
Primary School



Home Learning Friday 22nd May

Posted: May 21, 2020 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception


Here is a little booklet to help your child with the reopening of schools.

 Everybody Worries

Friday 22nd May


Go Noodle/Joe Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga) or just walk round the garden.

PHONICS  and Reading (Oxford owl ebooks available)

Handwriting: f s e u

 Red words:  I, the, to, love no, go, all, small, tall, call, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you ,saw, how,  was, they, some, come, are, water, one, two – New red word : there where

10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the ir  sound







10.30 am set 3 sounds

Have a go at reading these words.





Hold the sentence:

There are 8 British coins.

I have a good voice.

I plant the seed in soil.

Choose 1,2 or 3


NUMBER – We can use different coins to pay.


Can you remember all of the 8 coins?

If possible today you need to have a few 1ps,2ps and 5ps,10ps

You need a few items from around the house to price up (only up to 10p today).

Food packets and tins are good to make a shop.

Can you tell me how much the beans costs?

The price is 4p. What coins can we use to make 4p?

How many ways can we make 4p?

2p+ 2p=4p



Repeat with other items: You will only need 1p2p5p coins.


You could make a café and list the items and prices in the café with process on.



Here is also some information about Eid.

Eid is celebrated this weekend this year 23rd and 24th May.

It is usually a family and friend’s festival but this year people will have to celebrate with their families they live with in their own homes.

Eid is a time when Muslims are celebrating the end of Ramadan (fasting).

Here is a link to Cbeebies Lets celebrate.

I hope to see many lovely children back on the 3rd June. It won't be quite the same; we will make sure everyone has a warm welcome.  We will endeavour to provide your child with the best education we can under the restrictions.

Finally let me say a big THANK-YOU to all the parents and carers for your support in these unprecedented times.  I can see many of you are working so hard and really enjoying home learning but I do understand the children are missing their friends.

I will continue the daily blogs after the holidays as these will be followed in school by the children in their pods and by the staff.

Just to reassure you the children will be working with a member of staff familiar to them. We will not know which groups we will be teaching until we know who will be returning to school.

Have a super half term break.

Mrs Oddy, Mrs Hemingway and Miss Hemingway.


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