
Primary School



May 13th

Posted: May 10, 2022 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

Here is a round up of work and activities we have done for Weasck/Veasck.

It's is a Buddhist Festival for Buddha's birthday. It is celebrated on the full moon in May.

The children have really enjoyed learning about the rule and belief of a Buddhist Monk and how they are kind to all people and animals and nature. they are vegetarian or vegan, share all their  wealth, and give gift not receive them.

Circle of Life

Shopping outside 

Finding odd and even number and matching pairs.

Playing in the sand

What a busy week. 

Next week we will be looking a Vegetable and fruit and which parts of the plant we are eating. Talk to your children about what fruit and vegetables you have at home and where they are grown.

Please remind the children we only eat  plants , leaves , roots, berries with a grown up. We don't pick leaves or berries from plants outdoor unless we are with a grown up.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Oddy


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