
Primary School



3rd December

Posted: Dec 2, 2021 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

What a busy week we have had continuing our daily phonics and maths as well as experiencing the first signs of winter.

Please look on Teams for the link for imoves advent calendar. 

Its a three minute work out per day. The kids love it.

We have been looking and sorting different materials and talking about recycling which we will cover again later in the year.

Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, 

I have attached an active advent calendar to Teams. The children have really enjoyed the first three days and would like to continue this over the weekend. You may need to sign up but its all FREE.

Snowy day what fun we had exploring the properties of the snow and watching it melt. Solid to a liquid!

Drawing plans our our houses!

Sorting different materials!

More house designs in the role play area.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs Oddy and the Team


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