
Primary School



Friday 12th November

Posted: Nov 10, 2021 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

We have continued the theme of people who help us in our communities and this week we have been looking at Vets and Doctors/Nurses.

Please could your child have their books/sheets in their bags ready for every Monday as this is the day we change them.

Please write a comment in the reading record once a week. It really helps us understand how your child is getting on at home.

The book/sheet will have been read to us at school to an adult so it will be familiar to your child.

We need to know if reading/blending is a happy time for your child. The early reading journey is not easy for all children at the beginning but i can be fun. Short regular help with lots of praise will really encourage your child to have a go and please praise every effort. Please read the speed sound orange laminated sheet before you start this acts like a warm up. If you would like any advise please come to see us.

Thank you. Mrs Oddy 

Building our own fire engine.

Subitising and noticing groups of 1 2 3.

The children have loved the 'role play'  being a vet and making the animals better. The also made their own doctors bags.

We recognised Remembrance Day and made some Poppies with Miss Hemingway and remembered the people who lost their lives to keep us safe. The poppies which have been displayed in the school library. Make sure you have a look when you drop your children off!


The new Vocabulary we have used this week: help, siren, vet, pet, doctor, nurse, medicine, prescription, accident, ill ,remembrance, safe, army, navy protect, environment.

In maths work we have been subitising (recognise without counting)  amounts of 1 2 3. We have also make shapes with 1 and 3 sides.

Here is our Kandinsky design.

Next week we are learning about 'Oral Hygiene' and the importance of going to visit the Dentist and Optician . How can we help our teeth keep clean?

In maths we will continue subitising and using the 5 frames to make concrete images in our heads.

Also keeping safe on the roads now it is getting dark at night.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Oddy and the Team.


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