
Primary School



Vegetables everywhere!

Posted: Apr 28, 2021 by: Mrs Parker (NHemingway) on: Reception

30th April 2021

This week we have been looking at the book, Oliver's Vegetables by Vivian French. We looked at which vegetables grow above and below the ground. We then looked at which part of the plant we eat, the roots, stem, leaves or flower. 

On Wednesday, we looked at the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo, who painted pictures of different fruits, vegetables, meat and fish together to make portraits of people. We had a go at this ourselves, using paint, pastels and cut out fruit. 


In science, we predicted which vegetables would sink or float in water. We recorded our predictions then tested them and were surprised with the results! 


Oliver brought some exciting items into class this week! At his Grandad's farm, they had de-horned a cow and bull, so after they have been disinfected, he brought them in to show everyone! We even got to see videos and pictures of the process the vet used. Thank you Oliver and family! 

Why not try some different vegetables at home! 

Have a lovely long bank holiday weekend and we hope the weather stays sunny! 

Miss H and the Reception Team xx


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