
Primary School



Home Learning Monday 29th June

Posted: Jun 27, 2020 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

Home Learning Monday 29th June

Go noodle/Jo Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga) or just walk round the garden.

PHONICS  and Reading

 Handwriting: bBkK


I, the, to, love no, go, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you  saw  how   was  they some come  are water who want  was your saw they walk talk

New: all, small, tall, call

9.30  am    set 1 sounds for recap

10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the air sound

Have a go at reading these words.







Hold a sentence: The fresh air. The black chair. The long hair. or

At the fair we can chat.  The green hair is long/short. The boy/girl can sit on a chair. Giraffes can’t dance.

 Giraffes Can't Dance - Activities for Kinder

Power Point Giraffes Can't Dance

Writing -  Introduce the story of Gerald and ask the children to write down/draw things that they are good at or that they love to do.


NUMBER –  When the long hand is at 12 the time is something o’clock

Maths seeds

White Rose

Warm up

Look at 2D and 3D shapes.

Look at a clock count round the numbers in order. What number does it start on? And finish on? Which number is at the bottom , top, left, right?

 Look at the positions of the numbers.

Can the children work out what time we come to school? Lunch time? Home time? Bed time? May draw some pictures to help with the understanding of the passing of time. We use a time table in school. Children will focus on what is important to them. Lunch TIME!

The hands on a clock turn forward and never backwards except for in Autumn.

Children make their own clock face adding the numbers and the hands.

 They then complete some  o’clock ‘s.

Play what time is it Mr Wolf.


Explain to the class that they are going to listen to a story about a giraffe named Gerald, who gets teased because he is clumsy and unable to dance like the other animals. However, Gerald meets a special friend who helps him. Ask the children if someone has ever helped them learn how to do something new. How did they feel when they could not do what everyone else was doing? How did they feel once they learned how to do it?  What did Gerald have to do in order to become a dancer? Is it important that everyone is able to do the same thing well? Ask the class why they think the author wrote this story. What did he want children to learn from Gerald's experience?

Children tell you things they are good  or that they find tricky …. My super powers…

Make a spinning plate of Gerald. You will need 2 paper plates and a split pin.

Giraffe's Can't Dance Art project for Kids


Look at the word can’t.

Why do people say it?

If we sometimes try really really hard we can do things we didn’t believe we could.

Swim? Ride a bike? Read? What else.

Giraffe's Can't Dance Art project for Kids

Thank –you Mrs Oddy



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