
Primary School



Thursday 24th March

Posted: Mar 25, 2020 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

Good morning, super parents!

Great programmes are on Cbeebies and just heard Steve Backshall is on tomorow after Jo wicks on utube 

 I did read that home schooling for young children should only be work based for 1-2 hours a day.

9.30 Steve Backshaw live

Well, I didn't watch much news yesterday and felt better for it. The sun was so lovely. I hope you spent much of the day in your gardens and playing like I did with my own children.


Read and Read to your child. Absorb them in rich language. If you have Big Cats home school reading book there are activities in the back!

 Write - A sentence with capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. 

You can do this in the green book with the topic writing  or Ditty book Get Writing.

 Improving letter formation, practice  n h m l  t.

Mathematics - However appropriate using different media, books, mathseeds and practical.


Most other areas of learning can be done  through play, talking looking up information and our amazing technology and apps.

Here are you suggested activities for the day. 

Go Noodle

Register - those teddies and dinners. Say the day, month and date and the weather outside.


First Flash the speed sounds and red words. Have a go at reading the the sounds with ay in them lay may play tray clay stay ect.

Next  look at the the powerpoint Facts about spider.


Then open the poem writing frame you can copy this out. This is your rough work. On Friday the children can copy their poems neatly onto nice lined paper or into the green books.  

Spider poem template.docx

Have a go at this poem  activity together it could be fun. 


Mathematics - number book or mathseeds number block on Cbeebies.

You could always make the cube today that came with you green book and turn it into a spider house. Talk about how many corners it has and  faces. Look at how is is made from six squares. 

Again use you imagination with number sentence stories. There are 3 Black Birds in the garden and 6 Robins join them how many all together? 

If you feel you can have a go at making a healthy spider with ingredients you may have around. You can always share you creations on watsapp.

These are some they made last year using Oreo biscuits, strawberry laces and fruit. Don't feel yours has to look anything like this. 

Maxwell's spider writing yesterday! Top marks.

Good luck and enjoy the sun while its still out!

Mrs O x


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