
Primary School



Home Learning Tuesday 30th June

Posted: Jun 28, 2020 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

Good morning everyone - It's Mr. H. again! Can you believe it is time for transition Tuesdays again?

First things first, I hope everybody is doing well and are staying safe.

I am currently writing this at home after taking Luna and Brego out for a walk and I got soaked wet!

Here is a small task for you to have a go at! Can you take on my number and alphabet challenges?

You get three minutes to write your numbers to 20 and try to get them all the right way around.

The same applies to the alphabet challenge, how many letters can you complete in three minutes whilst remembering to keep them the right way around?

Here are some photos for you!

This one is of Luna and Brego having a cuddle last week in the sun! Awww...

And this one is of Brego hiding his face behind his Christmas sloth toy! 

Back to you Mrs. Oddy!

Home Learning Tuesday 30th June

Go noodle/Jo Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga) or just walk round the garden.

PHONICS  and Reading

 Handwriting: eEvV


I, the, to, love no, go, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you  saw  how   was  they some come  are water who want

New words: was your saw they walk talk: all, small, tall, call

9.30  am    set 1 sounds for recap

10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the ir sound

Have a go at reading these words.








Hold a sentence:

I was first.

 I am a girl/boy

The bird sings.

Writing Learn some fact about giraffe and have a go at writing them down.

Facts about Giraffes.

Animal intro - Giraffes Can't Dance.

Giraffes Facts

Number –We can compare 3 lengths

Vocab – Longer shorter, shortest, taller tallest, higher, highest, compare

Warm up

Say a number between 1-10

Can children put up that number of fingers. Can they show different way to make that number.

e.g 8 is 4-4 3-5 2-6 1-7 0-8

Counting to 20 forwards and backwards in 2’s and 10’s.

Maths seeds

White Rose

NUMBER- We can compare lengths

Children start with looking and listening to the words tall, short.

A giraffe is tall a mouse is short.

Children record objects that are taller or shorter than themselves.

Recording could be in picture form or in a list.

How find one thing shorter and one thing longer than a hand span.

Use paper to create a long /short bridge.

Outside child up to 5 objects  sticks/leaves and compare lengths and heights.

Can children label their objects shortest/ longest? Ask children to predict and then tell you in a sentence. E.g This stick is longer than this one.



To learn facts about Giraffes.

Where do they live?

What do they eat?

How do they drink?

How fast can they run?


Collage giraffes/prints of giraffes.

Giraffe's Can't Dance Art project for Kids

Thank-you and have fun!

Mrs Oddy



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