
Primary School



Friday 1st October

Posted: Sep 28, 2021 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

What a busy week.

The Autumn weather has now come upon us.

We are looking at the changes that happen in the environment in Autumn so please talk about this to your child when you go out on family walks.

The changing colour of the leaves.

The cold weather and that we have to ware warmer clothes.

The dark nights.

The festivals like Harvest as the farmer are busy collecting their crops from the fields for the supermarkets.

We watched a show all about harvesting carrots, tomatoes and blue berries to make a rainbow salad. Your child might want to make this at home.

Red - Tomatoes

Orange - Carrot

Yellow - pepper/sweetcorn

Green - Salad leaves/cucumber

Blue - Blueberries

We have been sorting different objects in maths and saying why they are sorted in that way.

For example the same shape, colour size.

Our book this week was 'Paper Dolls ' by Julia Donaldson

We designed our own family.

Thank you for your support,

The Reception Team


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