
Primary School



Friday 8th April

Posted: Apr 6, 2022 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

Well we made it to the end of the Spring term. 

Thank you to all the parents who came into school last week for the heads project. They are now on the wall displayed for every one to see and it make us smile every day day looking at all the different details.

The children have been working so hard in all areas this term.

I know you can see improvements at home from your comments. 

Over the holidays:

Enjoy the countryside and don't forget to spot those signs of Spring outside. 

Here are a few of our Easter activities we have done this week.

We talked about how Easter is a very important time for Christians and how they celebrate it.

Here are a few of our Easter activities this week:

Cutting and sticking

Playing with the easter investigation tray.

Printing eggs for our cards

Chick quiz

Fantastic Heads effort from all.

Eggs in the woods!

Have a brilliant holiday and see you all fresh and ready to learn on the 25th April!

P.S Class Trip is booked for the 30th June to Sheffield Tropical Butterfly House. This will be a full day in school hours.

Mrs Oddy and Mrs Hemingway.


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