
Primary School



Home Learning Tuesday 12th May

Posted: May 11, 2020 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

Tuesday 12th May


Go Noodle/Joe Wicks/ Yoga (cosmic Yoga) or just walk round the garden.

PHONICS and Reading

Handwriting: e s q u

Red words: I, the, to, love no, go, all, small, tall, call, my, by, he, me, be, we, she, of, said, you, saw, how, was, they, some, come, are, water – New red word : one two

9.30  am    set 1 sounds for recap sh this could be useful





10.00 am   set 2 sounds looking at the ee sound

Have a go at reading these words.







Hold the sentence: I can see the seeds.

You can make up your own just make sure your child is not just copying your sentence they are working it out themselves.


e.g The cart has two wheels.

Number -

Counting forwards and backwards. Sing days of the week and months of the year if you can remember these.

You need groups of objects today up to 20.

Talk about a good estimate. If it is nearly right it is a good estimate.

We can think in our head what 5 or 10 looks like.

Put the objects into piles and label them.

less than 10                     less than 20                   between 10 and 20

Then count to see what is a good estimate.

Now put 10 pasta shapes in a tub and shake them. Secretly add more - can your child make a guess at the amount in the tub? More or less? Then a number removing or adding items.

This can be played outside estimating number of sheep in the field, birds, flowers etc.


TOPIC- Food diary

Today is the Cancer Research running/exercise challenge.

Here is a power point of information all about how to be healthy.

Healthy Eating and Living

Get out into your gardens or do a big walk thinking of helping other people who are less fortunate then yourself. This might be a good time to talk to your child about worries that they may have and reassure them that they are safe with you and if they do get ill that we have our amazing NHS to look after us all and help us to get better.


I will be running with Mrs Barker in the school grounds.

Mrs Oddy




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