
Primary School



Friday 4th February

Posted: Feb 2, 2022 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

This week we have been learning about Chinese new Year.

The year of the Tiger officially begins on the 1st February this year. It is the start of a multi day festival for around 2 billion people around the world. It happens on the second new moon after the winter solstice. (Lunar New Year)

Here are a few of the activities we have enjoyed this week.

We made some percussion instruments with different materials inside which made different noises. We sang two celebrations songs, danced the dragon dance in P.E  and watched the dancing dragons and tigers on the big screen.

Chinese Dragons

Constructed Dragon

Cooking Stir fry!

Decorating the house.

Cutting out a spiral dragon.

Happy! Dragon made.

Making groups of 6 in our maths work. Looking at making 6,7,8 this week.

I will be doing a maths workshop on Tuesday 8th February. 2pm it will last 20 minutes.

It will be recorded if you can make it.

Thank you for your continued support.


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