
Primary School



Friday Yipee! 27th March

Posted: Mar 26, 2020 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

Well we have made it to the end of week one!

Thankyou for your postive comments and I hope you have enjoyed learning about spiders and now have a better understanding of these amazing creatures.

 I think you are getting into the routine now.

If you would like to finish off the weeks work then here are some activites you can try:

Go noodle - Dance 

Register - day, date, Months and Weather outside


If you would like to finish the first 'Get Writing' Ditty book that would be great. You can then read the book through again.

 Phonics Phase 3 Home Learning Challenges.pdf

This could help we have not covered 'ure' 'ear' these are taught in yr 1

I hope you have fun writing the spider poems. If you had a rest yesterday here is the template again and posh paper if you want to write it up or copy it into your green books.

Spider poem template Expected.docx

spider poem writing paper.pdf

You can read them out in the garden now and I hope there are some funny ones.

Read their home school book. There are many free books on

Look for the RWI books as they are our scheme: RWI -Red or green or Big cats.

Mathematics -   Maths seeds and Number books. We are playing bingo in school today. Great for number recognition and your can download playing cards from the internet.

Crafting, baking, playing games, constructing enjoying family time.

Clock Spring forward on Saturday!!!!!!

Any photos of the children I will post on a Friday  or you could always share them on your  WhatsApp group or email group.

Have a good weekend and watch out for the Monday Blog.

Theme Spring and Easter next week. 

Take care and stay safe. 

Mrs O x



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