
Primary School


Reception blog


14th October

Posted: Oct 10, 2022 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

Thank you all for attending the parents evening. It was lovely to meet everyone and talk about your children. We are really happy how they all have settled and now are just getting on with the routines and hussle and bussle of life in our Reception class.

Please check the Microsoft teams password again as the man has been in to fix it.

Also thank you for the baking contributions as they go towards baking and any food activities we do in class every week.

Autumn has arrived this week.

We made animal sculptures in the wood this week.

Using our noticing eyes and describing words to wildlife that we saw.

In maths we were working on patterns.

Ordering sticks is size order saying, longer than, shorter than.

What a busy Autumn week!

As many of you can't yet access Team.

The homework is to:

Watch an episode of Funny Bones..Utube 

Discussing the character's in the story and that we are made up of bones inside us.

We celebrate the Pagan festival of Halloween every year in the Autumn Season.

Other festivals we will research after half term are Bonfire night, the festival of Diwali and finally Christmas.

Keep up the sounds, blending and reading to your children as this is so important for developing language vocabulary.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Oddy and the Team


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