
Primary School



19th January

Posted: Jan 18, 2024 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

What cold cold week we have had just perfect for our science experiment of melting and freezing from a solid to a liquid.

We made eggy bread looking at the science of cooking eggs from a liquid to a solid but also having a healthy tasty treat.

Vocab :   Freeze Melt Rhyme

In math's we were looking at the different between number to 5. You have 4 he had 5 what is the difference in the amounts?

We painted Robin's and Humpty Dumpty's and completed our 8 rhymes challenge.

Here are a few highlights.

Eggy bread

Printing and cutting and sticking

Creative free play

Finding the difference

Freeze and Melt

Bird Food

Thank you for all your support at home.

Next week will be the 3 little pigs traditional tale.

Mrs Oddy and the Team


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