
Primary School



17th June

Posted: Jun 15, 2022 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

Well its been another week all about Africa. We have compared the similarities and differences between our country and Kenya. Animals, schools, towns and cities, fruit and vegetables and the environment.

Ask your child how many countries there are in Africa and see if they can find Kenya.

We have been looking at teen number in maths again this week and now we understand how a teen number is made we can now easily put the numerals in order.

We have used clay to make repeating pattern like on many of the clothes, jewellery and textiles in  Africa.

Very exciting new about the play ground JW Road Marking have for free transformed our playground and it looks amazing. It was great fun watching.

Thank you soooooo much.

Here are a few photos's

Thank you for all your support.

The trip is on Thursday 30th June.

The children will need a pack lunch for this day.

Mrs Oddy


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