
Primary School



Wednesday day 3

Posted: Mar 24, 2020 by: Emma Oddy (EOddy) on: Reception

To all my lovely parents.

I can just say you are all amazing!

I have not found this situation easy, being a parent myself also.  Today, receiving some gorgeous photos of the children has put this  into perspective.

Lots of messages flying round on Face Book but this sums it up:

There is no academic emergency this week, so don't be so quick to set up a home school. Our country is in crisis and we are all stressed and tired. Stressed adults can't teach stressed children. It is a neuro-Biological impossibility. Try focusing on connections and feelings of safety.

Having said that I love all your efforts at home. Its only day 3... your children will be fine; Every day they just need to read and be read to,write a sentence or two and find maths games to play including baking, Uno, Domino's, cards, snap, board games and playing with each other and with their toys..

So Wednesday (my day off you can have one to if you want).

Go noodle - Dance

Register those teddies! Count them, sort them into two different groups work out some number stories.

There are 6 teddies and 3 are playing outside how many are left? There are 2 teddies in the sand and 6 teddies in the home corner how many all together?

 If available you can record these.


No Ditty book today unless you wan to.

If you have the RWI cards now's the time to flash them.

Did the children make those red words from yesterday don't worry if not but if so now is the time to flash those too.

INFORMATION for writing.


Not sure this will work if you don't have power point but you can always look up spider facts.

Have a go at writing some spider facts in the green book and draw a spider. Here are some ideas they could write. Try to let them think first. Don,t worry too much about the spelling just help them to sound the simple ones out . They will be able to spell most of these words except for spider/eyes/spider-lings. Remind them of the ay sound for lay.  Just write as many or little as you child is motivated for minimum 2.

A spider has 8 long legs.

A spider can spin a web.

A spider has 8 eyes.

A spider can lay lots of eggs.

A spider has lots of spider-lings.

I hope they will enjoy this task. 

Have a break.

Maths - Continue with the number books or maths seeds and play games which incorporate hidden maths.

Here are some photos of the children today.

Jude finding a spider.

Elle being busy.

Just do as much or as little as you can every day.

If you want to go outside and construct a spider web that would be fun. 

Keep smiling and please don't feel under any pressure. Most children are at a good level already.

I will be in school Thursday and Friday this week.

Have a good day,

Mrs O


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