
Primary School



Friday 15th October

Posted: Oct 14, 2021 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

Autumn is coming!

We have had a week noticing changes that are happening outside in the environment. We have been on an autumn walk and have learned new vocabulary such as hibernate, migration and words to describe the fallen leaves; crunch, rustle, crispy.

We started using 5 frames as a way of identifying 'how many' without counting.

In cooking we were tasting 'harvested' vegetables.

Next week we are thinking out the cultural festival of Halloween and reading the book  'Funny Bones' .

Looking and noticing patterns.

Hope to see people on Monday 2.50-3.15 for my Maths workshop. 

Next week we will be giving out reading records and passwords for 'maths seeds' and 'reading eggs' for you to have a go at in the October half term.  

Thank you,

Mrs Oddy


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