirth Swimming  Pool to keep us safe our our local community.

We have a Police Station near the swimming pool too.

We made our own boats using shapes cut from shapes using lots of mathematical language.

We also did an experiment outside to see what objects would float or sink.

We were composing and decomposing 5 which is part of our Early Learning Goal that we can recall all the number facts to 5 instantly.

We have use counters, 5 frames and cubes inside and outside.

Thank you also to Nurse Liz and Nurse Rebecca who came into school and talked to the the childen about their jobs in our community.

Thank you for you support,

Mrs Oddy and Mrs Hemingway

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18th November

admin on: Reception

This week we have been learning about Vets, Doctors and Nurses.

They all have really important jobs in our community and we have both of them in Holmfirth.

We are learning in our community there are lots of people with jobs that help us if we are sick, need glasses, need to see a dentist or there is a fire.

We also learnt about how important it is to be safe on the roads especially in winter and why reflectors work. 

On Friday we celebrated children in need and talked about why we need to support other children who are less fortunate than ourselves.

I wonder what we will discover next week?

Making a first aid kit!

Playing Doctors and Nurses

Inspirational patterns

Playing at being a Vet.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Oddy and Mrs Hemingway

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11th November

admin on: Reception

Hello all,

We have had another busy week. 

Please remember to return your reading books and records on a Monday as this is the day we listen to all the children and change their home school books.

There may be a book or a sheet in your child's bag. The Ditty sheet is for your child to read.

We will talk to you about this individually at the parents sharing evening on Thursday.

We have been learning about why we need to visit the dentist and opticians on a regular basis..

We also learnt about Remembrance day and why people where the poppies.

We understand now why we need to clean our teeth with a fluoride tooth paste as least twice a day and know which foods are unhealthy for our teeth.

Here are some phots of the week.

Cleaning teeth

Investigating different bug eyes


Making glasses

Eye art work

Identifying groups of 1 2 3's

Noticing how most food are harmful for our teeth so we MUST brush them twice a day with a fluoride tooth paste.

Finding 3 objects and placing them on our 5 frames.

How many spaces are left to make a full 5?

Next week  we are learning about the the jobs of Doctors, Nurses and Vets.

Please see the 'Micro-soft Team' home work for some pre learning clips.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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4th November

admin on: Reception

Welcome back to a vert busy half term.

The children have settled into school life and the routines really well after their holiday.

Just a polite reminder that reading books/sheets are changed on a Monday and library books on a Thursday.

Please keep your reading records and books in the school bag so we have them to write in and change accordingly.

This week we have been learning about Diwali the Hindu festival of light, Bonfire night and why we celebrate it and started to look at out topic of  ' People who help us in our community' - The fire fighters.

If you spotted this link between all this ....  'Fire'

Therefore we have talked about how dangerous fires can be especially fireworks and matches.

Rangoli Patterns

Dressing up

Painting the characters in the story of Rama and Sita

Making Diva pots

Thank you for support at home!

Mrs Oddy and Mrs Hemingway

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21st October

admin on: Reception

What a super half term the children have had. They all really deserve the half term break and training day, looking to come back to school, on the 1st November.

This week we have been potion making and noticing the beautiful patterns on the pumpkins. Special attention to noticing and subitising 1-3.

We have also sent home their reading record and sheet/book to have a go at over the holidays.

Here are some of our highlights this week.

Last weeks baking - Autumn Owls

Using the glue sticks to paint skeletons 

Mixing potions

A selection of themed stories

Have a great holiday rest and keep up the noticing and reading practise.

Mrs Oddy and the team.

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14th October

admin on: Reception

Thank you all for attending the parents evening. It was lovely to meet everyone and talk about your children. We are really happy how they all have settled and now are just getting on with the routines and hussle and bussle of life in our Reception class.

Please check the Microsoft teams password again as the man has been in to fix it.

Also thank you for the baking contributions as they go towards baking and any food activities we do in class every week.

Autumn has arrived this week.

We made animal sculptures in the wood this week.

Using our noticing eyes and describing words to wildlife that we saw.

In maths we were working on patterns.

Ordering sticks is size order saying, longer than, shorter than.

What a busy Autumn week!

As many of you can't yet access Team.

The homework is to:

Watch an episode of Funny Bones..Utube 

Discussing the character's in the story and that we are made up of bones inside us.

We celebrate the Pagan festival of Halloween every year in the Autumn Season.

Other festivals we will research after half term are Bonfire night, the festival of Diwali and finally Christmas.

Keep up the sounds, blending and reading to your children as this is so important for developing language vocabulary.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Oddy and the Team

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October 7th

admin on: Reception

Well what a helpful week we have had after reading and retelling the story of the Little Red Hen.

We have continued our daily phonics input and all the children are progressing in their letter formation and segmenting of a CVC word at what ever their individual level.

This week we have attempted to write these little words using our Fred fingers: cat kit cut bin and fun

Can you think of a rhyming word  to go with these? e.g cat mat         kit pit.

In maths we have been using the language:

bigger than

smaller than

shorter than

taller than

longer than

heavier than

lighter than 

Here are a few highlights.

Helping hands hen

Fruit faces last week and this week we tried different breads make from wheat

Our Autumn paper doll families from last week

Colour mixing with our red and yellow hands

Last week we used our sticking skills to arrange Picasso faces

Conkers have been arriving at school as sign of our season Autumn.

Please can you go for a walk at the weekend to look and notice sign of Autumn. You can also use your new 'noticing knowledge'  to allow the children to describe what they see and maybe a bit of subitising 1-3!

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Oddy

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30th September

admin on: Reception

Well this week we have been talking about our senses, families and parts of the body after reading the book below.

It also explores emotions and the memories hold in our heads even when something has gone.

In maths we have continued to look at similarities and differences with objects and have used the book below, Junk DNA to sort and then make our own characters, talking about the characteristics of each shape. and parts of the body.

Friendships and working together in our Reception Community

You hopefully will have the new

'Microsoft Teams' passwords and  Login where I will put on a bit of practical homework on every week.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Oddy

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23rd September 2022

admin on: Reception

This week we have learnt about our emotions through the book called Colour Monsters by Anna Llenas

The children have tried to recognise these emotions in themselves and times when they were excited or sad  and also on pictures of   people faces. 

They made some wonderful monster in the cutting and sticking area and painted their own monster.

We also introduced #Funky fingers# which happens in a morning with a selection of 3 activities which they complete to music each lasting a minute. These are to strengthen the fine motor control for cutting and pencil control.

Thank you for your support.

Looking forward to seeing you on Friday 2.45-3.15 for the Phonics Workshop.

Mrs Oddy

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16th September

admin on: Reception

We must say we are so impressed with the way your child has settled this week and taken on all the new rules and routines of school life.

They have all been fantastic making their way  up to lunch in the big hall and eating with the knife and forks. I have never seen so many clean plates from a Reception class.

Below are just some on the activities we have out on offer for the children in our continuous provision.

Next Friday 23rd September, I am inviting you into the Reception class a little earlier than the end of school time, for a short workshop on how we teach phonics and how you can help at home.


You child will be in assembly at this time so there is no need for child care. 

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Oddy 

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9th September

admin on: Reception

Welcome to Netherthong Primary School Reception Blog.

What a fantastic start your child has had with us this week.

P.E will be Monday and Friday. Please can your child come in P.E Kit on these days, they will not need a change of clothes. They will be inside for P.E but will be going outside for playtimes.

We are so proud of the way they have all come into school and settled.

Each week I will write a short blog and post photos of what has been happening in our class during the week. 

This week they have been settling into school life and getting to know our routines and the way around.

I have completed the government Reception Baseline Assessment with all the children so we can now start on the fun, progressive and informative curriculum we have developed for your child.

More information for parents about the Reception Baseline Assessment can be found online.

I look forward to getting to know you all personally, so we can work together to best support your child (in my eyes) their most important year of their education.

I will be holding two short workshops in Phonics/reading and  in Mathematics in the near future.

Please look out for these dates and times.

It will be straight after school and you child will be looked after for 20 minutes by Mrs Hemingway. 

Please attend both sessions so you can learn the best ways to support your child at home. 

We are looking forward to working with you and your child this year developing them into confident, happy children with a love of learning.

Mrs Oddy, Mrs Hemingways and Mrs Parker (Wednesday)

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22nd July

admin on: Reception

Congratulations for getting to the end of not just a whole Reception Year but the end of the hottest week ever recorded.

We have a had a week full of dinosaurs, map making, doing jigsaws  and playing games together and learning how to keep cool!

Here are a few pictures for the week.

Thank you for all your continued support this year.

Mrs Oddy and Mrs Hemingway.

Have a fun fun summer!

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Friday 15th July

admin on: Reception

What a hot week we have had.

Those summer temperatures are here!

This week we have looked at the oceans, rock pool life and safety at the seaside.

The story was the Snail and the Whale.

As you may visit the beach during the holiday we feel its important to understand what danger they maybe around and in the sea. Who you can ask if you are unsure and what the coloured flags man at the beach.

Here are a few of our activities.

Snail and a Whale

Floating and Sinking

Have a good weekend!

Mrs Oddy

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8th July

admin on: Reception

Hello everyone,

What a super day the children had this week in Year 1. They all behaved as super role models for my new starters in Reception.

In class we have had been reading the book Rosie's Walk by Pat Hutchins.

Here are a few high lights.


Making a Zoo.

Small world Rosie's Walk

Making maps

My map to school

Rosie's walk art.


The children has progressed so much this year and are ready for Year 1.

Thank you for your support at home,

Mrs Oddy

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1 st July

admin on: Reception

A week of Amazing Animals.

We will have been on our very exciting school trip.

Pictures to follow next week.

Here are a few photos of just some of the things we have done this week.

Printing backgrounds with leaves

Making symmetrical butterflies

Insects with loose parts

Making 8 

More loose parts insects

Picnic time


Thank you for your support,

Mrs Oddy

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24th June

admin on: Reception


Well we have had a week of minibeasts.

Ask you child about our New Class Pets. The stick insects!

We have been learning facts about spiders, bees and Stick insects and many more.

Go on a bug hunt at the weekend and see what you find!

Here are a few highlights.

Spider and web

Making Mini beast Hotels

Looking for bugs

Maths shape work

Next week is our class trip Thursday 30th.

Please wear school uniform and sensible shoes. Sun cream need to be put on in the morning, before school if it's a sunny day and please bring a sun hat.

A packed lunch and a non fizzy drink is needed too.

No coats needed if the weather is warm.

Thank you for your continued Support.

Mrs Oddy

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17th June

admin on: Reception

Well its been another week all about Africa. We have compared the similarities and differences between our country and Kenya. Animals, schools, towns and cities, fruit and vegetables and the environment.

Ask your child how many countries there are in Africa and see if they can find Kenya.

We have been looking at teen number in maths again this week and now we understand how a teen number is made we can now easily put the numerals in order.

We have used clay to make repeating pattern like on many of the clothes, jewellery and textiles in  Africa.

Very exciting new about the play ground JW Road Marking have for free transformed our playground and it looks amazing. It was great fun watching.

Thank you soooooo much.

Here are a few photos's

Thank you for all your support.

The trip is on Thursday 30th June.

The children will need a pack lunch for this day.

Mrs Oddy

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10th June

admin on: Reception

Welcome back,

This week we have been reading the book Handa's surprise. We have tasted the fruits, made necklaces with patterns, retold the story and painted the animals.

In our maths work we have been looking at teen numbers using two 10 frames.

One full ten and 2 of the next 10 = 12

Here are a few of our highlights. 

We have been building shelters and in our forest school session and built a big shelter for us all to sit in!

Thank you for your support at home,

Mrs Oddy

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27th May

admin on: Reception

Happy Jubilee week!

We have had super fun learning facts about the Queen and why we are celebrating the Jubilee this half term. 2,3,4,5 the June.

Talk to your child about what they have remembered this week.

Here are just a few of the highlights.

Building a castle for the Royal family

Designing crowns and Union jacks

Designing the Royal Coach

Designing a crown

Making the Royal Coach

We made our own sandwiches and had an indoor street party due to the weather conditions!

Typical British weather!!

Thank you for all your support at home. Have a lovely half term celebrating and enjoy the warmer weather. Keeping up the reading and subitising. Your child now should be able to tell you two numbers which add up to make 5 and two number which make 10. How many ways can they tell you?

Mrs Oddy

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20th May 2022

admin on: Reception

Well we have had a super week learning facts about vegetables and which part of the plants we are eating.

Did you know broccoli is a super food.

Carrots help you see in the dark with the Vitamin A.

Spinach really does give you energy as it is full of iron.

Parsnips contain  the most fibre.

Sweetcorn contains the most sugar.

Here are some activities we have done this week as well as tasting them in a soup.

Our sunflowers have grown

Noticing shapes and colours.

Describing vegetables

Counting on.

A cinema night with snacks!

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Oddy

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May 13th

admin on: Reception

Here is a round up of work and activities we have done for Weasck/Veasck.

It's is a Buddhist Festival for Buddha's birthday. It is celebrated on the full moon in May.

The children have really enjoyed learning about the rule and belief of a Buddhist Monk and how they are kind to all people and animals and nature. they are vegetarian or vegan, share all their  wealth, and give gift not receive them.

Circle of Life

Shopping outside 

Finding odd and even number and matching pairs.

Playing in the sand

What a busy week. 

Next week we will be looking a Vegetable and fruit and which parts of the plant we are eating. Talk to your children about what fruit and vegetables you have at home and where they are grown.

Please remind the children we only eat  plants , leaves , roots, berries with a grown up. We don't pick leaves or berries from plants outdoor unless we are with a grown up.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Oddy

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Friday 6th May

admin on: Reception

This week we have been looking at Sunflowers and plants. How they grow from a seeds, labelling parts of a plant, writing instructions to plants seeds and describing flowers.

They have been doubling number to 10 and sorting groups of seeds onto 10 frames to check we have enough for all the children.

Here are some of our highlights.

Look at a seed packet and see how much information there on them.

What numerals can you see?

How many are in the packet, the price, size.......

Time... Months of the year...size

Nutrition information.

 Instructions to pant............

Thank you for your support at home.

Please do come and talk to us if you have any questions about your child and their learning journey.

Mrs Oddy and Mrs Hemingway

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29th April

admin on: Reception

Welcome back to the summer term. Hopefully we will see lots of lovely long summer days so we can take our learning outside.

This week we have been learning about @Bog Babies@

What they look like.

How to look after them. 

Where they live, their habitat.

What happens when we take an animal away from its environment.

Why its important to tell the truth.

In maths we have been doubling number to 10 and looking for symmetry in nature.

In P.E we have started out tennis session with the coach from Thonsbridge Tennis club.

Here are a few of the highlights.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Oddy

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Friday 8th April

admin on: Reception

Well we made it to the end of the Spring term. 

Thank you to all the parents who came into school last week for the heads project. They are now on the wall displayed for every one to see and it make us smile every day day looking at all the different details.

The children have been working so hard in all areas this term.

I know you can see improvements at home from your comments. 

Over the holidays:

Enjoy the countryside and don't forget to spot those signs of Spring outside. 

Here are a few of our Easter activities we have done this week.

We talked about how Easter is a very important time for Christians and how they celebrate it.

Here are a few of our Easter activities this week:

Cutting and sticking

Playing with the easter investigation tray.

Printing eggs for our cards

Chick quiz

Fantastic Heads effort from all.

Eggs in the woods!

Have a brilliant holiday and see you all fresh and ready to learn on the 25th April!

P.S Class Trip is booked for the 30th June to Sheffield Tropical Butterfly House. This will be a full day in school hours.

Mrs Oddy and Mrs Hemingway.

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